
The Cult Sacrifice

The meaning of life and destiny are two sides of the same coin. The only similarity the two have are a means to an end, the end of all stories, the conclusion of life, that is death. Two powerful lovers receive the divine prophecy. They hear that the goddess of death will be descending onto their world and will punish those who don’t show their faith. Kai and Mari are told to complete the task to begin the apocalypse. If either one helps in the others task they both will be slaughtered. If one fails, both will die. Each task will further the impending doom of the world and give blessings to complete their mission and live together once more. Original cover artist: unknown

MicahGrubbs_ · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Kai The King (1)

Mari and Cameron were approaching the high and tall wall that was on the other side of the lake that Mari had started this trial at.

It made no sense that the walls were not seen as she glimpsed past the lake but considering that she was not in the slightest focused on the task given to her it was possible.

"We should be seeing the front entrance soon." Said Cameron.

"Will there be any problem getting in?" Said Mari.

"No. As long as I am with you we can say that you're going to be doing some trading on behalf of a nearby village." Replied Cameron.

Cameron didn't know what happened with the villagers in the house where all the villagers met their timely death.

Cameron was very in tune with what was happening now and not much to ask questions. It seems as if the moment she travelled through the dimensional rift a large part of her personality was doomed to mirror that of a soldier. She was more focused on being a good hand to Mari in any way possible and lost sight of what it meant to be alive. Cameron didn't mind this though, she found true ecstasy in following the goddess and being helpful to Mari.

"Cameron, I do not see any guards at the entrance. Is this some sort of mistake?" Asked Mari.

"Yes. There are usually a handful of guards slacking off and joking around. I suggest we move fast and see if there is something wrong." Cameron had said in a calm manner.

Although Cameron was calm there was a small fire in her words. She had never seen this post empty without any guards standing at their post. She had many memories of the men trying to seduce her and eventually grew very fond of their feeble attempts.

"Calm down Cameron. I can sense something within you burning." Said Mari.

"I shall resist it under your order, General Candidate." Replied Cameron.

Mari sensed the upset Cameron displayed. They were after all bonded together through the dark energy. The goddess of the undead both blessed them with this.

Mari had seen the gate and was expecting there to be many guess and many travelers but was very surprised to not see a single soul. Even if this was an illusion. She was starting to suspect foul play.

Mari and Cameron ran towards the immensely large walls and stepped through the gate. The gates were not as large. It seemed as if the decorations around the gate were used to allow for a normal sized gate. The wall had many indents of details and statues surrounding the gate that the normal doors leading to the village was beautiful.

"Where should we go to first?" Asked Mari.

Although foul play was obvious, Mari had no idea where to begin her investigation and thought it was a good time to take her first step in figuring out what's wrong.

"The village chief would be the first to know when something is wrong." Cameron replied in a dead and monotone voice.

"Seems like you need to take more training in restraining your emotions. If something like this is getting to you now then you won't be any help to me in the future." Said Mari.

"Think about what I just said. For now I'm going to take your advice and find this village chief. I want you to lead me there." Said Mari.

Mari was beginning to understand the sort of dynamic between the both of them should be like. It was slightly unfortunate for Mari because she was hoping for someone to be like an equal to her, but the case was that Cameron is her underling. Mari had many things to teach Cameron.

"Yes General Candidate, I will lead you to the chief and take what you say to heart. Those are your orders." Echoed Cameron.

"Good, we don't have time to deal with your drama." Said Mari.

In that moment Mari felt the sharpness of a sword at her throat. She was telling Cameron to put aside her feelings so that Mari could deal with the task in front of her. The only reason that Mari wanted to get any of this done was because of her beloved Kai. She was separated from her lover and had to go through all this to be with him again.

"General Candidate, in front of the entrance will be the housing for the soldiers. We can find some clues there before we travel to the chief." Said Cameron.

"Very well, that's a good idea. Cameron- thank you for directing your attention to our task. We need to be focused." Replied Mari.

Mari originally felt a slight bit of betrayal in her own words but the image of Kai was able to put those feelings away. What she wanted more than anything was to be with him again and she would do anything to make sure nothing gets in her way.

On the other side Kai was in the middle of a throne room kneeling and tucking his head between his legs. He was greeting the king of some kingdom. Kai was back on the world that Mari had originally came from, but unlike Mari he was able to make some sort of advance towards his task that was given to him.

"Your highness, I assume you have read my letter." Said Kai.

"You're a very silly man. You address me with such ease and recommend that I relinquish my entire kingdom into your hands simply because you say?" The king said.

"Let me rephrase my entrance. I'm here to take your crown and kingdom." Said Kai.

Kai released a thick dark fog from himself and engulfed the entire throne room into pure darkness.

It was at this moment of silence that Kai had felt a sting inside his heart. He knew that it was the attachment of his wife Mari being pained to be so far apart from himself.