
Fugitive family 2


"It's about ma'am's uncle and his family..." Secretary Dan said.

"Shhhh... Let's go outside and talk" Charlie stopped secretary Dan from speaking any further.

"Yes sir" secretary Dan said. 

Charlie and secretary Dan walked out of the room. They walked to the garden on the left side of the hospital. When they got there Charlie talked.

"Speak" Charlie said.

"Ken found out where George and his family are staying but when they got there, they were already gone" secretary Dan said.

"Have their whereabouts been found?" Charlie asked.

"They have not been found yet, I guess they are on the run and they may be planning to leave the country" secretary Dan said.

"We definitely cannot let that happen... Inform the police and also the airport authorities to be on the watch for them" Charlie said.

"Yes sir" Secretary Dan said.

"And also block all the exits from this country by sea because he might go through the sea when he sees that the airport authorities are on high alert" Charlie said.

"Yes sir" secretary Dan said and left.

Charlie stood outside for some while before going back inside. Charlie opened the door and saw Eve sitting on the bed. It was as if she was waiting for him.

"Hey" Charlie said as he walked towards Eve's bed.

"Hey" Eve said.

"Why are you still awake?" Charlie asked. He sat down on the bed.

"I was waiting for you" Eve said.

"You do not have to wait for me because you have been through a lot already and I am sure you are tired" Charlie said.

"I am tired but I have something to ask you...." Eve said.

"Okay, what is it?" Charlie asked.

"Have you found my uncle and cousin yet?" Eve asked.

"Not yet, although we were able find where they were staying but they already left before we got there" Charlie said.

"Oh..." Eve said. Charlie looked at Eve and felt that she is disappointed with the news and said to her;

"Do not worry I will make sure they are apprehended as soon as possible" Charlie assured Eve.

"Okay" Eve said.

"Let us sleep" Charlie said.

"Hmm" Eve hummed and rests her head on Charlie's chest while Charlie adjusts very well for Eve to be comfortable.

Charlie lied down on the bed. The events of today weighed him down and he slept off immediately his head touches the bed.

The Andersons are now a fugitive family on the run. 


The next morning ~~~~

M city hospital ~~~~

Eve woke up and let her hand wonder around on the bed and she noticed that the space beside her is empty. She stretched out her limbs and opened her eyes.

'Has he already gone to work?' Eve thought. As was pulled out of her reverie when she heard the door of the bathroom open. She turns and saw Charlie in all his glory. She just can't get tired of looking at her husband.

'Is he really my husband?' Eve thought.

Charlie chuckled and asked "how was your night?"

"Fine and yours?" Eve asked.

"Great because you are by my side" Charlie said and pulls in and kissed Eve on her forehead.

"Are you going to work?" Eve asked.

"Yes" Charlie said.

"Okay" Eve said.

"Your discharge can be processed today, so I will leave work early and come and pick you up, alright?" Charlie asked.

"Okay, have a great day at work!" Eve said.

"And you too have a great day" Charlie said. He kissed her on the forehead again and left.

Secretary Dan was waiting for Charlie with his car in front of the hospital. He saw Charlie coming out of the hospital and he came down from the car and rushes to open the door for Charlie.

"Good morning sir" secretary Dan greeted Charlie.

"Good morning Dan" Charlie returned the greeting and entered the car. Secretary Dan closed the door and went and entered the car and drove off to the company.


CEO's office ~~~~

Charlie settled down for the day and began to work when secretary Dan knocked and came in.

"Sir..." Secretary Dan said.

"What is it?" Charlie asked.

"This sir..." Secretary Dan gave Charlie the tablet he was holding and continued talking "George Anderson and his wife and daughter was spotted in front of the airport yesterday around 8:50pm but they did not stay for long and left in a hurry" secretary Dan said.

"Why did they leave the airport in a hurry?" Charlie asked.

"If you zoom a little closer in the CCTV footage, you would see that George was on a call with someone before he left the airport. I presume that whoever it is he was speaking with on the call, must have informed him that the airport authorities have been notified in case he tries to leave the country by air" secretary Dan said.

"Did you find out who was on the call with him?" Charlie asked.

"Yes sir. We were able to hack into his phone and we found out that the person who he was speaking with was none other than Mr Marvin and his nephew, Dr Andrew" secretary Dan said.

At the mention of their names, Charlie became furious. He broke the pen in his hand as he was trying to contain his anger inside him.

"They still dared to help that criminal even after my warning" Charlie said but in a low but a little bit audible voice.

"What should we do to them?" Secretary Dan asked.

"I want Dr Andrew's medical license is revoked, as in make sure that he would not be able to practice medicine for the rest of his miserable life" Charlie said.

"And what of Mr Marvin?" Secretary Dan asked.

"Make sure he loses all his assets and also send them to jail and make sure they rot in there" Charlie said.

"Yes sir" secretary Dan said and went out of the office to carry out the task given to him.


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Random question for the day 😊:

  Boiled chicken 


Roasted chicken 

Mine is = Both☺️! I do not want to choose between the two amazing food ☺️ because both are mouth watering 😋😋

Write your favorite food in the comment section ☺. That is it for today!

Au-revoir mes amies 🤗 !