
The Cult Sacrifice

The meaning of life and destiny are two sides of the same coin. The only similarity the two have are a means to an end, the end of all stories, the conclusion of life, that is death. Two powerful lovers receive the divine prophecy. They hear that the goddess of death will be descending onto their world and will punish those who don’t show their faith. Kai and Mari are told to complete the task to begin the apocalypse. If either one helps in the others task they both will be slaughtered. If one fails, both will die. Each task will further the impending doom of the world and give blessings to complete their mission and live together once more. Original cover artist: unknown

MicahGrubbs_ · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Kai the King (2)

Kai was covered in fog. There was only darkness inside the throne room. There was the king and many of his attendants, but as Kai had spoken there was a shiver of fear that was sent through every single on of their bodies.

"I'm here to take the crown." Said Kai.

There was no response because the people inside the throne room were being eaten up with the mysterious fog that came from Kai. I'm earnest the fog that Kai has swirling around him is the blessing he received from the goddess of the undead.

"I see that the king is slow king going to crack. The crown will be mine in a short moment." Kai said.

The fog that Kai was using was much like what Mari was currently focused on. Kai had the blessing to create illusions. Inside the fog was a world that Kai was able to create and inside this illusion he was able to condense space and time so that every week was only a second in the real world.

Kai was currently showing the king a cruel punishment. The king had no way of knowing this because he never had a strong will, but his illusion was based on the fall of his kingdom.

The king was currently imposing taxes and fighting an uphill battle against an unknown force.

"You're telling me that over the twenty-seven battles we have engaged ourselves in, we have never got to see our enemy?" Yelled the king.

"My liege, we continue to send out troops and they continue to disappear. There is no helping the situation. We have utterly lost this battle." Said Kai who was acting as the kings right hand man.

"We have been at war for ten years now. Do you remember this?" Said the king.

"Yes, when I first entered the throne room I had implored you of impending doom. I'm sorry I could not have been of more help since then." Said Kai.

Kai had given the king the illusion that when he entered the throne room it was because he wanted to warn the king of a war. The truth was that a war was incoming but the king was not going to be there.

Kai was trying to spare this old man the lonely death in a battlefield. So Kai came as a prophet to show the king of what the future looks like.

"My king, I think it's time for us to make one last stand." Said Kai.

"Do we have enough troops? How about my son, has he been warned to stand and fight?" Said the king.

"Your highness, your son and other children were murdered when we fled from the battlefield on our twentieth fight. Do you not remember?" Said Kai.

"You're right. My head has been a mess lately. Most of my life has been spent at this war. It's hard to think about anything else." Said the king.

The king was originally really young, when Kai approached him in the real world Kai was surprised to see a young man who seemed to only entered adulthood. The king was proud of his family right but also blindsided of a life full of peace. The king enjoyed the riches and status of being king. This was until Kai had made him live out many years of long lasting war.

"My king, the enemy is here. Our troops standing guard have disappeared. We only have ourselves. I think it's about time I tell you." Said Kai.

"Tell me what Kai? We've known each other for many years, what is there you have to tell me?" Said the King.

"Remember that this is the truth." Kai said.

A long white glimmering sword shrouded in dark fog pierced the king.

"Why?" Asked the king as all the air from his lungs vanished.

"You will see in a moment." Said Kai.

The dark fog that was surrounding the blade quickly ate up the entire world of illusion and returned to Kai who was kneeling at the throne room.

"I see." Said the king.

"You're back. It's only been a few hours but it seems like you understand the truth." Said Kai.

Kai was still a noble who adorned the nobility class, he didn't want to ruin this world but instead wanted to show everyone the truth. The truth that only Kai knew was an illusion. The war that he showed the king and the many nobles was not going to happen that way, the truth was that Kai had to start it and it was going to be against his wife.

"This will happen if you do not succeed your crown to me. You will die a long and lonely death. All the people here will die the same way if you do not give your kingdom to me." Said Kai.

"So you say all this and show us the future, but how can you be certain that you can change this?" Said the King.

"I have seen the enemy. I have seen the future. The illusion I have shown you all is only a small blessing gifted to me by the wonderful goddess." Said Kai.

"The goddess you follow has blessed you very well, but you understand that I can't just give you the throne right?" Said the king.

The king had lived out those many years inside the illusion Kai had created, in his eyes that was the real world and he had grown very tired. At this point he only wanted a single moment to live a happy life, that was what he wanted to do while he fought to survive.

"I know there are rules for the throne but I must tell you that if you don't hand the throne to me now then you will fall victim to many more atrocities. The first will be at my hands." Said Kai.

The guards were on alert but they didn't act. They had also lived in the illusion that Kai envisioned. They witnessed Kai kill armies and countless soldiers with his powers. So when he threatened the king the soldiers didn't move an inch out of fear.

"I see. You were the enemy weren't you?" Said the king.

"Yes. I knew every where the battle would play out and wanted to give you every chance to see that my power is not something you can fight against." Said Kai.

"I see. So you spared all of our lives and warn me of denying your request. I guess there is no other way is there?" Said the king.

"None." Replied Kai.