

"Aya.. who said you won't need it?" Sue asked.

"I said so" Eve said very sure she won't need it.

"Don't say that, you would need it in other to consummate your marriage" Sue said hitting Eve's shoulder lightly smiling slyly.

"How?" Eve asked suspiciously.

"You know..." Sue said winking at Eve.

Eve eyes bulge out immediately she understands what her friend meant.

"You...!" Eve Exclamated and her face turns rosy red.

"What?" Sue said shrugging her shoulders.

"Now follow me and make your choice and stop acting like a child!" Sue said. She selected some sets of lingeries and pushes Eve towards the dressing room to try it on.

Eve tried on multiple lingerie before they were able to settle with one. It was a transparent looking lingerie accompanied with pant and bra, it hung at her mid thigh exposing her pale and smooth milky looking skinthat made Eve look sexy and seductive.

After shopping it was already 1pm so Eve left Sue and headed home to prepare for their flight at 2pm.


When Eve got home from the shopping mall, their luggages were already packed and set up in the car.

"What did you buy from the mall?" Charlie asked.

"Just some necessary things" Eve said as her face becomes red.

"Then why is your face red like a tomato, little bunny?" Charlie asked.

"Here he goes again with the little bunny thing, so annoying!" She murmured.

"What did you say?" Charlie asked because he thought he heard her say something.

"Nothing!" Eve said.

"Okay, can I see what you bought?" Charlie asked.

"No! You can't" Eve said.

"Why?" Charlie asked frowning his eyebrows.

"B... because it's women stuff" Eve said.

"Okay" Charlie said giving up seeing that Eve wouldn't allow him to see what she bought but he will find out later.

After they finish talking, the butler comes in to inform them that the car is ready.

Eve and Charlie enters the car and they head to the airport.


When they got to the airport, Eve was surprised of the route they took, she turns as and asked Charlie "I thought we are taking the plane?" 

"Yes" Charlie replied.

"Then why did we not stop at the entrance of the airport?" Eve asked confused.

"We are taking my company's private jet" Charlie said as if using a private jet is nothing new to him.

"What! Really?" Eve asked.

"Yes" Charlie said.

They stopped at an entrance and Charlie got off the car and Eve gets off also and they headed inside.

Eve is amazed at the size and appreance of the jet. It was looking exquisite and obviously very expensive. She looks at Charlie and started seeing invisible word written on his forehead;



Hello readers,

I want to inform you that some new characters will be added in the course of writing this story. I hope you guys can motivate me by rating and commenting, thanks.

Have a nice day ahead!!!🤗🤗