


"How long will it take for us to reach the next city?" George asked Adriana curiously.

"It will take three days max" Adriana said.

"Okay, we depart next tomorrow..." George said.

"Why not tomorrow?" Sofia asked.

"Because I need to take care of somethings tomorrow" George said and left the living room. Adriana and her her mother watch her George leave the living room.

"Finally we would leave this city for good" Sofia said rejoicing.

"Yes, we would" Adriana said but she was praying that nothing goes wrong before then.


Charlie's mansion~~~~~

Charlie got back from work and Eve welcomed him at the entrance of the mansion.

"Welcome Hun. How was your day at work?" Eve said.

"It was stressful but good thanks and how was your day?" Charlie asked.

"He is fine. He just fell asleep a while ago" Eve said.

"Okay" Charlie said.

"Let us go in because you need to freshen up and eat dinner, you look really tired" Eve said helping Charlie carry his bag with his suit inside.


After dinner Charlie and Eve were in their room doing their different routines. Eve is removing the make up on her face and applying her daily essentials on her face while Charlie is sitting on the bed with his laptop on his legs, working on some files he told his secretary, Dan to send to his email.

"Charlie?" Eve called for his attention.

"Hmm?" Charlie hummed but still kept his attention on his work.

"Have you found my uncle?" Eve asked Charlie.

"Not yet but we have a possible route they might pass through in other to leave the city" Charlie said.

"Charlie... I want to ask you for a favour?" Eve asked skeptically because she does not want to annoy Charlie.

"Go on" Charlie said as he closed and dropped his laptop on the bed side desk.

"Ehmm..." She stammered.

"You do not have to be scared, you can ask me anything and I will make sure it is done" Charlie could guess that what Eve wants to ask for is relating to her uncle and she knows he hates her uncle to the extent he might want to kill him when he comes face to face with her uncle.

"I want you to promise me that no matter what, you would not take law into your hands and allow the law to handle my uncle's case" Eve said with a pleading voice. She does not want Charlie to get his hands stained all because of someone that is not worth it.

"I promise" Charlie said and kiss Eve on the forehead.

"Thanks" Eve said.

"Let us go to sleep" Charlie said.

"Hmm" Eve said and placed her head on Charlie's chest and both of them slept off.


Devan corporation~~~~~

Conference room~~~~~

The atmosphere in the conference room presently is very cold. Charlie had told the employees for the fifth time that day to revise the proposal.

They are in the conference room and the employees are freaking out and afraid that the boss might reject the proposal again because they were already tired and worn out. Everyone is waiting patiently for Charlie as he is going through the proposal.

'I can not wait for ma'am Eve to come back to work because Mr Charles is so strict and unapproachable' one of the employees thought.

Charlie was busy going through the proposal carefully when secretary Dan walked into the office.

"I wonder how secretary Dan copes with Mr Charles" first employee said to another employee.

"I wonder too! And I heard that he has been working for Mr Charles for about five years! Five... Good... Years! Is he not tired?" The second employee said.

"What! Five years?! Wow😲!" The first employee exclamated.

"Yes!" The second employee said.

"I can not do that! He is really patient" the first employee said.

The employees were discussing while secretary Dan walked closed to Charlie to report something to him.

"Sir, Ken just called and reported that George was spotted at one building with a man" secretary Dan said. Charlie's mood changed and this made the employees fret. Charlie stood up from his chair and face everyone.

"Make sure this proposal is processed and is on my desk by tomorrow" Charlie said, he turned to secretary Dan and said "let us go and talk in my office" Charlie turned and walked out with secretary Dan following behind him.

"What did he  just say?" First employee said.

"I think he approved of the project" second employee said.

"Finally!" Third employee shouted. The employees jubilated, they were happy that they do not have to come up with another project.


CEO's office.......

"Where?" Charlie asked immediately they stepped into the office.

"An old apartment complex at west avenue, sir" secretary Dan said.

"Get our people, we are going there right now" Charlie said.


AUTHOR>> Hope you guys are enjoying the story?☺️

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Random question for the day 😊:

 Watermelon drink


Paw - paw drink 

Mine is = Both☺️! I do not want to choose between the two amazing drinks (juice) ☺️ because both are mouth watering 😋😋

Write your favorite drink (juice) in the comment section ☺. That is it for today!

Au-revoir mes amies 🤗 !