
Fugitive family


Charlie just walked to the bed and hugged Eve. Eve was confused and asked "what is wrong?" Eve was patting Charlie on his back.

"Charlie has been worried about you and did not even eat anything until he was sure you were okay" Victor said.

"He has been blaming himself for not protecting you in the first place and by it leading to your kidnap" Mark said.

Eve pulls out from the hug and used her hands to hold his face and said "you don't need to blame yourself for my kidnap. You never knew it would happen as nd you are not god to be able to predict what would have happened but instead you deserve my gratitude for saving me and our son, so for that thank you Hun" Eve kissed him on his lips and this made the Charlie's father and the rest cover their faces.

"You both know you are not the only ones in this room right?" Racheal said. Charlie and Eve broke their kiss reluctantly and separated but they still held each other's hand.

"Speaking of baby, is this my grandson?" Mark asked smiling uncontrollably.

"Yes dad" Eve said looking at her father-in-law. Happiness was written all over him.

"So we are now uncle's!.... We are now aunties!" Charlie's and Eve's friends said and they joined Charlie's father to play with the new born.

"He takes after his father and mother. He would definitely break ladies heart when he grows up" Mark said.

"Yes! That is for sure he would" Sue and Nars said in unison.

"Of course! It runs in the genes, isn't it wifey?" Charlie asked Eve.

"I guess so. You got your handsomeness from dad and your son did not fail to inherit it from you!" Eve said.

"Oh don't flatter me. I am just an old man" Mark said waving his hands in denial.

"I am not flattering you dad! Although you are a little bit old, you are still handsome" Eve said.

"If you say so, thanks for the compliment" Mark said and acted shy and everyone began to laugh. Their laughter resounded in the room and can even be heard outside the room.

Everybody was very happy that Eve and the baby was not harmed. The mood in the room was harmonious.

But it was not so good in the Anderson's home.


Adriana and her father arrived home and went inside in a hurry. Sofia seeing the way her husband and daughter ran into the house she became alert.

"What is going on? Why are you both running? Is anything the matter?" Sofia asked.

"This is no time to ask and answer questions! We need to leave here now!" George said to his wife.

"Exactly! Why do we need to leave immediately?" Sofia asked.

"Our plan to kill Eve did not push through and as we speak now Charles, Eve's husband, with his connections must have found out our whereabouts so we need to leave here before he comes to get us" Adriana said.

"What! I thought you both were confident that your plan would work!" Sofia shouted.

"So we thought" Adriana said rushing upstairs to her room to pack her things.

"Woman I advise you to also start packing your things now or we would leave you behind" George shouted. Sofia rushes to the wardrobe, brought out a big suitcase and dropped it on the bed and started bringing out her clothes, putting them into the suitcase she kept on the bed. 

"I am done with packing dad!" Adriana said.

"Okay, wait a little bit longer for your mother because she is still packing" George paused and continued "go and help her pack" George said.

"Okay dad" Adriana said and went into her parents room to assist her mother.

"Dear are you done packing?" Sofia asked her daughter.

"Yes mom" Adriana said.

"Okay, wait a little... I am almost done packing" Sofia said.

"Let me help you mom" Adriana said and she joined her mother in packing her things inside the big suitcase.

Within thirty minutesthey were done with packing and they dumped all the luggages in the booth of their car and drove off.


M city hospital~~~~

Everybody has left except Charlie who stayed behind to watch over Eve and his son. Eve was asleep due to the stress of giving birth and Charlie was rubbing his hand on her head when secretary Dan came in.

"Sir" secretary Dan said.

"Whatever you want to say should better be important for you to interrupt me and my wife or else...." Charlie said coldly. He was annoyed he was being disturbed.

'interrupt you and your wife? Your wife is obviously very much asleep, so how is he interrupting?!' secretary Dan thought but forgot about it because he knows how his boss is since he has been working for him close to five years now and he is already used to his boss's behaviour.

"It's about ma'am's uncle and his family..." Secretary Dan said.

"Shhhh... Let's go outside and talk" Charlie stopped secretary Dan from speaking any further.

"Yes sir" secretary Dan said. 

Charlie and secretary Dan walked out of the room. They walked to the garden on the left side of the hospital. When they got there Charlie talked.

"Speak" Charlie said.

"Ken found out where George and his family are staying but when they got there, they were already gone" secretary Dan said.

"Have their whereabouts been found?" Charlie asked.

"They have not been found yet, I guess they are on the run and they may be planning to leave the country" secretary Dan said.

"We definitely cannot let that happen... Inform the police and also the airport authorities to be on the watch for them" Charlie said.

"Yes sir" Secretary Dan said.

"And also block all the exits from this country by sea because he might go through the sea when he sees that the airport authorities are on high alert" Charlie said.

"Yes sir" secretary Dan said and left.

Charlie stood outside for some while before going back inside.

Charlie lied down on the bed. The events of today weighed him down and he slept off immediately his head touches the bed.

The Andersons are now a fugitive family on the run. 


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Random question for the day 😊:



Meat kebab

Mine is = Both☺️! I do not want to choose between the two amazing appetizers ☺️ because both are mouth watering 😋😋

Write your favorite appetizer in the comment section ☺. That is it for today!

Au-revoir mes amies 🤗 !