
The darkened light

Immortal healing beings try to communicate and intermingle with the human world in order to survive on mutualism while hiding a horrifying truth waiting to be uncovered by one of their own who has fallen madly in love with the most powerful, hidden, and lost child.

AroosaLiaquat · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A living fairy

James was standing in the room near the window, sipping on his coffee every now and then

"you won't believe what happened today!" Mason said with childish excitement "here you are with your nonsense stories" James answered him while working on the car in the garage. " I talked to the fairy I told you about" James gave no reaction to his stories, "you don't believe me, she is actually not a fairy but she has some powers like fairies, they call themselves Illuminators and they live here among us". Mason explained getting no reaction from James "hey, hey do not scare me okay! you know I am afraid of ghosts" James shook his head. "I am not scaring you, they are real, what if I take you to them would you believe me then!" Mason challenged him "okay take me to them and I will believe you" James answered casually. "No need of going anywhere" Catherine was standing in front of them. Mason jumped down from the car bonnet and came toward her "there she is" "who, your fairy! James was surprised and he started to laugh "I was about to believe you" and he continued his laugh "yes she is, you will see" Mason answered while James came toward Catherine "I am James, his friend, he talks a lot about you" James shook hands with Catherine and realized that she was extraordinarily warm. Catherine gave a shy smile and looked at Mason who was already staring at her. They took her home and offered her coffee. "I don't drink coffee thanks. I came to ask for a favor, I need your help". Catherine explained. "help, what kind of help do you need? James asked . "I want you to help us intermingle with humans" She explained, "I thought only my friend was crazy but you are his partner, you don't look like anything other than human," James said. Catherine gestured his hand to a table and a splash of light lit it on the fire. But the next moment she put it out and the table was undamaged". Mason then looked at James and gave him an ensuring smile. "I dint want to scare you, I am harmless" Catherine explained. "we are not here to destroy anything or harm anyone, rather we are here to help people, we can cure terminal illnesses of body and soul" she added. James gave her a suspicious look and then to Mason. "How can I help?" he asked. "you and him together, you can introduce us to other humans as common people with magic to heal, and rest is on us, and you can rest assured, we do not harm people" Catherine explained "what is your benefit in this?" James asked her in return to which Mason made a face to James. "Touching a human soul increases our power and we become stronger, more the contact, the longer we live, and it is beneficial for both parties like mutual-ism" She reassured him with a confident smile.

"I wish I never met her and never believed them, I would have lived peaceful life" James came back from his thoughts.