
The Charlatan(continuation of the first version){ARCHIVED}


The_Biblioteka · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

CHAP 30: Bye bye, Kansai

Sadly, we couldn't stay at the bunker, my current way of escaping was using the train at Deadman Wonderland, and using the bomb at the Shinkansen in order to not have problems in Kanto, or atleast diminish them, the real problem would be arriving at the prison, considering the Umbrella soldiers were out for blood, and the virus was on the air. I believed i could make an antidote with Samantha's help, but the problem was keeping people alive until that point. Considering the amount of people i had to relocate, i started regretting keeping them alive, but while i did think about killing them myself, i got that out of my head, the Game may have not announced it yet, but i'm very sure it expects me to govern this world after the apocalypse.

|An Mission has been given.

{Taking control}

Main objective: Neutralize the world, in any way you see fit.

Bonus objective: Control the world's biggest powers before the Apocalypse starts.

Bonus objective: Neutralize the Anchors.

Rewards: 20 LVLs, Next {World} unlocked, {Main Hub} acquired, {Records} acquired.

Bonus Rewards 1: {Puppeteer} perk, {Invisible Hand} perk

Bonus Rewards 2:??????|

There it is. The rewards are good enough, considering i would do this anyway, but these "Anchors" interested me, what exactly does that term mean?

|The specifics of it are too much for you to understand, but basically they are items or people who stabilize the reality you're in, allowing me to take over that reality. They'll appear as special if you use {Observe}.|

Is it the norm for these entities to mantain secrets? Can't say i don't understand it, since i do the same, now that i start to ponder, considering the Game saw my past life, it's intelligent for it to not say more than the necessary. But alas, i started planning how i would get back to Deadman Wonderland, and the only way i saw was the straight forward one. I would use the bike to clear out the way, and they would follow behind with cars, we would circle around the city, so the virus wouldn't infect them.

I explained the plan to the women, who didn't have anything to disagree with. I opened the bunker doors, and got on the bike, i drove back to the city and brought back an car with the motorcycle's hook. The women entered the vehicles, and we went off, the city's extremities had an bunch of debris, which i used the bike's laser to destroy. This would continue all along the way to Deadman Wonderland, when we arrived, i checked Makina's condition, it seemed her body was dealing with the virus, atleast at the moment, i helped her walk to the gates, where she used her ID card to open it. As the gates slowly opened we started walking in, but were met by the angry growls of the reanimated corpses. Just what i needed, zombies. I blew the head of one of the group of five, and Makina pulled out her katana and cut the zombies chest. The one i had blew the head off was still up, and was now following in the direction i had shot him from, i sidestepped, but he continued walking the same path. The other had already dealt with the zombies, or atleast it seemed like it, but their bodies were still active, so i blew all of the limbs of the one attacking me off, and crushed its spine. This seemed to do deal the killing blow.

|+30 EXP|

I need to break their spines to kill them? That can be troubling, depending on the situation. I shot at the back of the zombies the girls had defeated, killing them for good.

|+120 EXP|

We continued on, in the direction of the train, we didn't meet any more zombies. When we arrived at the station, we found some Umbrella soldiers, who were searching for clues, i signaled for the girls to prepare themselves, Akira pulled out an light pistol (if she had that all along, why didn't she use it before?) and Cutthroat got ready to throw her knife, i signaled for them to attack the two closest to us, and i activated my {Dead Eye} to shoot the ones farthest away, in a matter of an second, they were all dead. I searched the bodies of the soldier, robbing their rifles and bullets, and took the ID card of the one who seemed to be leader.

|+450 EXP|

I entered the rain, and helped the others up, when they had all entered, Sister ran at the box her brother's body was in. and she started breaking down again. I took this time to {observe} her status.

|Name: Experiment 5555 aka Sister

HP: 100

MP: Null

HP Regen: 300 per minute

MP Regen: Null








Unique skill:{Experiment 5555}


{Infant's body}*Temporary*|

That regeneration is understandable, considering they're supposed to be immortal, but i wonder if drowning them would kill them? Maybe that's how her brother died. Anyways, i put the soldiers leader's ID car in the slot, and this closed the cargo doors behind us, and we started moving at an fast pace. Olivia got back to comforting Sister, and Kaede and 02 started trying to comfort the little girl as well. Other than that, the travel was uneventful. I had calculated the time it took for us to arrive at the Decontamination Zone when we were invading the Shinkansen. About two minutes before the zone, i pulled out my laptop and set off the bomb i had planted on the second Shinkansen, frow what i understood, the train was powered by an small fission nuclear reactor, and the bomb would disrupt it's functioning, and explode Kanto.

|+35470 EXP

Leveled up 2 times.

Reached LVL 10, +5 to all stats.

{Charlatan} Leveled up.

+5 CHA,+3 INT,+2 DEX|

That bomb was quite an successful investment.