
The Chronicles of Lord Regon

Zacharia_Starnes · Fantasy
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2 Chs

History Continued...

A war would soon be starting. Although, few knew about this war, there was nothing they could do to prevent the war.

"When I arrive, I want all of the generals and my four commanders called for a meeting. We have a change in plans from this point on." Rahl told his accompanying Court Stewart.

"As you wish, Lord Rahl. I shall set up the arrangements for that. On the matter of the traitor, I have been told by the Inquisitor, that he has some new revelations to inform us on. How would you like me to reply, my lord?" The Stewart replied.

"Ugh...why must i always be put into these messes. I trust you can handle this on your own. Now begone. I intend to rest before we reach home."

"Yes, right away my Lord." The Stewart then scurries away.

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Outside of the city walls, a guard shouts to a lone rider, "Halt! This is not the common folk entrance! You are to turn around and go back the way you came!"

Another voice, much quieter, from beside the first guard then says, "Do you always have to yell Darrel? You do remember that we posted guards at the gates aswell right? Let them turn away the stray farmer. Save your throat for later. You never know when you might need it."

"Pfft, I could yell like this all day and never be sore from it. But, I do suppose that your right once again Akkern. I always thought being the captain of the guards would be interesting. Little did I know that it's soooo boooooorrrinnnnggg." Said Darrel as he made sure to drag out his last word.

Akkern chuckles and shakes his head. "Patience never was your friend. But Lady luck always seems to shine on you. She even managed to find you a friend like me. Imagine that."

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. So are you and the family coming to my house tonight still? My wife is making her signature meal again. Brazened Lamb." Replied Darrel.

"Well...I was planning on doing some work in my garden. They wont grow themselves unfortunently." Akkern quipped.

"Oh no, no, no. You owe me this one. You refused to come to the last one. Your not allowed to miss this one. I will come get you once I get done bathing myself. But, we need to go make our rounds now."

As the two men part ways and begin walking along the wall. The person riding the horse was stopped by the guards below.

"Halt there! State you name and business here!"

Once he was close enough the guards noticed the strange person was actually a guy. A rather handsome one at that. He dismounted his horse in such a graceful manner that even the guards envied how it was done.

"I apologise for my random appearance, but is this the city of Starlo by chance?"

The strange man asked in what the guards could only describe as a truely angelic voice.

With their chests puffed up now, the guards reply, "Yes it is. This is the great city of Starlo. Who are you and what purpose do you have here?"

"Well it hardly matters if you know my name now. Its too late for you to change anything. But, I will tell you anyways. My name is Silidious. Now, Goodbye."

With them parting words the strange man swung out his hand and beheaded both of the guards in one swift motion. He lazily stepped over the corpses while leading his horse around them to continue his journey into the city.

Silidious hadn't planned on any of this happening. He was merely heading to the city rumored to hold the one thing he desired most. The Wand of Tyranny, a weapon said to possess unfathomable power. It was originally his fathers purpose in life. When his father passed away, Silidious picked up the mantle where his father left off.

Silidious was only 17 years of age. He had yet to even become a man yet by typical standards. Yet, he had already lived a life far more interesting then most did after 100 years of living. He was truely a man of curiosity though.

From a young age his father was always gone. Off searching for the next treasure. Instead he was raised by his uncle, Barlesh, who was a general in an army himself. Naturally, Silidious, was trained in the arts of warfare. Silidious wasn't a overly big man, but, he wasn't small either. Standing at 5 feet and 7 inches, he was considered to be of average height. He looked more agile than he did strong.

Silidious was a very reserved person. He hated crowds and gatherings. He preferred to spend his idle time training or looking up information. He was very rarely seen speaking.

His Uncle Barlesh was always seen as the exact opposite. Standing at 6 feet and 4 inches, he was considered to be rather tall. He also weighed roughly twice as much as Silidious. He had a rounded barrel chest and equally large arms. Both bearing the scars of battle as if they were trophies to be shown to the world. Barlesh was a man who relished in the attention he was given, but his absolute loyalty went to the army he led. They were his comrads, his family that he had shed blood with to build a bond.

The chapters start off fairly small for now, as im using them as a way to introduce some of the character that you will see more of. They will be larger as I continue to progress with it. Hope you guys and gals enjoy. :)

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