
The Clans Progenitor

#ClanBuilding ------------------ Mave had lived a lonely life since his family died He quickly learned in life that sometimes the only ones you can really rely on was family. unfortunately, he learned that too late. When he found out that he was reborn, he had hopes of a better future with his new family. In the end, he quickly learned that this new world was just not the same. -------------------------------------------

TheOneWatching · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Im Just a Spawn

Once Mave finished reading the booklet, he looked at his roommates who were still cultivating.

It looked like to even though they knew their situation they still refused to give up.

Taking out the white grade cultivation he was given, Mave recalled the grade scale of cultivation Manuals.

White, Blue, Black, Silver, And Gold were the grades for cultivation Manuals, with white being practically free.

It looked like if he had just chosen to stay as a mortal and went to a big city, it wouldn't have been hard to get one.

The real benefits of cultivation manuals start at blue grade and up with those cultivating blue grade manuals being able to cultivate 25% faster than those with a white manual.

From what he read, the Green Cloud sect would probably be in the lower-ranked sects category, which meant the highest grade manual would have to be one or two black grades.

Their location didn't have that much spiritual energy, so the chances for those with cultivation talent to be born here were rare.

The southern region had the lowest spiritual energy in the Mudrun continent and was the least dense, with the center region of cultivating being the best place to cultivate. 

The southern region was the worst place for those with real cultivation talents to be born to since they would eventually need more spiritual energy the higher their stage.

Most cultivators in the southern region usually ended up leaving the region when they learned the truth or just hit a bottleneck.

According to the book, most towns and villages in the southern region were created by sects to provide them with a steady stream of potential disciples and servants.

These towns and villages were called spawners.

They had no name or anything.

They were just called spawners.

It turned out to be a well-known thing for low-ranked sects to do this since no one really cared about them.

Of course, higher sects knew but didn't do anything.

After all, some of them probably did the same thing.

Reading this book truly destroyed the image Mave had of the cultivation world.

It looked like they made this book in the first place to show just how hopeless the situation was for servants.

Just to make sure they had no real thoughts of escaping.

And even if they did manage to escape the sect, where would they go?

They had no idea where they were, and the fact that there would probably be real beasts outside the sect was something they also had to look out for.

The hopelessness of the situation was all there.

"You done reading, newbie?" A voice interrupted his thoughts.

Looking across from him, Mave saw his roommates in front of him.

"Hello, senior," Mave said respectfully.

While he may be a servant, he had already started cultivating longer than him and was more powerful.

"At least you know how to be respectful, tch, that last guy...ah whatever, I'm Mil, and those two are Jet and Howard,"

Mil said, pointing to himself and the two others.

They were all skinny, somehow looking as if they might drop dead.

It looked like they didn't get much to eat.

Their eyes all had a sense of tiredness.

Each had ordinary black hair that would blend into a crowd.

Expect Jet and Howard looked way older with some gray hairs.

"Hello." Jet said, looking at him for a moment then returning to cultivating.

"Welcome to the sect and good luck." Howard said, then doing the same thing Jet did.

"Don't mind them, they're still trying to break through to LVL 10, kinda pitiful if you ask me," Mil said, looking at the other two.

"Where different from you Mil, In a way your still new to the sect your self with only being here for 13 years, on the other hand, its been almost I've been here for almost 70 years, and my lifespans is about to be done." Jet said with some sourness.

'holy shit, 70 yrs? And haven't not LVL 10? just how bad is light red talent.'

Looking at Mil, Jet said in seriousness, "Besides haven't you noticed that there never been a servant older than 80? It won't be long before I'm considered old and I don't really want to know what happens to those who become old,"

"Now that you say that, I've never seen an old servant here…" Mil said in a low with a trace of fear and sorrow in his eyes.

After all, it wasn't surprising for servants to go missing or disappear all of a sudden.

But the fact that he's never seen an old servant at the end of his lifespan here is pretty weird.

Mave on the other hand had no idea what they were talking about, but connecting some of the things they were saying and whats he's read, he could see what they were talking about.

'Fuck, the more I learn about the cultivation world, the more I regret coming here' Was all Mave could think.

"Well enough of all that, You should start cultivating a newbie. Tomorrow is break day for new servants." Jet said heading back to cultivating.

"A piece of advice, never show any reaction when provoked by a disciple. It always ends badly." Howard said, also going back to cultivating.

And with that, the room slowly became silent again.

Taking out his cultivation manual and going through it, Mave quickly memorized the first few steps.

Taking out one of his spiritual gathering pills and slowly swallowed it.

Mave could immediately feel a heat from his stomach traveling all throughout his body.

It was a type of soft heat that felt good as it merged with his body.

Soon all his senses stretched, and he felt a particular type of strength he'd never felt before.

'So that's why a breakthrough feels like, not bad, I could get addicted to this,' Mave thought after breaking through.

He was no longer an LVL 0 but now a beginner cultivator.

Quickly getting rid of his thoughts, Mave went back to cultivating.

He wanted to strengthen his body for tomorrow at least.

While he didn't know what break day meant, it would probably be anything but good.




"Hey get up. It's morning," A voice said, pulling Mave out of his cultivation state.

Opening his eyes, Mave saw Mil in front of him, waking him up.

He also saw Jet and Howard standing up.

The tired look they all had from yesterday was all gone and replaced by a look of energy.

Mave also felt energetic despite not sleeping at all last night.

"It's time for breakfast. If you don't go now, you can forget eating anything until tomorrow," Mil said while going back to his bead to clean it up.

"Well, let's get this day over with," Mil said, leaving the room.

Jet and Howard left without saying anything.

Mave followed them to the dining hall for servants, which was just some type of goo and bread.

Looking at his breakfast, Mave's hunger came back to full force.

He hasn't eaten for a while since old bakery bread.

Mave quickly dug into his breakfast and soon finished it since there wasn't much in the first place, and he was still hungry in a way.

Soon everyone was done eating and left.

All that was left were the new servants, some gathered in groups to learn more information.

And some like Mave, kept a low profile and looked around.

For Mave he had already decided he had to find a chance to leave this sect and return to the mortal world.

If his talent was the same as Jet and Howrds, and the fact that he might not be bale to reach Lvl 10, he really might as well have stayed a mortal.

Just as the servant dining was slowly getting louder, a group of people of five came in wearing dark gray robes.

Mave instantly recognized them as outer disciples since only those who were outer disciples could wear gray robes.

Servants wore white robes, outer disples whore gray, inner disciples were dark blue, and elders whore gold robes.

Instantly the atmosphere became silent as everyone focused their eyes on the outer disciples.

One of them came forward and introduced himself " Welcome new servants to the green cloud sect, today's break day, where we test whether your servant material or not, for your sake hope you are,"

"Anyway, split up evenly into groups and get in a line in behind on the disples behind me," The guy said.

Slowly and carefully, everyone behind the five disciples, including Mave.

It looked like there were over 200 new servants.

What followed next was something Mave would never forget and an experience so humiliating it enforced his desire to leave the sect.

What followed was a laborious task of doing servant jobs one after another.

From cleaning streets, garbages, and feces, to laboring in the fields to grow crops.

One of the worst ones they did was going to the mines, when Mave first got there, he noticed that every person there looked practically dead inside.

It was eerie silent, and besides the sound of pickaxes hitting the cave walls, there were no other sounds.

Such an atmosphere mentally drained them, and those who stopped mining were wiped and beaten.

Another job that was probably even worse than mining was the dummy job, you got more regeneration pills when you did the job.

At the same time you would be beaten by disciples for them to test their techniques.

It looked like a servant and slave really were the same thing in this sect.

With the only difference being that a slave would at least cost more.

But out of all those tasks, the most humiliating and most dangerous job was to get naked in the forest and cover yourself in some type of animal blood to attacrct wild beasts for some of the disples.

There was one servant who even got scratched by a type of cat-looking creature. The amount of blood he lost was enough to kill an ordinary mortal.

Luckily he had a healing pill that slowly sealed up the wound.

After all that they eventually returned to the servant dining hall, where there were many more people missing.

"Congratulations to you for getting through today. All those things you did is what you maybe be assigned to do as servants," Krieg said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Now as you all known if you read the book, servants are given 20 healing pills and ten spiritual gathering pills every three months and are also stuck to one job for three months,"

"Each job either gives extras pills, like the training dummy job which gives extras healing pills or the mining pill which gives one mind-rejuvenation pill a month and others,"

"You are all responsible for yourself, and if your work or services are found unsatisfactory, you will be punished,"

"Punishment can range anywhere between deduction in your resources to death, now pleas line up to be assigned a job for next week," Ater talking for a while Kreig finally fished.

Mave hurriedly stood up and got in line.

Unfortunately, he was somewhere in the middle.

When his turn came, he found most of the jobs that gave extra benefits were gone except for the job of being prey which no one picked.

Looking at the list of available jobs, Mave eventually chose cook simply because he would have the chance to eat more food.

He had been starving the whole day, and they would have no dinner today after signing up.