
The darkened light

Immortal healing beings try to communicate and intermingle with the human world in order to survive on mutualism while hiding a horrifying truth waiting to be uncovered by one of their own who has fallen madly in love with the most powerful, hidden, and lost child.

AroosaLiaquat · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Uncle James

Sam was in the workshop when Jack went back. Uncle James was also working on a car. "Look I fixed this without you today" Sam complimented himself while Jack entered the workshop. Jack tapped his shoulder in appreciation. "he is getting better at work lately" uncle James added in his appreciation. "it is great then isn't it!" Jack said . "where did you go in the morning after William's car? I kept looking for you" Sam asked Jack " why were you looking for me?" Jack counter-questioned him "Meesha and I decided to hang up in the evening so she thought Sara would like it if you were there," Sam said in a low tone. "Unhun, Meesha thought or you decided to get rid of Sara and have alone time with Meesha" jack teased Sam. Sam smiled and asked if he was coming while preparing to leave the workshop "I will be there "Jack answered "and you haven't told me where you were gone" Sam exclaimed and left the workshop. Jack smiled while looking at him leave. Uncle James came towards Jack and stood beside him "come to have a cup of coffee at home" James walked out of the workshop and Jack followed him.

Uncle James brought two cups of coffee while Jack was watching TV on the sofa. "You have been quite self-occupied lately," James asked while placing one cup in front of Jack "thank you," jack said. James looked at him and waited for an answer. Jack was quietly looking at his coffee deciding what to tell his uncle. "I saw my mother," he said in one breath. "like in your dreams" Uncle James knew about his nightmares and asked if it was one of those "No, not in dreams but in real" Jack's frown got thicker and serious "she is alive and good, I met her today" he sighed "I met her before also but that was a brief moment when I couldn't believe my eyes but today I talked to her and she is alive" and there was grave silence for a moment " and you did not bother to tell me !" James asked considering that Jack always shared important things with him. "I would have shared but I needed time to settle myself" Jack answered in his serious tone. "look Jack I understand that you are grown up and you can handle yourself but I am concerned about you and you know that you can talk to me whenever you want, you know that right !" uncle James said lovingly. Jack nodded then he was quiet for a while and kept looking at his coffee until he looked up at uncle James and asked him "do you know what am I? and why my mother left me on the roadside" Uncle James could not gather up the courage to tell the whole truth to jack but he nodded in agreement, Jack was confused to hear this "yet you never told me " Jack inquired "I would have told you when the time was right but I think your right time has been decided by your mother again. "your father and I were best friends and he shared everything with me. I knew that someday he will get himself in trouble while following that girl and he did. He was very dear to me and so are you" he looked back and realized that Jack had left the room and the coffee was still there getting cold.