
The Charlatan(continuation of the first version){ARCHIVED}


The_Biblioteka · Cómic
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50 Chs

CHAP 4: Akudama

While every civilian ran, i took Olivia under my arms and stood there, knowing they would probably be killed.

I started going in the direction of the elevator, still carrying Olivia.

"Gray-san! What are you doing, we should run!"

"Shhhh, just trust me on this one"

I started hearing loud laughter.

"These trashcans don't stand a chance against me, so send a thousand more to see if i tire!"

An man with a hulking body stood in the center of the corridor while i hid behind a pillar.

|Name:Yamasaki Katsuo



HP Regen:40 per hour

MP Regen:Null








Unique skill: {The Brawler}


{Resistant Body}

{Strong Body}


{Fighting instincts} LVL 10/100

{Hand to hand fighting} LVL 15/100|

'Gotcha, Copy {Resistant Body} and {Strong Body}'

|Perks copied

{Resistant Body}

Your skin is harder to penetrate, your bones are harder to break and your organs harder to rupture. Each CON points gives 2X HP.

{Strong Body}

You hit harder and can carry more weight. STR gives 2X power to your physical attacks.|

'Fuse both perks and {Gamer Body}'

|Perks fused

{Gamer's better body}

You gain physical stats more easily and trainining your body hails more effects. Unlimited physical growth, sleeping on a bed heal all wounds and ailments, you heal like an videogame character. CON and STR are 4X more effective.|


It almosts makes me want to save him.

|{Copy} has leveled up 2 times|

'I should have an easy way of farming the XP for this skill in the dungeons. Hey system, is time slowed down while i am inside the dungeons?'

{Yes, one second outside is 10 minutes inside}

That's very nifty.

While i fantasized about power, an gas started spreading across the corridor. I covered my mouth and made Olivia do the same. The Doctor has arrived.

"Ugh, such an imbecile"

An sultry voice echoed across the room.

|Name:Samantha Misaki



HP Regen:30 per hour

MP Regen:Null








Unique skill: {The Doctor}


{Chemical resistance}

{Increased resiliance}

{Steady hands}


{Chemistry} LVL 30/100

{Medical knowledge} 40/100

{Pain resistance} 25/100

{Throwing proficiency} 15/100

{Knife proficiency }13/100|

'She understandably has a lot of skills, copy {Medical knowledge} and {Chemistry}'

|Skills copied

{Medical knowledge} LVL 40/1006

You understand how the human body works and how to heal it. Each level gives +1% proficiency at medical actions. You can easily undestand anatomies.

{Chemistry} LVL 30/1005

You have proficiency at knowing how to mix the right thing to make what you want. Each level gives +1% proficiency at making chemicals in general. You can assume what something is made of and what it can do by analyzing it.|

'I sincerely love this skill'

The applications of {copy} are basically infinite since it isn't very limited, if it is this OP at low levels imagine at higher ones.

An motor roared and the Messenger appeared again, drifting his bike and aiming at the other Akudama, an three-way duel a lá The good,The bad and The ugly. The Brawler threw the Doctor at the ceiling, which revealed the Hacker, turning the three into four. I should copy Hacker's skills if i want more information.

|Name: Otake Toshio



HP Regen:10 per hour

MP Regen:Null








Unique skill: {The Hacker}


{Rapid Thinking}

{Parallel Processing}


{Coding Proficiency} LVL 60/100

{Mechanics Proficiency} LVL 40/100|

'Copy {Coding Proficiency} and {Parallel Processing}'

|Skill copied

{Coding Proficiency}

You are proficient with the works of computer language. Each level gives +1% proficiency at coding actions. You are capable of understanding all kinds of codes more easily.|

|Perk copied

{Parallel Processing}

You are capable of mantaining multiple lines of thought at the same time. You can control individual parts of your body more easily.|

My thoughts suddenly became clearer and more organized, and i felt as if i was more in control of my body, like i could make each finger do an different thing in an totally different pattern. Besides, i could feel my ideas of coding and subsequently hacking become better, even better then at my prime.

While they pointed their weapons and the tension increased, i revealed myself, making them all point their weapons at me now, i of course made Olivia stay back.

"Hello there, my fellow Akudama, i am the Charlatan"

I made a respectful bow. Hacker started tapping his holographic keyboards in hopes of finding me on the police servers. Finding nothing, he became more curious and asked.

"I see nothing about a Charlatan on the Akudama list?"

"Of course not, what kind of charlatan would i be if everybody knew about me, can't have my face become public if i want to do what i do best."

"So you hacked the Akudama list, i tried but couldn't do it, didn't know there was a better hacker than me out there"

"So you are another rival in the rescue of Cutthroat"

Doctor said.

"If you aren't in the Akudama list you must be pretty strong, fight with me!"

Brawler screamed and got in a fighting position

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, first things first, did anyone call the elevator?"

I pointed out in hopes of taking their attention off me;

"No chance? Someone annulled my hack?"

The elevator opened to reveal an mechanical spider looking thing.

"Whatever that is, we should probably run from it"

"I would never run away from a good fight!"

"That's a problem, i should've stayed in my lab after all"

The robot barraged us with missiles, destroying the floor beneath us, i ran in the direction of Olivia in hopes of atleast protecting her a bit. We encountered ourselves in an underground prison with me running princess-carrying Olivia, Doctor on Courier's bike, Brawler running and Hacker flying with his drones.

"At this point, 100 million is not enough"

"Get off my bike"

"Please, gentlemen and woman, let us concentrate on the matter at hand"

"Charlatan-kun is right. Onwards, Courier-kun!"

"I said get off my bike!"

We ran away and found ourselves in a train station. In a dead end, we had no choice but to fight the spider thing.