


~~~~~~~~ (cont)

"What do you want to eat?" Charlie asked Eve.

"uhmm..." Eve started thinking and when she thought of what she wanted to eat she said "I want spicy chicken, rice, and scrambled eggs" Eve said.

"What a weird combination of food you've got as appetite little bunny" Charlie chuckled.

"Hey! Do not blame me! That is simply what our baby wants not me" Eve said.

"Okay, while I prepare dinner, find something to watch to keep yourself busy" Charlie said.

"Okay and please be fast I am hungryyyy!" Eve shouted holding her stomach.

"Okay little bunny" Charlie said. He chuckled at the way his wife is acting and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for the both of them.


M city mall~~~~~


"Hey sisters! How have you been?" Racheal asked Eve, Sue and Ginger cheerfully as she hugged them.

"We are all fine" they answered simultaneously. 

"How is your baby, Racheal?" Eve asked.

"Oh he is fine. I left him with his nanny to watch over him while I am away" Racheal said.

"How is married life treating you, Ginger?" Eve asked Ginger.

"Well it has been good as you can see" Ginger said and all of them started laughing.

"You need to get married Sue but to the right person because that is only when married life will be interesting" Ginger told Sue.

"Don't worry, the moment I find the right person, I won't hesitate to hold unto him and marry him" Sue saidand all the women laughed.

"We need to start now before it is to late" Eve reminded her friends and they all nodded their heads and walked around the shopping mall looking for the children's section.

Eve, Sue, Racheal and Ginger decided the previous day that they would meet each other at the shopping mall. Racheal who is already a mother lead them to the children's section and directed the whole shopping. Racheal told Eve the things she needed, both now and after she gives birth to the baby.

Their shopping took hours, by the time they were done shopping, it was already 5pm and it was time for them to go their separate ways.

"I need to go now because Charlie will soon be home and if he does not see me, he would be worried and possibly start imagining the worse" Eve said pouting her lips. She was obviously not happy about them going  now because she enjoys their company but she had to get home before Charlie does so she can welcome him as a dutiful wife.

"Me too" Racheal and Ginger also pouting but agreed with Eve.

"You all are making me jealous now" Sue said pretending to be sad and crying.

"Do not worry, yours will come soon, I can feel it" Eve said patting Sue's shoulder to comfort her.

"Okay" Sue said.

"Okay see you soon, bye!" They all said to each other and went their different ways.


Charlie's mansion ~~~~

"How was your shopping?" Charlie asked Eve when she sat beside him on the sofa in the living room.

"It was fantastic and interesting. You came back very early today?" Eve noticed that he was already at home before her and judging by the casual clothes he is wearing, he has been home for a while.

"I wanted to welcome you when you come back from shopping" Charlie said.

Eve hugged Charlie and said"Awwwn 🥰, thanks".

"How are you feeling? Any pain or discomfort?" Charlie asked.

Eve is surprised and she asked "how come you know pregnant woman do feel pain or discomfort?" Eve looked at Charlie waiting for his reply.

"I read online that pregnant women do feel pain and discomfort especially at their back" Charlie said.

"Oh..... Online... Okay let us go to bed so you can massage my legs for me... they hurt" Eve said holding onto Charlie's hand and dragging him upstairs to their room.

"Have you eaten?" Charlie asked.

Eve nodded her head and said "hmm. I, Sue, Ginger and Racheal grabbed something to eat when we were done with shopping before coming home, and you?"

"Hmm" Charlie hummed. Charlie hadn't actually eaten anything but lied. He is already full knowing that Eve has eaten.

He followed her quietly to their room and they freshened up and went to bed early.


Anderson's family home ~~~~

"We need to carry out our final plan" George said. They were eating their dinner George spoke, he paused and then continued,

"We need to kidnap Eve and get rid of her! I do not care if I get killed while doing that but as long as Eve is killed, I am satisfied" George said.

"But you know we need to be careful, now that Candice has gone back to America, their is no how we would know her movement. We would need someone to follow her carefully because I know Charles would have bodyguards follow her" Adriana said.

"I heard that she is pregnant, so I know for a fact that she would go to the hospital for ante - natal and regular check up... You can use that opportunity to kidnap" Sofia said.

"You are right darling, we would do that" George said.

"Okay, I will get our most trusted and skilled men to follow her" Adriana said.

"Do not worry, I have just the person to do that" George said smirking.

"Who dad?" Adriana asked.

"Who is that darling?" Sofia asked also. Both of them looked at George eagerly waiting for his answer.

"Mr Marvin" George said.

"Mr Marvin? Who is Mr Marvin?" Sofia asked.

"He is one of the board of directors in the company" Adriana was the one that answered.

"Not anymore" what George said shocked Adriana and her mother.

"What! How" They both shouted.

"Apparently Mr Marvin accepted a proposal from Mr Honor who we convinced to reject the contract with the company" George said paused then continued,

"Charles made Mr Honor company go bankrupt and Devan corporation said they would not partner with Mr Honor again but Mr Marvin helped sneak the proposal in without knowing that Charles would take over the company for the period of time Eve is still pregnant."

"How are we going to use him?" Adriana asked.

"We would use his hatred for Eve against her....." George said.

To be continued........


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Random question for the day 😊:

 Fried sweet potatoes 


Boiled sweet potatoes 

Write your favorite food or (appetizer)  in the comment section ☺. That's it for today!

Au-revoir mes amies👋