
The Chronicles of Lord Regon

Zacharia_Starnes · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The Retelling of History

Once upon a time there was a place where mythical creatures and people existed. Some of these life forms got along while others did not.

There were many races before the Dragothians arrived on this planet, Regonia. After a hundred years of their arrival, only nineteen races still existed.

A child was born shortly after the Dragothians arrived to Regonia. His name, Regon Cole Stones, meant, "The Leader of Realms." He was born to be a powerful leader and that is just what his father intended for him to be.

This child possessed so much raw power, that he accidentally killed his mother during birth. His mother was a person that no one ever noticed, even after Regon's father made his love for her publicly declared. Her name was Angel Lynn Colleteo. His father was known as the best lord, his name was Lord Valcin or Valcin Jay Stones.

Regon's brother, Rahl Allen Stones, was older and bigger than Regon, but was never stronger, more powerful, or smarter. Rahl was jealous of his brother, becuase their father gave Regon more attention. Rahl killed their father just to be crowned King. For if he was king then he could finally enact his long planned revenge against his brother. He would soon find out his plans had bern delayed, he could not gain full power until his 25th birthday.

By the time Rahl got to proper age to gain full control of his country, Regon had already went through the stages leading to manhood, officially making him an independent free man. He quickly left what was once known as the Great City of Valcicona, now Rahlxin, for he did not wish to stay and see what his brother would make of this new power he had gained.

Regon always knew his brother was a bad person, or at least had a corrupted mind thay tended to lead him down Trouble's path, but thought it would lead to these kinds of actions. It was made very clear though, when Rahl sent an army after Regon in an attempt to end his life, that he was a changed man. He no longer cared for his brother or anyone else for that matter.

After a hundred years, Lord Rahl quit searching for his brother. While Regon had already started a new life, his brother was about to start a very big war. A war that could upset the balance of good and evil, and even cause Regonia to be taken hostage by evil. When Regon was born, a very wise wizard told Valcin that the world would be changing soon. For the better or worse of their raced was still to be determined.

And it did.

So, this is a book I wrote when I was a teenager in highschool. I never finished it back then but I do strive to finish it now. I hope you guys and gals enjoy. :)

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