
The Chaos Era of Zac the Destiny Maker

You know when you do one thing and you get a completely different one, well that usually happens, they are things that life has. Anyway, I think I should introduce myself, I am the god of destiny Zac, and I have a beautiful daughter. She is the goddess of chaos and she has never created her own world ... or so I thought. While I was in the middle of my work I discarded a lot of freaks in a random world that I found myself there only to realize that this was my daughter's world. She has always been a tender and loving girl who loves stories, she created her own world because she wanted to create her own story. And, well, I think it is an opportunity to develop a beautiful and entertaining story ... right?

JMore · Fantasía
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16 Chs

The Dullahan and the 13 Shadows Part 1  

Shizuca perspective

After 3 hours the side effects began to disappear I could analyze what had happened ... I lift my head and it seems that I am still in the throne room, the corpse of the Hero is still in place, I have never seen such a regrettable scene.

The Dullahan invoked in exchange for the soul of the Demon King, it was to be expected that it was powerful, I used that ability on the princess but nothing happened, but when I used it on me ...

I search for that memory in my mind, that exact moment.

As soon as the Dullahan appeared, I was instantly aware of the danger, if we don't kill him here, he will give us a lot of trouble in the future. The princess gave a cry but I did not pay attention, the undead pointed his finger at the princess, I use something that I do not know but it seems to have no lethal effects, it seems that he wants to have fun with us, says Zabrina our paladin, the princess I order her and she as a knight in the service of God does not hesitate to jump into combat, I use the same thing on her but this time it had a different effect, it seems to create madness ... Zabrina began to run in my direction.

Shizuca ›stealth‹

I activate my unique ability of thieves and assassins, I hide in the shadows and fix my mind on the enemy in front of me, apparently the Hero continues to appreciate the corpse of the Demon King.

That bastard is laughing at Zabrina's situation while for some reason the princess started arguing with her meat shield.

Zum, my dagger tried to pierce through a hole in his armor but this jump back, I try to go back, I take a quick look at the Hero, he seems to be in a kind of trance, in that state he is sure to die easily "I must buy him time" "I must buy him time" "I must buy him time" with each attack emphasized that feeling more. "Stop dodging damn it!" at one point I stopped being afraid, the Dullahan did not want to kill me, a smile appeared on my face, every time I start to move faster to feel more emotion, "one hit with that I'm happy" I launch an attack with my maximum speed now it only remains to improve.

The Dullahan looks away for a second, just one second is all I need to land a blow, I attack with such speed that I feel like my arms are tearing apart but in a second he disappeared ...

Dullahan - Soul Harvester!

I turn in the direction of the sound and I can see how the corpse of the princess's main guard falls inert to the ground, everything happens in slow motion while I see how that monster raises its finger in my direction, I widened my eyes, that sign is so easy to read it is obvious what it intends to do but behind me is the Hero if I dodge that attack he will be affected "I MUST BUILD TIME FOR THE HERO, OUR DESTINY DEPENDS ON THAT !!!" A smile appears on my face, "I Shizuca will finally pay my debt to the Hero for getting me out of that place" my body shudders "is this the emotion of dying in front of a great opponent?" I close my eyes and feel how the mana accumulates on his finger and is shot in my direction, if I wanted I could dodge it even with my eyes closed, my hands tied and after having turned 100 times on myself.

Dullahan - Thief of senses!

..."This is death?" I feel as if a bucket of water had been thrown on me, I open my eyes and see the opponent in front of me, I correct my posture and attack him again ... but my movements are no longer so strong, this fight has lost all the emotion, so ... why did I attack him? He is not going to hurt me ... it seems that everything that tied me to this battle disappeared "Should I buy him time? Is that why he was fighting? Did that excite me? Go stupid, if he isn't going to attack me I won't paint anymore nothing here!" I keep my dagger in the sheath that I carry around my waist and I go to a dark corner, I need time to think and clarify my feelings, I curl up on the floor and wait ...

So that's what happened ... Now what should I do? I look up again and I find a beautiful person smiling at me, I did not notice his presence until now but ... My senses conflict , I begin to feel fear for some reason, but my instinct does not tell me anything, it does not detect any danger, this generates more fear and confusion.

I look more closely at that person who looks at me with a smile, he is a person with a beautiful appearance, I could not say if he is a man or a woman but that does not interest me, his physical aspects do not give you to think about anything else.

From his back two large black wings sprouted that assimilate to the wings of a bird, his black feathers were so long that they reached the ground, his eyes are curious, the part of them that should be white is black, the iris is something white that shines like a ring around a black ball that must be the pupil, and finally, the most striking of all his appearance and that in short, was the last clue and the most revealing to discover his race, it was a black halo, that person is ultimately a fallen angel, an angel who had defied god. The angel smiled more and spoke with a beautiful voice.

Fallen Angel - You are probably analyzing my race at the moment and surely you are asking yourself some uncomfortable question that you should never ask, such as what did you do to end up as a fallen angel?

Shizuca - what did you do to end up as a fallen angel?

The fallen angel had a small tic in his smile, apparently that was not expected, I am seriously curious, despite being a former angel I cannot feel any divine aura.

Fallen angel- you ... <threatening tone>

Shizuca- <sad dog look> <her cuteness skill kicks in>

Fallen angel - I-I see, let me introduce myself, my name is Sotona "koji je izazvao boga" ... in your language it would be Satan who challenged God, you can call me Sat and as my name says I challenged myself God and as such I am they tell me that I am a demonic being.

One of the beings in the room that I believe is an elf joins the conversation.

elf- are you showing off again Sat? <goes to Shizuca> it's a pleasure to meet you my name is Alyamise Von Frenches and let me tell you a secret <he bends down and gets a little closer to Shizica> Sat challenged the god Zac to a du- du-du-duel, sorry I stuck my tongue, as I said they disputed the title of god in a card game a bit, very rare to summon monsters, in the end Sat lost and accused the god of cheating, what to say "It was a matter of the heart of the cards" was not valid and it was a cheap excuse, the aforementioned god got nervous and punished her ... she <Sat has no gender but since she likes men they refer to her as a woman> he still does not accept his defeat.

Sat- He cheated ! el- auch <bit his tongue> what the hell is he hearing right now -Arr <grunt>

After saying that he / she was very furious it seemed that he was releasing bloodlust, that distortion in space is what is usually seen when someone releases an incredible amount of bloodlust, but ... I don't feel anything.

Shizuca - is that supposed to be "bloodlust"?

I said it without any intention behind but it seems that I offended her / her I still have not decided on her gender. I annoyed her even more, so much so that she grabbed my shirt collar and started yelling at me as the space distorted even more, making it clear that she was very angry.


Dullahan - hey calm down with that, do you remember what I said? She could no longer feel the thirst for blood, neither the mana nor the divinity.

Something of what he said resounded in my head and anger began to take over my body, but after receiving another look from the angel I felt fear, my survival instinct began to warn me of danger.

Fallen Angel - You do not feel my thirst for blood, but you are paralyzed by a look? funny ... by the way, idiot <he means Makasu> didn't you want to do something with this dwarf?

Directing my gaze to Dullahan, he made a gesture and the twelve beings that were present in the room gathered behind him as if they were his shadows, Sat joined them turning them into thirteen shadows.

Dullahan - Shizuca, that's your name right?

I nodded.

Dullahan - take this message to the world: the Demon King and the Hero are dead, stop their attack and make peace or suffer the consequences. <Dullahan receives a new ability> [Performance level III - that Dullahan is a very good actor, he He knows how to put into his role so what else to give him this ability, but it's just a formality, oh ?! If the description ahem this ability allows you to change your act at the time, it gives you a bonus that allows you to get deeply into your character, so you can improvise on your character without problems when you reach level X you can even pass yourself off as a god and only the god you are posing as can deny your performance]

My survival instinct was screaming at me to run away, my legs started to shake.

Shadow 2: Take this one for you, and this one for the kingdom

The horned figure that was behind the girl who was carrying the Dullahan's head, took out a couple of Black cards when I turned them over I saw that they had a heart instead of a seal, I felt ... surprise.

Shadow 2: I'm sorry for what my son-in-law did to you and that's why I'm telling you a mistake in the rules , < whispering> Zac doesn't contemplate sexual pleasure or lust within the senses of happiness and satisfaction.

At that moment I remembered the kneeling Dullahan explaining to the Hero what he had done to me ...

(*  ̄︿ ̄)

Shizuca - <whisper> Thank you very much "shadow 2" ...

Right now I am expectant ... out of kindness I will comply with what he told me, after that ... I will have a "relaxation" time. I pick up the corpse of the Hero (with everything and head) and the corpse of the Demon King (it is dry as a raisin), I really feel grateful with that shadow, although now that I think about it it is not that I hate the Dullahan, I have never felt so free, so ... happy, if I had never felt this happy before, I think I have never really been happy but now, this, which I am sure is not happiness (because in theory I can no longer feel it) it makes me feel complete , it's a very strange feeling.

After that I leave the throne room with both corpses on my shoulders, after crossing the threshold of the entrance I left both corpses on the ground and took out a tele-transport scroll, I am not stupid I know what I lost and it would be better to leave quickly .

I invoke the spell but I can't see the transition circle , but I decided not to stop, when I finished I knew it worked because I appeared in the throne room of the Rusirifof Kingdom ...