
The Conquerors bloodline

Be warned, this story heavily revolves around sexual content. You have been warned. While there is plot, it is not the focus. *** Parc Evans was taken from his home world and thrust into another. Tasked with the chance of becoming a king of conquerors he travels through dimensions. Taking on and conquering all who stand before him. *** I make no claim to owning any characters or settings except those of my own making. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/t2usr5e4qh Patron: https://www.patreo*n.com/Lasarus Remove the * from the Patron link.

Lasarus · Cómic
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307 Chs

Training 1

"So… now what?" Parc scratched his head as he looked to Kurome who stood stock still before him, Yatsufusa sheathed at her hip. Her black eyes blank but not lifeless. A chain still tied around her ankle just in case whatever his teigu did wore off.

"I guess… I figure out the limits?" he questioned himself vocally.

"Okay, so, let's start with something simple. What is your name?" he asked.


It came from her lips monotone, lacking any energy or 'life' yet he could see her breathing.

"What do you love the most in the world?"


"And what do you hate the most?"


It was three simple questions, but answered so quickly it left him blank for but a moment. 'so basic questions earn simple answers. What about more open ended questions?'

"Why do you hate Akame, is she not your sister?"

It took a few seconds for Kurome to process the question before answering, "she abandoned me."

Parc frowned, he doubted Akame would ever abandon her own sister, "can you explain that in a bit more detail?"

"After being sold by our parents to the empire we were separated for training. Akame left. I remained."

"Why didn't you join her then? She must have tried to take you with her."

"I cannot. I will die."

Parc's eyes sharpened, 'she'll die? What does that mean?'


Her arms remained limply hanging by her side, head tilted down just a little. "I was used to test an experimental drug. If I do not ingest it regularly, I will go through withdrawal and die."

He was disgusted, he knew it wasn't far out of the Empire's way to do something like getting children addicted to drugs or something along the lines, but hearing it straight from someone's mouth, especially that of a young girl like Kurome, was still disturbing.

"How regular is 'regularly?"

"three every hour when I'm awake. six when I wake up."

'Jesus,' he exclaimed internally, "and exactly what are these drugs supposed to do? Keep you on a leash?"

"They increase all of my physical abilities."

"Any downsides?" he hoped there weren't but there were never not any downsides when it came to drugs.

"It strains my brain, slowly killing me. And is addictive."

'of course it does.' Parc groaned pityingly; he couldn't imagine the kind of pain the thought of her slowly dying was doing to her. It also helped him reason with her whole attempt at 'collecting' him. She wanted the calming feeling it gave her, maybe it even helped her not think about everything she's been through.

He sighed looking to the stock still form of Kurome. 'I don't like this,' he thought frowning at how much she looked like that Natala she had summoned, emotionless. Were it any other person he may have very well enjoyed letting them stay like this, but for a cute girl like her? It was just unnerving.

Albeit, he did enjoy the idea of having a little bit of control over someone like her. But he did still enjoy seeing expressions and life in someone's eyes. "Kurome, wake up… but don't move from that spot, or attempt to unsheathe Yatsufusa," he said to her, unsure if it would actually work.

Surely enough, not seconds after he spoke, did light return to Kurome's eyes which immediately sharpened, hand shooting to the handle of Yatsufusa. But she couldn't grab it, her fingers that would usually clamp down strained and trembled, locked open by an invisible force.

Her head fell to her hand, eyes trembling as she continued to try and pull the blade from the sheath, but nothing could come from it. "What did you do to me?" She said, a return to her calm demeanour. Hand still attempting to clamp down on Yatsufusa's handle. Parc could also sense through the chain around her ankle slight vibrations of her muscles contracting in an attempt to move her legs, finding herself unable to even do that.

'Okay, so she still has her personality. Good to know.'

"It seems my teigu gives me control over your body and mind to a degree." He stroked his chin contemplatively. "I wonder…" he muttered looking Kurome up and down.

Kurome said nothing, but the scathing look she gave him, gave him everything he needed to hear.

"Act like a dog."

Confusion flitted through Kurome's eyes, soon morphing to shock and worry as she slowly crouched to the ground, falling onto her knees and hands, mouth falling open letting her tongue hang out as she began to pant like a dog.

By now, Parc could see her eyes contorting to worry, her mind struggling against whatever fetters was binding her from actually controlling her body.

Parc's hand covered his smiling mouth, a slight blush at the adorable ness of Kurome wagging her skirt covered butt like a dog its tail.

"Speak." He said, doing his beast not to laugh at her detriment.

Kurome's lips locked for a moment, her awakened mind ordering her mouth to remain shut. "Wan!" It didn't work for long as she excitedly barked the cutest bark he had ever heard.

Were Parc Lubbock, he had no doubt a trail of blood would be trailing down from his nose. Blinking a few times, Parc turned away from Kurome, "I am a terrible person. Good god I am a terrible person," he turned back to her, hand lowered from his face to show of his twitching smile, "but this is just too good."

"Grrr!" even her annoyed growl sent a tide of red through Parc's cheeks when he saw her annoyed expression and the two fanglike canines that accentuated her. "Bark!" she tried to say something, only to literally bark like a dog.

"I should stop this, I really should. But I really don't want to." He muttered to himself, taking small steps closer to the mind controlled Kurome who kept barking at him, likely telling him to 'stop this!' or 'let me go!' yet unable to do so under his orders.

Coming to stop before Kurome, he crouched down. Looking her in the eyes with unhidden amusement, "apparently, it's full on bodily and subconscious control. Which, is just fascinating," he lifted his right hand, slowly bringing it closer to Kurome.

"GRRR!" She was not in the least bit intimidating with how she looked. Her eyes, though angry only made Parc feel like he was staring at a puppy annoyed that its owner took away its toy.

Parc's unabashedly curled up, his hand slowly falling onto Kurome's head. Beginning to lightly pat her, "there, there, it's okay girl." When you get a girl to willingly—in the loosest usage of the word—act like a dog, why not treat her like one and pat her head like you would one?

She did have exceptionally soft and silky hair which made his ruffling a very enjoyable feeling for him. Especially when Kurome's growls grew softer and softer the longer her did so. His fingers scratched the top of her head, soon trailing down the side ending up behind her ear, gently rubbing her.

Her eyes began to flutter, her left leg involuntarily twitching as a dogs joy at being scratched coursed through her body. As he continued to torment her with his pleasurable scratches, she eventually began to lean her head into his hand.

His lip trembled, unable to stop anymore as he figuratively melted from her cuteness, and her from his scratches.

"Ro…hoo…" he tried to say but had to suck in a breath, "roll over."

'This is cruel,' he thought, he shouldn't have this power. He was not innocent enough not to abuse it.

Kurome soon quickly found herself on her back, arms and legs held into the air to mimic a dog. The top of her sailor uniform hiking up a little, letting Parc see her pale belly and her adorable belly button.

And due to her legs being held in the air, her skirt had also hiked up, her white panties through her dark tights

"You are adorable, Kurome," Parc said, holding his hand over her stomach pressing the tips of his fingers into her belly, roughly scratching her. Smiling widely as her tongue lulled from her mouth, eyes flickering, leg twitching uncontrollably.

'This is cruel Parc.' He could hear the angel on his shoulder say.

'Keep going, break her.' The devil said. And was the one Parc was leaning more towards.

'She's your friends sister. You can't do this to her. Akame will kill you the moment she learns of this.' The angel tried to reason.

'Acceptable casualties.' The devil shot back.

He couldn't help but listen to the devil. His scratches grew rougher, pressing deeper into her belly, her leg kicking faster and harder.

Suddenly, Kurome's eyes burst open in panic, "W-Wan!" she tried to get his attention, she could feel something terrible coming.

"Hmm? What's that, I don't understand." He continued to torment her.

"Woof!" Her eyes grew desperate and glassy.

"Nope, still don't understand dog." He smirked.

Kurome whined distraughtly, her legs clenching tightly together. A sharp, acidic smell soon assailing Parc's nose a she whimpered.

His scratches stopped; eye trailing down to her leg noting the small puddle forming around her lower half.

"Oh… ohhh…" he muttered in realization and a hint of guilt. But also, a bit of pride at being able to cause a girl to pee herself just from scratching her belly. "I feel like I may have gone a little far." He hummed, staring down to Kurome's watery black eyes that stared up at him with eyes that just conveyed the words of 'you think!?'

He snorted, twisting his left wrist a little to get the chains around Kurome's ankle to loosen and retract back through the ground and back into his gauntlet. Leaving a glowing circle of chain like marks on her leg that pierced through her black tights.

Even free, Kurome didn't flip onto her feet and try to decapitate him. Standing, Parc smiled down to her, "come, there's a river nearby for you to clean up."

He turned away from her and began to walk away. Kurome just a few steps behind, crawling along on all fours behind him. 'This is evil.' But why did it make him so happy?




You know, before this chapter and the previous, I had no idea what I was going to do with Kurome... Now I am in love with dog Kurome... I have fallen to degeneracy.

Next world Poll



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