
The Day I Saw A God

This story is about a girl. Her name is Natsumi Furakawa. She is in a High School Girl. She lived in Tokyo Japan. She had A Normal Life. Though she was the Japan's most Richest Architecture's daughter. One Day She Meet With Someone Who Told Her That She Is Going Die Today. What Will Happen To The Girl? What Will she do? Read the story to know about what happened to her and all the other people that she will meet and she had meet will have there promised day. The day they die.

Fahim_ahmed · Teen
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78 Chs

Being A Substitute God Part Two

Chapter 37

She gets curious and confused of why he is feeling uncomfortable. She thought to herself [Why? What did happen?] Though she didn't ask him because if he somehow feels uncomfortable and gets angry at her after replying to that question. Though she replies to him (Light) another question like this :"You don't have to ask for permission to not to answer to me you are the God." She continues her reply to him by asking him (Light) like this :"But answer me this where is Ban?"

He looks around himself and he didn't see Ban. He replies to her like this:"He must be in another room or fulfilling some other people's wishes. He is a busy person after all." He continues his reply to her by asking her like this :"I am sorry that I forgot but where was I at?"

She replies to his question like this :"You were at '"It took me some week to convince him that I am really the God.'"

He continues his reply to her like this :"Oh! I remember. After I convinced him that I am the God he didn't try to ask me anything or any kinds of wishes. I showed him that I can do everything. Even reviving the dead. He had not only one but so many people he wanted to see again. I really thought that he would asks me to revive the peoples that he really want to meet again. Though he surprised me by just wishing for only one thing."

At that time Natsumi was curious about what he asked from him (Light) And it made her very excited. She looks at him with excitement and waits for what it is. He continues his reply to her like this :"The wish was that... He wants to every living person live there life without leaving any regrets. And that's why you had your wishes fulfilled to you before your death and we had starts to fulfill every living person wishes before there death."

Natsumi was amazed and was looking at him with awe. Even though he said that he knew what she wanted to ask from him he didn't reply or answer one of the questions she tried to asks from him. She asks him like this :"But you didn't answer the question that I wanted to ask you the most?"

Light was surprised. He looks at her with surprised expression. He didn't use his godly power to read her mind or see the future it's just that he had this kinds of moments when talking about Ban in particular. So he was really surprised when she stood him that he didn't answer the question she wanted to ask the most. Light asks her like this :"Which question of you I didn't answer?"

Natsumi replies to him like this :"How did Ban becomes the substitute God and how Ban being the substitute God is related to save our world?"

Light was more surprised. He knew that she would ask that question and told her the answer of those questions. Though it's seems like she didn't get that. He replies to her question like this :"I already answered that. I told you already that I don't like to hassle myself with the human's world and I won't change anything in it."

Natsumi asks him like this :"So what?" She still didn't get what he wanted to mean by that.

Light was disappointed. He looks at her with disappointed face. She didn't like that reaction. She gets a bit irritated because of it. He replies to her questions like this :"Ban only wished for one thing and I fulfilled for him. He didn't wish for to become the substitute God. I let him enter heaven because of great deeds that he done. He lived in heaven for two years. Even now and then heaven was always peaceful. And it will be always peaceful. It just he realizes something and he starts fulfilling other people's wishes like me and the other angels. After fulfilling other people's wishes for almost three thousand years I give him the offer of becoming the substitute God to save the world if he wanted or meeting with the person he wanted to met again the most. He chooses to save the world. If he didn't want to become the substitute God and meet with the person who he wanted to meet the most the world would have ended in 2025 with the world war three raging on for more than twenty years."

Natsumi was stunned by his reply. She didn't know what to react. She was shocked. She now knows and understand why Ban choose to become the substitute God instead of meeting. She feels a bit sad and regretful for yelling at him (Ban) and making him do all the work and fulfilling her wishes. She thought to herself [Because of him.. and I only make him do all the work and treat him like a slave more than a friend or human.] She makes a sad face and expression.

Light looks at her face and realizes that she is feeling bad and sad. He replies to her like this :"You don't need to feel bad or sad about it. It's just happen the way it was supposed to be."

Ban enters the room and comes into the veranda. He was holding a two cups of coffee in both of his hands. He forwarded one of his hands towards Light and gives one of the coffee to Light.

Light thanks him (Ban) for doing that like this :"Thats my substitute. Never forget to bring me coffee every three hours. Even I forget that it's time for drinking coffee now."

Natsumi thought to herself after hearing that from him (Light) [Be grateful to him he gave you a cup of coffee. How can he stay silent and calm after being disrespected? And drinking coffee every three hours? Doesn't he sleep?]

Ban forwards his other hand and gives the other cup of coffee to her. She thanks him normally like this :"Thank you" He smile back at her as if he is indicating to say welcome to her.

The coffee was hot. Natsumi was drinking it slowly. Though Light drinks the coffee in one sweep even after it was hot and cooked a minutes ago. He puts the coffee besides him and asks him like this :"So where did you go?"

Ban replies to his question like this :"I just comes from the one of the lower world after fulfilling another human person's wishes who is about to die."

Natsumi was surprised and confused. He (Ban) only just left sometimes ago. Only some few minutes have passed. When he was fulfilling her wishes before she died it took him more than fours hours to complete all of her wishes. She spills all of the coffee she drunken so far from her mouth. She asks him (Ban) like this :"What?!!"

Ban looks at her and punch his left hand's palm with his right hand as if indicating he remembered something he forgot. He realizes that he didn't told her about that. He replies to her like this :"Oh! I forgot. There is a big difference between time in the living world and the heaven."

Natsumi asks him (Ban) like this :"How long or big is that difference is?

Ban replies to her question like this :"In every one seconds in the heaven passes is equivalent to 2 minutes in the real world. You guys have talked about a bit more than three minutes. Three minutes in heaven is equal to six hours in the living worlds."

Natsumi asks him like this :"How much time has passed since I died in the real world?"

Ban answers her questions like this :"Almost a week passed in the living worlds." He continues his reply to her by asking like this :"Why do you ask?"

Natsumi replies to him like this :"For no reason. I was just a bit curious." She really did have no ulterior motive. She was just curious and suprised.

Light replies to them like this :"Would you guys stop ignoring me?!"

They look at him and they saw that he is completely drench wet with the coffee she throw from her mouth. It was awkward. Ban was silently standing. Natsumi apologizes to him like this :"Sorry, forgive me. I didn't do that on purpose." After she said that she thought to herself [Please don't throw me into hell.]

Ban thought to himself [You messed up this time. Not can I help you if that happens]

Light replies to her like this :"If you didn't do it on purpose I will forgive you." He then uses his godly power to make himself dry, neat and clean again.

Natsumi remembers something she forgot and she replies to him (Light) like this :"You told me that every people who died in the living world either go to heaven or get a chance to reborn. And if they choose to go to heaven they will enter there own heaven. Which they will create or do anything in there.

Light replies to her like this :"Yes, I said that."

Natsumi asks him (Light) like this :"Then why I am in Ban's heaven?"