
The Charlatan(continuation of the first version){ARCHIVED}


The_Biblioteka · Cómic
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50 Chs

CHAP 29: Destruction

I put the little kids off my lap, and got up from the sofa.

"Well then, with that out of the way, it seems Umbrella is making it's move, they want to get rid of everyone on Kansai, including us."

Saying this seemed to pull the women out of their dazes, and enter an alert state. I opened the door and called the elevator, Samantha was the first to follow me, with Mashiro and the little girls closely behind, the lift's door opened and i entered, the rest of the women realizing i was going whether they followed or not, and entering as well. The elevator was small for the amount of people there were, but we managed to fit. Getting down to the parking lot, i opened up one of the cars there.

"Who here knows how to drive?"

Doctor raised her hand.

"You'll drive then, i'll go on my bike with Akira, Shiro and Cutthroat, the rest go on the car with Doctor, i'll send her the location you'll be going to. And no, you all can't go with me."

I said the last statement without letting anyone question it. I can't guarantee everyone's safety considering what i am about to do, so i'll only bring those i'm sure won't die, atleast. The location i've sent them to is somewhere i bought in the little time i had to prepare, i'm pretty sure it's safe enough considering how distant it is to the radius. I got on the motorcycle and revved it up, Cutthroat was directly behind me, with Akira farthest and Shiro in the middle, i accelerated and went out of the parking lot, in the direction of the Shinkansen station.

This time the roads weren't empty, all of the civilians were running on the streets, trampling the bodies, either newly created or old, i used the grappling hooks on the bike to get on top of the roofs, i drove through the roof of the buildings, this motorcycle had gravitational systems which allowed it to drive horizontally. This unusual way of travelling let us arrive at an very fast pace, i entered the station through the tracks since the eletromagnetic defense systems had been deactivated by the EMP. The Shinkansen's doors were still closed, when we arrived, the civilians started knocking on the doors desperately, which made them open, sadly for the population, what was waiting for them wasn't an way out, but an Umbrella squad ready to kill, which kill they did, they didn't hesitate to open fire, the people started running away, but you can't run from bullets.

An absolute massacre, that's what it was. I pulled Collector's hammer back, shooting some of the soldiers. Sadly i didn't manage to hit any vital parts, but this atleast made sure they aimed at us. I can't stand needless innocent killing. Cutthroat and Akira jumped out of the bike, running at the soldiers, Shiro was getting one of her blood whips ready, but i held her back.

"If you won't hit the target, don't bother trying."

She tried hitting me, but i dodged. I rapidly immobilized her, holding her hand behind her back.

"Get yourself under control."

Her heartbeat started slowing down, to which i released my grip on her. I put my hand on her head.

"Calmer now?"

She nodded. While this happened, Cutthroat and Akira were killing the Umbrella soldiers, all of the bodies were making it hard to get an stable footing, so i helped them by shooting the 3 remaining soldiers in the head.

|+300 EXP

{Charlatan} class has leveled up.

+5 CHA, +3 INT, +2 DEX|

I heard motors in the distance, they seemed to come from up, which meant Umbrella probably sent choppers, i imagine they're here to collect the interesting subjects, so they probably plan to get rid of the rest, an bomb, perhaps? If that's the case, i'm glad i've sent them to the old bunker. I didn't mention what it was, did i?

I put the bomb i had robbed from the first Shinkansen inside this one, and used the backdoor i had on Kanto's systems, which i managed to put through the access my parents had, being scientists and all. I overrode the automatic driving system, and sent the train back. An little present for Umbrella.

I drove through the tracks, seeing the helicopters fly through the sky, with gas being dropped out of them. I heard screams, is Umbrella testing their virus? Just what i fucking needed, zombies. I was heading towards the bunker, running over everything in my way, re-killing the bodies reanimated by the T-Virus. I was glad my girls had already been infected and had already dealt with the virus, and would have no problem with it. I was passing through the Police Precinct when i saw Makina fighting off some zombies, coughing. In an strange pulse of empathy, i drove by her and took her by the hand, putting her behind me. Cutthroat seemed bothered she was not close to me anymore, and i could see she was holding herself not to stab Makina. I continued to the bunker, dodging the debris.

We reached the bunker, and i knocked on the door. Samantha opened it, seeing it was us, she let us in. I looked back at Makina, who was still coughing. I used {Hormonal Control} to stimulate her bodily functions, such as antibodies production, and tried making her relax with melatonin and endorphines. This would help her deal with the virus and hopefully make her not become an zombie. Oh, the things i do for an successful plan.

Next chapter will probably end this part, or the one after it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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