
The Charlatan(continuation of the first version){ARCHIVED}


The_Biblioteka · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

CHAP 3: Real Start

Getting out of my apartment, i was met with the vision of a cute woman with a pink white-striped dress, black fingerless gloves that reach above her elbow, black thigh-high socks, pink shoes and long black hair with pink streaks. All in all a pretty woman.

"Hello there Gray-san, are you going to the market?"

There it is, the fucking honorifics, i always hated them.

"Yes, are you going as well Olivia-san?"

"I am, want to go together then?"

"I wouldn't mind it"

If you are wondering, yes, i do know Akudama Drive, and know this woman is the Swindler, why do i know an anime if i don't like Japan? Well, i still enjoy the entertainment that comes out of this country, but to be fair, i could say i dislike all countries considering all of them are narcissistic, manipulative and hypocritical in their essence, but i do understand that their actions are needed in order to mantain order (Their view of order, but order)

In any case, my old self managed to befriend this woman, which is a means of entering that canon, sadly i did not watch much anime or read much fiction in general, meaning i do not have the ways of atleast knowing an bit of what could happen in the stories of this world, i know there's going to be an zombie apocalypse, but much more could happen in two months, specially considering the technology in this world is very advanced, i didn't mention this but i am in the future, specifically 2077, Kansai's internet is limited to the city, so i don't know if there is an Night City, but i wouldn't be surprised considering the date.

This world has so much thing merged together I'm surprised it hasn't simply destroyed itself yet, i wonder what the zombies will be like considering everything humanity has gone through. Just what i needed, zombies with body modifications, imagine an zombie with fucking mantis blades.

I was walking with Olivia while thinking about all those things, i wonder if Resident Evil characters are still alive or if they are older, they should be, but I'm not sure. Seriously, why did the game have to make an world with such an messed up timeline. I felt someone laughing was it's ass off.

"Gray-san? Are you okay?"

Olivia was waving her hands in front of me.

"Oh, sorry Olivia-san, i was just thinking about my life."

"It's okay, we all need to think sometimes, i was just trying to say we've arrived."

Looking around, i was honestly impressed, seeing a cyberpunk-esque place in real life is really impressive, all the neon and lighting kinda hurts my eyes, but it is really beautiful overall.

"Come on Gray-san. We could wrap this up and go eat something together."

I nodded and we proceeded to go around the market buying basic necessities, such as clean water and food, Olivia was strangely excited about everything, I'm not sure if it is her personality or something else, nothing makes me sure about her relationship with the old me, but or she had an crush on "me" or just an good friendship.

When we had ended our shopping, i was made to carry everything, which wasn't a problem until Olivia decided to throw herself in the road trying to save a cat's life and i had to make an bunch of mental and literal gymnastics to save her and not drop our things, but the real worry i had was that i knew that meant the ocurrings of Akudama Drive were starting, and i wouldn't do anything to stop it, considering i could gain much more letting things proceed normally. After the driver sweared at us, we continued our way with Olivia still holding the cat, and we ended up in an alley where i saw my first target.

|Name: Hayato Arata

HP: 250/250

MP: Null

HP Regen: 25 per hour

MP Regen: Null

CON: 25

STR: 22

DEX: 30

INT: 35

WIS: 30

CHA: 20

LUK: 17

Unique skill: {The Courier}


Gun proficiency LVL 25/100

Driving LVL 50/100

Engineering LVL 30/100

Hand to hand fighting LVL 15/100|

'There he is, the Courier, i guess i should copy his unique skill and the driving one.'

{Unique skills can only be copied when you level up your {Copy}, Host}

|Driving skill has been copied

Driving LVL 50/100

You're good at driving all kinds of vehicles, each level gives +1% overall abilities behind the wheel. |

'Copy the {Engineering} skill then.'

|{Engineering} Copied

{Engineering} LVL 30/100

You're proficient at using, understanding and creating machines, each level gives +1% overall knowledge and skils at engineering in general.|

I was bombarded with notions of driving and engineering, feeling as if I've doing both things since my infancy, having those things suddenly appearing at my head made me a bit confused, as had copying the fighting skills before. I should get used to that feeling, i guess.

"Look, Gray-san, an takoyaki stand, do you want to get some?"

"Of course"

We headed to the stand, and Courier dropped the coin, Olivia picked up the coin and ran to give it back to him, but he simply drove away. Man, i want that bike.

She came back to me looking a bit sad, such a helpful soul. Anyways, we ordered two takoyakis , but as in the show, we didn't have physical money and Olivia didn't want to use the 500 yen Hayato had dropped, not that it would have mattered considering it was 1000 yen overall, the old woman called us Akudama and alarms started soaring, we ran in the direction of the police department.

When we arrived there, Olivia tried explaining things to the robot at the counter while i was wondering since when was Cutthroat an woman. Wondering about when would the Akudama arrive, the doors exploded and the alarms soared once again, but this time in the entire DP.

Finally, it starts.