
The Crossbreed

For as long as I can remember I've hidden my true self. I've learned from my past and now know not to trust anyone with my secret. But after years of hiding, I've been given no choice but to show the truth about me. This small town in Maine is about to have a hybrid on its doorstep... {Synopsis} - After staying hidden for over a hundred years James decided to go to Mystic Falls to investigate his mother's murder, once he got there he found something out about the case and himself that he just couldn't believe. My Instagram is @blaze3xx you can reach me there for any questions or comments on the writing. Also, the book cover was made by @v.sm_morgenstern

Blaze3xx · Fantasía
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11 Chs

The Pack

She looked at him with a confusing expression on her face before asking, "Oh really? What exactly did you hear?"

"Well let's just say that there's only one girl other than you that La'Ron cares for enough to bring you here."

"Wait, did you just say La'Ron? As in the La'Ron Gordon?" Said one of the werewolves.

"I prefer to go by Blaze but yes that's me."

"No way! I've heard stories about you, you're supposedly the most powerful, ruthless wicked beast to ever live."

"I don't know about that, I think there were at least one or two beasts that are as bad if not worse than me." He said while looking at Prez and Weezy

"Who me? In the past decade that I've known you, I haven't done anything as bad as what you did in Keansburg in, the summer of 2019." Said Weezy

"Okay enough about you guys, why don't you introduce her to the pack?" said someone in the distance

Everyone looked up and saw a man behind a tree fidgeting with his fingers.

"Oh yeah right my bad guys, this is Daniel," Weezy said while pointing at the man behind the tree.

"He was an omega when we found him, he was very hard to convince to join the pack let me tell you but he came eventually."

"If you're gonna introduce the pack at least introduce the best wolf you have first and by the way you didn't find him alone." Said a woman standing next to Blaze

"I'm Alex, the girlfriend of that sexy little dog over there, pun intended." She said with a smile on her face.

"Not to ruin your fun and all bro but why don't you just tell me the names and capabilities of everyone so we can get through this a lot quicker cause if you planning on telling me everyone's story we're going to be here for a while," said Blaze

"Sorry you're right, okay Daniel is very very strong, Alex is fast, she jumps high and she's really smart and strategic. This guy over here is Steven, he's just really quick. Those two over there are brothers they don't talk much they're just here for the thrills of being in a pack, oh and they hate vampires so watch your backs. There's more but they aren't here so I'm done for now."

"Okay so we got ourselves a super wolf, super-smart wolf, some kind of werewolf vampire assassins, and a true alpha, I like this," said Prez with a smile on his face

"Wait what special powers do I have?" Asked Ivonne

"We don't know yet we have to wait until you turn to find out, it all depends on the color of your eyes."

One of the brothers walked up to Blaze and said, "So this is the big bad vampire everyone's been talking about huh? You're being talked about a lot in the supernatural community right now. He looked at Prez and said, "You too, apparently the two of you are some super strong and unbeatable vampires."

"I wouldn't say unbeatable but you got the strong part right," responded Prez

"Okay, that's enough storytelling guys, it's time to go to sleep."

"Wait La'Ron can we walk this way? I need to talk to you," said Ivonne

"Yeah, sure I got time." He responded

"Woah no you're not going anywhere in these woods alone, we don't know anything about the area and we don't know where those two brothers are," said Jason

"I'm not alone I have her, she'll protect me," Blaze said while looking at Ivonne.

"Whatever" Prez said while shaking his head

Ivonne and La'Ron started to walk further and further away from everyone else, they turned down a trail and saw a bench so decided to sit down there.

"Okay you got me away from everyone else, what's the matter? Asked Blaze

Ivonne turned her head as if she was looking for something or someone, Blaze looked at her with a look of confusion on his face before asking, " What are you looking for? Are you expecting someone?"

"Jason!!!" La'Ron heard a woman scream from a distance.

He ran as fast as he could toward the woman. Rambling on and on once he got there asking questions like," What happened? Where is he? Who screamed his name?"

"She did," Alex said while pointing and looking at a girl standing under a tree. She looked confused and scared, tears falling from her eyes, she was in a dirty white dress and white shoes.

"Are you Jason?" She asked

"No, I'm La'Ron Jason is my younger cousin, who are you?"

"I'm Lily," she replied

"Where are you from and why did you scream my cousin's name?"

"I'm from here in Jersey and I'm a banshee, I don't have any details but Jason is in trouble."

"What do you mean? What kind of trouble? I'm going to need you to be more specific."

"Listen I'm a banshee, not God I'm an omen of death. That scream that you just heard was a warning."

"Yeah, a banshee screams when someone's about to suffer a violent and painful death. Is that why you screamed Jason's name? Is he going to die?"

"No! No, he isn't, not if I have anything to do with it." Responded Blaze

"Don't forget about me. We're in this together." Said Weezy

"Listen up, every single one of you will help me find my cousin I don't care if you're a werewolf, vampire, witch, or banshee today we are all fighting for the same cause." Said Blaze

"If you prefer not to then you may walk away now."

People started walking away from every angle, some going into the woods and some walking towards the city. A handful of people from the pack stayed showing their loyalty to Blaze, Weezy, and the rest of their family.

"But as you go I would like you to understand that anyone willing to stand aside and allow my family to be threatened or hurt in any way, I would be forced to consider an enemy," Blaze said while looking around at everyone who decided to leave.

A group of people walked back toward the two saying," I know all about your family, and because I know what I do I'm going to make the smart decision and stay and try to help, me and my wolves are here to do whatever you need us to." Said Abby, The Alpha of another werewolf pack

"I'm gonna go search the woods, I need everyone else to split up and search every inch of this city. James let's go you're with me, Weezy take someone from your pack and see what you can find out. Neither of you should be alone while we try to figure out what's going on here." Blaze said

James and La'Ron traveled through the woods as fast as they could looking for any clue they could find that Jason was anywhere close or even alive, once they got halfway across the woods they saw something.

"Wait I smell something, it's blood." The both of them ran towards the scent knocking branches and anything else on their way over. They found a shirt with blood on it, "it's Jason's blood, he's hurt." Blaze said before punching a tree


"Woah calm down there buddy, the tree didn't do anything to you we did." said a man who was walking toward both James and La'Ron.

"Who are you?" asked James

"I'm Jackson, my friends call me Jack but you aren't my friend so that doesn't extend to either of you. Long story short we were sent here to kill you." He said while pointing at Blaze

"We? Who's we I'm only seeing one person here and that's you." Responded James

People started walking from behind the trees on every side, at least twenty different creatures from werewolves, vampires, and werecoyotes.

James looked at La'Ron and said, "You ready for this? We can take them."

"We? No, I want this to myself I'll let you know if I need your assistance."

"Okay, I gotcha I'll step to the side, have fun."

"Now for you, you think you can defeat me with this? You and this group of weak nobodies? I am La'Ron Gordon, I am the evilest and most wicked beast on earth, I am the apex of apex predators, The worst of the worst quake with fear at the sound of my name and now you're about to find out why."

His eyes turned orange and yellow before two vampires ran and jumped towards him, he leaped and met them in the air ripping both their hearts out before even hitting the ground. He ran towards two more and snapped their necks then looked at the rest of the group, raised his arms, and said, "Well come on, come meet the beast." He said with a smirk on his face.

Blaze killed every one of the group members saving Jackson for last. "Alone at last, I hope you could fight as well as you could talk." He said to Jackson

"No please don't kill me look I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you I was just trying to put on a show, please he got down on his knees and pleaded for his life but Blaze just laughed and said, "You reap what you sow." Before ripping his head off of his shoulders.

"Well, that was violent."

"Yeah well, I warned them didn't I?" Blaze responded


They heard a noise behind them, it sounded like someone was in the bushes.

"You can have this one, I've had my fun," said Blaze

"Finally," James responded

"Well that wouldn't be smart since I'm on your side, It's me Alex."

"What are you doing here?" James asked

"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I thought you guys might want to know that Weezy and the twins went missing after we all split up and they left a note, that said to bring you to this location if we want to see them again and that they don't want to fight they just want to talk," she responded