
The Crafter and Cookies

This is my first time writing, please read the synopsis. I decided to write The Crafter because I am unsatisfied with the number of fanfics and novels about Minecraft crafting abilities so I humbly introduce you, my precious readers, to my One Piece The Crafter And Cookies. ======================================= Aryan POV: Arf! Arf! "Scratching noises" Arghh... here we go again cookies is waking me up by whimpering and scratching my bed in the middle of the night in my pitiful thin-walled two-roomed apartment because she needs to pee. argh, who taught you how to do that? I'm sure of it now cookies knows that she can't wake me up on my bed because it's too big to just jump onto. She somehow figured out that if she can't climb onto my bed to wake me up like she does when I'm on the couch shell just scratch on my bed and make dying dog noises till I wake up and take her out. dang it why are you so smart cookies? Oh well, I think living on my own and acting on my own interests is better than being suppressed by another person's rules. No matter who, or where I am, sadly no matter where I go in this world, I will always be limited on what I can do if only I could be free like a Minecraft player in an infinitely expanding world. Regardless I'm never moving back home just to have a steady roof over my head and do free labor for my parents. I'm sorry Mom, and Dad but your son is too prideful and rebellious to return home, I'd rather stick to my choices in life no matter the consequences than second-guess myself, because I know once I second-guess myself once it'll be downhill from there. Mom shouldn't have too hard of a time at the house when dads away for work. Because she still has two pairs of extra hands to command as she sees fit. sorry, Joanne, and Aaron I say this with all the love in the world but your big brother will never go back and do free labor ever again! I say with my chest puffed out, I've had enough of that already, argh enough of that I shake my head trying to rid myself of my distracting thoughts, anyway for now I'll have to quickly get dressed and take my cuteness generator 9000 out on our daily 3 am walk to the park before I have to clean up a little troublesome stinking puddle. Hehe, I won't be the one cleaning a stinky puddle today but I know someone else who will "evil laugh". An- Our MC Aryan forgets that his walls are terribly thin. Aryan POV: Hmm, it seems like cookies really likes taking a leak in the same spot every day that spot being my next-door neighbor's welcome home mat Hehe I think Arlene will forgive me again after all she hasn't killed me yet "laughs nervously" I'm sure I'll be fine what's the worst that can happen it's not like shell run me over or anything hah as if, she doesn't even have the balls to do that literally hahaha. Anyways let's dip cookies before we get got ARF! SHHH... General POV: A few seconds after Aryan leaves a dark figure passes through Arlene's now-opened door dressed in what vaguely looks like bunny-printed pajamas with matching bunny slippers and latex gloves. Moments later the dark figure closes Arlene's door and steps out into the unforgiving cold unfair world with car keys in hand and a doormat to avenge. Scene Brake- ======================================= If you want to support me add this book to your libraries or leave a review. :) I do not own Minecraft or Marvel, or any other elements I may use from different sources. All I own is my own OC. I have only published the Crafter and Cookies on Web Novel and royal road anywhere else you see this it's copied. Now that all that is done thank you for your time and enjoy. ;)

WIKKY · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

Oh No...

A/N: This story is also on Royalroad under the name Justhebest, ill be your friend if you can put this book in your library on Royalroad as well. :)


Aryans POV:

It's been about two hours since I got to the village, and I have learned the name of my future wife and her family. First is Rosamie my future wife then her mother Blessica, and finally the loli Analyn.

After chatting with them all for a bit I finally grew a pair and just asked Rosamie to show me around the village by gesturing to the surrounding village and then pointing at herself. When Rosamie processed my gestures, her eyes lit up in sparkles as if she was waiting for me to ask.

And so began my first ragdoll experience in this world she basically dragged me around the village by hand while pointing and naming everything we passed. Of course, I mostly didn't understand what she was saying but there were some similarities between English and Filipino.

After doing this for about 20 minutes we made it to the rice field I passed earlier on my way to the village. Just when Rosamie was about to start leading me back to the village, I stopped at a nearby flooded rice field and pulled out a single small rice sprout from the ground. Seeing this Rosanie raised an eyebrow at me.

Seeing her questioning look I decide to just show her what I'm planning on doing. Then when I make the small sprout disappear into my inventory right in front of Rosamie her eyes widen in surprise. Then once again I make it appear in my hand.

When Rosamie sees this, she's actually not scared but seems to be more interested in what I just did. So, when I think she's ready for more I put the little rice sprout back into the ground from where I pulled it. Then I just started staring at the sprout until it did what I was hoping for, surprisingly Rosamie didn't ask any questions and only patiently waited beside me.

We must have been there for at least ten minutes just staring at the sprout. I had decided to sit on the ground around the five-minute mark while Rosa continued standing up still patiently looking at the rice. But as soon as I was going to call off this watching grass grow charade the rice sprout finally decided to grow.

The little rice sprout was nowhere to be seen. The only plant that remains in the once little sprouts spot is a rice plant that looks only days away from fully maturing. But of course, this plant is at max only a couple of minutes away from full maturity.

Finally seeing the rice grow I immediately got up and started taking out all the sprouts from the ground completely missing the expression plastered on Rosa's face. Once I had all the sprouts of this rice field in my inventory, I did a quick speed run back through the flooded rice fields planting all the rice sprouts back in place.

As soon as I was done with one rice field I quickly started on the next field. By the time I was done replanting the rice sprouts on the nearby fields, I had a couple of villagers watching me. Naturally, it didn't take long for the people to notice the plants growing naturally fast.

Just like in the game the plant's growth is completely random and some of the sprouts started to grow only moments after I planted them while others are still at the sprouting stage. When some of the villagers saw this some of them were already on their way back to the village about to spread the news. While others were convinced that I was blessing the plants with some kind of magic.

Well, they were not totally off the mark. I guess what I have done just now was something magical but to me, it's not. I know that this is merely one of the many abilities I have. I wonder if anything changed when the plant went into my inventory.

And what about when I start just spamming all types of crops on the same land? does the soil become unusable after a few harvests? Maybe the plants don't even use the nutrients from the ground and just somehow get all the energy they need to grow when they enter my inventory.

If this is the case then I have no doubt I can have unlimited rice, but I think that farming rice will not be the most efficient food to farm. It may be simple and easy to grow but separating and preparing the rice by hand will require a lot of time so instead of growing rice maybe I can try and grow fruit trees or corn.

This way I can eat the food without much preparation, for the fruit trees all I would really need to do is just eat the fruits raw because if there is something wrong with the fruit my healing factor will just nullify anything harmful to myself. It'll be the same for corn as well.

The only limiting factor I might run into is just how much I can eat at one time. Oh shit, what if I just crush the food to mush before putting it into my inventory and then just directly make the food appear in my stomach.

The only problem with this plan is I have no idea where my stomach actually is. Obviously, I know it's somewhere inside of me. But the exact location is unknown to me. Well, this is earth, right? I wonder if I can just search it up. But something tells me that the villagers have never heard of the internet and if this is the case then the internet is probably not even a thing yet.

Sigh... looks like I'm going to have to find my stomach the hard way. "Full body nervous shuttering," I think finding my stomach will be a painful process. But if I do go through with this then I will need to verify if I can indeed grow back limbs. Oh shit, if I can regrow limbs then that would also mean I can regrow my heart, and liver as well. "Full body shiver" well if I really need money that's always an option. That would be the easy but very painful route.

It's at this time Rosamie calls my name in concern. At this time, I have my back turned to her while I am thinking, so when she calls my name, I snap out of it and then turn to tell her I'm ok. But what I failed to notice was that I had an unsettling smile on my face like a crazy person. So, when Rosa saw my expression she took a step back in fear, or was it disgust? I don't know but whatever the reason I quickly try to explain myself. Before the woman I love comes to a misunderstanding and never talks to me again.

After I explained my situation all I got was a backhand to the face. I guess I should've mentioned the fact I can regenerate. But when I look back at Rosas face, she's slightly teary-eyed. Oh my god does she think that I'm going to basically kill myself for money?

So, before I make things worse, I quickly summon my newly liberated knife and cut my hand in front of Rosamie however I apparently didn't learn my lesson so without hesitation Rosa backhanded me again and then yanked my hand in astonishment as my wound heals as if time itself was being rewinded.

I have a feeling that Rosamie isn't one to apologize for her actions... I like it hohoho. Ew ima creep but I also like that hohoho. So, a few examples of self-mutilation later Rosamie seems to be even more fascinated with me.

She looks at me in my eyes and I think I see intrigue, craziness, love, more craziness, and finally worry. Of course, me being the inexperienced young adult I am I awkwardly just grasp her hand and then lead her back to the village. But just as I walk a couple of paces, I think of another ability I've yet to try out.

So, without any more delay, I let go of Rosas hand then walked to the nearest tree. When I finally ready myself I take in a deep breath and punch the tree as hard as I can. Naturally, I broke my hand.

But that wasn't important, my hand can easily be healed. What I was really attracted to was the outline of the wood that is about to crack. Looking at the crack in the tree it's about three feet in height but its width and length only goes to the diameter of the tree in question.

inspecting the crack which also looks like it wasn't actually real. I try and trace my fingers over the crack but instead of feeling the crack the imaginary crack just starts growing more cracks. Seeing this I realize I don't have to go crazy and punch the tree like a Minecraft man all I have to do is repeatedly tap the wood I want to brake.

18 taps later a thin tree falls to the ground. And a miniature cube of wood is in my inventory. I'm actually not even surprised anymore. I fear I have been desensitized to the world around me. However, this is not the case for everyone.

Once again when I turn around to look at Rosa all I get is another slap to the face and then I get nagged in a completely different language for chopping down a young tree. I think me and rosa are going to have a long healthy relationship.

But before I can go and play with my newly found powers some more rosa makes me go back to the village with her because it's getting late. Even when I try to explain I don't need to sleep she still insists that I need to sleep. The whole way there she was still berating me about not chopping young trees down and how important getting sleep is. Although I still can't fully understand her, I know dam well what she's talking about.

When we got back to the village most of the villagers still seemed to be tense for some reason. I know I caused some commotion when I got here but I definitely didn't do anything that would have caused this much uneasiness. At most I only made myself look like a man child...

Anyway, I need to figure out why everyone is so jumpy. So, putting my new companion to use. I decided to discuss with Rosa and her mother why everyone seemed to be tense when I got to her house. However, when we arrived at her house, I just now seem to notice how deteriorated her house is.

I didn't notice the condition of her house until now because back then I was too infatuated with rosa and just wanted to spend time with her so naturally, I didn't pay attention to anything else. So, before we enter Rosas's house where Blessica and Analyn are most likely waiting.

I try explaining that I will build her a new house tomorrow. When I think I get my point across all I get back is a blank stare and an evaluating up-and-down look, with a cold sweat going down the side of my face I wait for rosa to come to a decision.

A little while later Rosa gets closer to me and raises her hand then my eyes widen then slam shut because I don't want to see rosa hit me. But I keep waiting but still, nothing happens.

That's when I feel two generous sized lumps on my chest and a hand on my face not by slap but with a gentle caress. When I feel this, I open my eyes to see Rosas's eyes locked into mine.

For the first time, I get to see a normally stoic beauty be vulnerable for probably the first time in a long time. I think I understand her situation. Not only does her mother not have a husband she probably lost her father early on in her life as well. So, she probably had to be the big sister and take care of her mother and little sister.

She probably also started to feel the pressure of keeping up the facade for so long. But she couldn't just give up and leave her little sister and her mother hanging without anyone to help.

When I realize what she has endured up till now I can't help but silently raise my impression of her through the sky. Not only has she endured for her family, but she also probably never complained. When I finally gathered all my thoughts, I remembered that Rosa is still waiting for me so with a new light shed on Rosa. I wrapped my arms around Rosas's waist and picked her up then held her straddled form against the wall of her house. A heated silence later Rosa and I are leaning on each other's foreheads only inches away from each other's lips. Seconds later I finally give into my urges and just go for the kill and lock lips with my feature partner.

Seven minutes and a heated tongue battle later Rosa and I finally separate from each others embrace. Then start to straighten up each other ruffled state. Then continue to walk inside as if nothing happened.

This plan would've worked if it wasn't for Rosas's mother Blessica's experienced eyes. It's like the moment she saw us walk in together she already knew what we did. Then like children, we explained how our day went but somehow couldn't recall the last 7 minutes of our lives before entering the house.

A batman glare later me and rosa broke simultaneously and started spouting nonsense at the same time in different languages. When Blessica started to hear the total bullshit, we were spouting she silenced us both by merely raising her hand then like obedient children we shut it.

A nagging worth of time later, I finally decide to bring up why the other villagers seem to be tense. It was then that I found out the year and my location.

Ever since I came to this world, I was hoping that I wasn't on Earth anymore, but after coming to the village and talking with Rosa and her mom all night I realized not only am I back on Earth, but I also somehow regressed back to the year 1914 World War 1 "The Great War"...

Ever since I learned of this, I obviously have not been very happy. And then I just decided to go to sleep so maybe when I wake up in the morning this can just all be a dream.


A/N: I had to rewrite the last part again because Webnovel sucks and it glitched and suddenly unsaved my progress. So I started to get paranoid and started saving my progress after every sentence, doing this helped but kind of ruined the immersion I had while writing my own story. This was also my first little lovy dovy scene I know very lemony. I hope it still turned out ok. Anyway, I hope you liked today's chapter and have a good one. :)


- Would it kill Webnovel to have an autosave feature? :\

- Today's chapter is 2622 words

- I will resume updates on Monday but most likely I will still write when I have time during the weekend.

Hello reader, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll do my best to Keep the chapters close to 2K words

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thank you for your time. :)

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