
Terrible day

Clark's POV

I woke up very hungry this morning, so I decided to go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast and from there go to class. I couldn't wait for Zayn, my roommate. "We'll see in class" I told him and immediately went out of the room.

When I got to the cafeteria, I saw Treena and White on thesame table with white busy eating and Treena running her mouth as ususal. "They must be so close now" I whispered to myself. I was proved wrong immediately as I saw Treena storming out of the cafeteria in tears. I ordered my breakfast of bacon and egg. Immediately I got my order, I walked over to white's table. "Arrrgh" she screamed and rested her head on the table in frustration. "Can I just join you, kiddo? I said. I actually didn't have the intention to annoy her but I guess I did. Immediately she raised up her head and our eyes met, her hazel eyes looked furious. So, I just ignored that, carried the chair across her and placed it beside her. Immediately I sat down, she stood up, packed her stuffs and went out of the cafeteria. I actually felt bad and I felt I should have just allowed her to eat in peace. I ran my hand through my blond hair in frustration, I already lost my appetite and I didn't feel like eating anymore. Actually, since the day white walked in through the door and I set my eyes on her, she actually amazes me. You know, she looks so innocent and easy going. I've actually never seen a grown up lady, who had no idea of what was going on in the society. From her horrible sense of dress to her innocent look, it all amazes me. I find myself curious about her most times. Her outfit today is actually not bad, she looks so beautiful with those curly hair. "Babe, I've been here since and you didn't even notice me", someone said and I turned to the side only to see Chloe, my girlfriend. "Oh, you are here", I replied after noticing how lost I've been with my thought. "What were you thinking about? She asked and her brown eyes stared into mine intensely, I had to break the eye contact and look away. I carried my bag instead, 'I'm going to class', I said ignoring her question. "You haven't even touched your breakfast" she said. "You can have it", I replied and walked out of the cafeteria. Chloe has being my girlfriend since last year in college and I'm actually dating her because she fits my criteria and standards.

Immediately I got to class, I met Treena alone in the class, she was crying, so I walked up to her and sat beside her. "You're okay? I asked and I made her turn to face me. "No, I'm not " she replied and started crying more, I just made her rest on my shoulder and I pat her back. Treena has being my friend since childhood so I know it's really hard to see her cry. I guess what white said to her must have been so hurtful.

"I tried to apologise to white and she said horrible things to me" Treena said after she stopped crying. "What could she have said to make you this way? I asked and Treena continued crying instead. I actually started getting frustrated but I wasn't ready to make the matter worse. Finally, she brought out a napkin, dabbed her eyes and blew her nose. "You're okay now? I asked and she just nod her head. "I'm okay thanks to you" she added and struggled to smile. "So, what did she say to you? I asked sounding more interested in the matter than consolling her. "Well, she was like thank God I know she doesn't want to be seen with a lesbian, blah blah blah" she replied and sniffed. "How could she be so heartless? She added shortly after. "It's not like it's my fault I'm attracted to females" she said. At that point I knew I had to badmouth White to make her happy. "She's actually so horrible to talk to you like that, she's not even classy for that kind of gut", I said. I actually wished I didn't say that because white walked right into the class with a furious look, I knew immediately that she heard my part and not Treena's. It was as if the ground should swallow me up instead, it's not even half of the day yet and all bad things are happening.