
Eve is kidnapped again (1)


Continuation ~~~~~

Mr Marvin? Who is Mr Marvin?" Sofia asked.

"He is one of the board of directors in the company" Adriana was the one that answered.

"Not anymore" what George said shocked Adriana and her mother.

"What! How" They both shouted.

"How did that happen? Why was he fired?" Adriana asked.

"Apparently Mr Marvin accepted a proposal from Mr Honor who we convinced to reject the contract with the company" George said paused then continued,

"Charles made Mr Honor company go bankrupt and Devan corporation said they would not partner with Mr Honor again but Mr Marvin helped sneak the proposal in without knowing that Charles would take over the company for the period of time Eve is still pregnant."

"What is his relationship with Mr Honor?" Adriana asked confused and surprised why Mr Marvin would help Mr Honor.

"Both of them have been friends for a long time" George said.

"How are we going to use him then?" Adriana asked.

"We would use his hatred for Eve against her....." George said.

"How?" Adriana asked.

"We would make him our spy that will follow Eve" George said.

"When he no longer works in the company so how will he do that? And besides Eve stays at home now" Adriana asked.

"Mr Marvin has a nephew that works as a doctor in M city hospital, so we would make him ask his nephew to help us" George said.

"I hope it works because I can't wait to see Eve be on her knees begging for her life" Adriana squeezed the fork and knife in her both her hands and smirked.

"It would because I will make sure of that. I will make sure we get our revenge on Eve" George said gritting his teeth.


Time passed by like a wind and Eve is already in the last month of her pregnancy and her and her family cannot wait to welcome the new bundle of joy.

On Monday morning, as usual Eve prepares to go for her check up at the hospital while Charlie gets ready for work. Charlie and Eve made an agreement that he is to drop Eve off at the hospital and when she is done he would come pick her up.

Adriana and her father had showed no sign of attacking them in any way, so Eve convinced Charlie that maybe they have repented and also told him to make the bodyguards stop following her that she can take care of herself. Charlie refused but she insisted and Charlie eventually agrees but he still assigned one bodyguard to guard her secretly.

"What about Eve's uncle, George and his family? Any movements?" Charlie asked his secretary.

"None for now sir. They haven't made any suspicious move yet" Dan said.

"Okay you may go now and keep the car on standby for when my wife will call anytime soon" Charlie said.

"Okay sir" secretary Dan said and left the office.

M city hospital ~~~~~

Eve went to the doctor in charge of her as usual for the check up but was told that he wasn't around that another doctor would help her with the check ups and ante - natal. She saw no problem with that and waited in the examination room for the said attending doctor to come and atten to her.

"Good morning Mrs Powell. I am Dr Andrew, the doctor that is to replace Dr Matthew" the doctor appears to be young, probably in his late twenties.

"Good morning doctor Andrew. Nice to meet you" Eve said smiling.

"Can we start now?" Dr Andrew asked.

"Yes, of course you can start" Eve gave him the go ahead.

"Okay" Dr Andrew said and started the ante - natal process.

Andrew injected her with sleeping drugs instead of her usual medication and within ten seconds Eve fell asleep on the examination bed. Andrew took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello" Andrew said.

"Hello, have you done it?" The person on the other line asked him.

"Yes, you can come and take her but you need to be careful and make sure this never affects me in anyway" Andrew said.

"It will not affect you" the person on the other line said assuringly.

"Okay, I will take your word for that uncle Marvin" Andrew said.

"Sure, thanks once again" Mr Marvin thanked his nephew once again and he hung a up the call. He proceeds to call someone else on his phone.

"You can move now" Marvin ordered.

"Yes boss" A man's deep voice resounded on the other line.

Immediately Andrew arranged Eve on the bed and covered her her whole body with a white cloth, two men dressed in a make nurse and doctor costume with nose masks came into the room, he asked to confirm if they were sent by his uncle and after confirming that they were sent by his uncle, he let them carry Eve and showed them the way out of the hospital through the back entrance. They put Eve into a car and drove off.

Back at the examination room, the director came to check up on Eve to see how the examination is going. He opened the door and saw only Andrew in the room and he asked Andrew where she is.

"Dr Andrew, where is Mrs Powell?" Dr Philip asked.

"Oh she left already, saying she needs to meet her husband" Andrew said.

"Okay, keep up the good work" Dr Philip said and left the examination room. Andrew blew a sigh of relief when the director was out of the room.


In Anderson's house........

George and Adriana were waiting patiently for Marvin's call. Adriana was pacing around the living room while George is telling her to calm down.

"Stop walking around and calm down, he would succeed" George said.

"How are you sure?" Adriana asked.

"I am sure, so stop pacing around because you are making me feel dizzy" George said. They continued bickering at each other when the phone on the tea table rang stopping them and George rushed to pick up the call and put it on speaker.

"Hello" George said.

"She has been kidnapped and brought to the abandoned warehouse" Marvin said.

"Okay thanks for your help, Marvin" George said.

"No need, our deal ends here and remember we never talked to each other and make sure nobody knows I have a hand in this" Marvin said coldly.

"Don't worry be rest assured that nobody will know about your involvement" George assured Marvin. After that Marvin ends the call before George could say anything else.

"She has been kidnapped and it left for us to do whatever we want" George smirked.

"Yes! Finally! Your time has come for revenge my dear little cousin sister" Adriana said with a evil laughter.


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Random question for the day 😊:

 Fried yam with fried eggs


Boiled yam with fried eggs 

Mine is = fried yam with fried eggs ☺️!

Write your favorite food in the comment section ☺. That's it for today!

Au-revoir mes amies👋