


"My...what? Is everything okay, uncle George?" Eve asked, she was becoming worried. 

"Your parents are dead" George said.

"What did you just say?" Eve asked to confirm what she just heard.

"Your.... your parents are dead" George said for the second time.

"Uncle George, you are joking right?" Eve asked.

"No, I am afraid Eve, I am not joking" George said.

Eve slumped on the chair and was not herself. Her friends called her numerous times but she did not hear them.

"This can not be true! My parents can not be dead! We were together yesterday and there was nothing wrong with them" Eve thought.

"Come to the hospital now we need to settle somethings. I have already informed your school about it" George said.

"How did it happened?" Eve asked.

"They were involved in an accident on their way to the office this morning" George said.

"I will be right there!" Eve said and ran out of the school cafeteria with her friends running behind her, asking her what was wrong while trying to catch up with her. Eve went back to the class, took her bag and told her friends that she needed to take care of a personal issues before she left the school.

She got to the hospital, as she asked a nurse where her parents were, she heard her uncle.

"Eve, you are here" George said.

"Where are my parents?" Eve asked crying. She was already crying and her eyes were already red and swollen.

"Calm down, do not cry" George hugged Eve comforting her.

"Can you take me to them?" Eve asked.

"Okay, let us go, I will take you there" George said. He took Eve by the hand and went to the morgue in the hospital.

When they got to the morgue, the attendant brought them to where her parents corpses were. As Eve saw her parents body she just dropped to the floor and was crying and her uncle was comforting her.

"Why did you both leave me? What will I do now? How will I be able to cope without you both?" Eve continued talking to herself and hitting her chest.

"Eve you do not have to worry about who will take care d you or how you will cope without them because I and my family will fill in their space and take care of you like your parents did. You would not even notice their absence" George assured Eve repeatedly.

End of flashback~~~~~


Eve remembered all the promises her so called uncle made to her. He promised her everything; the love her parents, to train her through school and so on, although they were able to put her through school but she definitely did not feel the love parents give their children, instead she was maltreated; she was starved anytime she refuses to do what they told her to do. It was really far from all what they promised her. Her uncle even went as far as taking her inheritance from her claiming that they would help her take care of it until she is old enough to take over, but that obviously turned out to be a lie.

Eve was in deep thoughts, then Charlie looked at Eve and he knew that Eve was not focused on the celebration but instead her mind was somewhere else and he asked her what was the matter.

"Is anything the matter wifey?" Charlie asked.

"Nothing... I just remembered my parents" Eve said. Charlie hugged Eve and used his hands to pat her head.

"Will they be proud of me?" Eve asked Charlie.

"Wherever they are now they will definitely be very proud of you" Charlie said.

Charlie is hugging Eve but they were reminded that a party was going on.

"Enough with the sentimental mood and let us enjoy ourselves because it has been a rough journey" Mark said.

"Yes! Today is a good day so let us enjoy today to our satisfaction" Sue is the one that spoke up.

"Yes, they are right, let us enjoy ourselves" Mark said sitting close to Eve and patting her on her shoulder.

"You have heard them already, forget about the past and all your uncle and his family did you and focus on the present and the future" Charlie said to Eve.

Eve looked at everyone and saw that they had their eyes focused on her and we're waiting for what she would say.

"Okay, I will forget about the past and focus on the present and future" Eve said and Charlie kissed Eve.

Everybody clapped for them and the mood liven up and everyone was happy again.

"Yay!!!" Sue and Nars shouted.

"Can we go eat? Because this old man here is very hungry and you really do not want to starve your old man, would you?" Mark said and everyone laughed.

"Maybe that would be a good idea because you need to lose some weight" Charlie said.

"You..." Mark was rendered speechless. It was his own son that said to him.

Everybody laughed and began leaving the living room and going to the dinning room.


Anderson's family ~~~~~

"Why is our plan always going wrong? Why can I not get anything right?" Adriana talked to herself.

"What are you thinking about by this time?" Sofia asked her daughter.

"I am just thinking about why our plan keeps on going wrong everytime" Adriana said.

"Don't worry we will succeed eventually...."


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Random question for the day 😊:

  Nsala soup and Eba


Okra soup with Eba

Mine is = Both☺️! I do not want to choose between the two amazing food ☺️ because both are mouth watering 😋😋

Write your favorite food in the comment section ☺. That is it for today!

Au-revoir mes amies 🤗 !