
Three days


The next day at Devan corporation~~~~~

CEO office~~~~~

"Sir, I have something very important to report to you immediately" secretary Dan called for the attention of Charlie.

"What is it? Have you found where George and his family?" Charlie asked non - chalantly.

"Not yet sir but we discovered something else" secretary Dan said.

"What is it?" Charlie asked secretary Dan.

"It is about a secret underground tunnel" secretary Dan said.

"What do finding out the whereabouts of George and his family has to do with a underground secret tunnel?" Charlie asked. He is not happy that his wife's uncle and his family has not been found, 'where are they hiding that they have not been found? Looks like they are really good at hiding but no matter where and how long it takes, they must be found and when they are found, he would make sure they rot in the most painful part in prison' Charlie thought and did not hear what secretary Dan was explaining for him.

"Sir! Sir!! Sir!!!" Secretary Dan shouted, "is everything alright with you sir?" Secretary Dan asked.

"Yes... Yes... Everything is fine with me... Fine... Were you saying something?" Charlie asked secretary Dan.

"Yes sir, I was explaining about the connection between the underground tunnel and the Andersons" secretary Dan said.

"Oh... Okay go on" Charlie said.

'Seriously! Now I have to start all over again... if not because of the salary I would have quit long time ago... hffft' secretary Dan thought.

"The underground tunnel leads to the next city and it is possible that George and his family would pass through the tunnel because we have already blocked the airport, the roads and sea route" secretary Dan said.

"How long does it take for someone to reach the other side of the tunnel?" Charlie asked his secretary.

"It takes approximately three days to reach the other side of the tunnel" secretary Dan answered.

"Three days huh.... Okay, send some people to go to the city the tunnel leads to and place them on the wanted list and  let them wait there in case they have already entered the tunnel and also station people in front of the tunnel but ensure they are not seen by George and his family" Charlie instructed secretary Dan.

"Yes sir" secretary Dan said. He bowed down and left the office.


Remote area~~~~~

AUTHOR>> the remote area is actually a small town where there is no network connection. They can only communicate through a burner. George and his family are staying in a small house in the town.


"Adriana, what did our men say? Did they find out any other way to leave this d*mned city?" George asked.

"Yes, they did find a way out of the city" Adriana said.

"Really! Yes! Finally!" Sofia said joyfully.

"Okay, what is it?" George asked.

"It is an underground secret tunnel that leads to the next city" Adriana said.

"Does Charles know about the tunnel?" Sofia asked.

"I do not think so because if he has he must have sent his people to block the entrance and besides we would probably be gone even before he finds out" Adriana said.


AUTHOR'S little thought>> Adriana! Adriana! Are you just foolish or you are pretending to be?🤦 How can the god himself not know about the underground tunnel? I can see why your plans always fail🧐🧐....


"How long will it take for us to reach the next city?" George asked Adriana curiously.

"It will take three days max" Adriana said.

"Okay, we depart next tomorrow..." George said.

"Why not tomorrow?" Sofia asked.

"Because I need to take care of somethings tomorrow" George said and left the living room. Adriana and her her mother watch her George leave the living room.

"Finally we would leave this city for good" Sofia said rejoicing.

"Yes, we would" Adriana said but she was praying that nothing goes wrong before then.


Charlie's mansion~~~~~

Charlie got back from work and Eve welcomed him at the entrance of the mansion.

"Welcome Hun" Eve said.

"Thanks. How was your day?" Charlie asked.

"He is fine. He just fell asleep a while ago" Eve said.

"Okay" Charlie said.

"Let us go in because you need to freshen up and eat dinner, you look really tired" Eve said helping Charlie carry his bag with his suit inside.


After dinner Charlie and Eve were in their room doing their different routines. Eve is removing the make up on her face and applying her daily essentials on her face while Charlie is sitting on the bed with his laptop on his legs, working on some files he told his secretary, Dan to send to his email.


AUTHOR>> Hope you guys are enjoying the story?☺️

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Random question for the day 😊:

  Curry vegetable rice 


Fried fillets of grilled plaice

Mine is = Both☺️! I do not want to choose between the two amazing food ☺️ because both are mouth watering 😋😋

Write your favorite food in the comment section ☺. That is it for today!

Au-revoir mes amies 🤗 !