

They stopped at an entrance and Charlie got off the car and Eve gets off also and they headed inside.

Eve is amazed at the size and appreance of the jet. It was looking exquisite and obviously very expensive. She looks at Charlie and started seeing invisible word written on his forehead;


They were both ushered into the jet. Eve became more shocked when she see the interior of the private jet. The interior designs were unmatchable. Most of it's parts were made of gold and it was placed in the right parts making it look luxurious to the extent she would want to live there if she was allowed to but wiped away the idea because it doesn't make any sense.

Charlie brought Eve to a section that looked like a mini living room and they sat down on the sofa.

Few minutes later, a lady approached them, she greeted Charlie and Eve.

"Good Mr and Mrs Powell" the lady said in a welcoming manner.

Charlie didn't answer her, he kept his usual poker face in which you can not tell what he is thinking.

"Good afternoon to you too" Eve replied on behalf of her and Charlie.

The air hostess continued, "welcome on board, what would you like to have?" 

Charlie looks up this time and ordered steak with chili sauce and a glass of red wine.

"And what would you like to have, ma'am?" The lady turns to Eve waiting for her response.

"I will have what he is having" Eve said pointing at Charlie.

The lady getting the order of the couple bowed down and leaves to prepare their orders.

"Hey, Charlie" Eve said meekly.

"Hm?" Charlie hummed looking towards the direction of the sweet voice that called him.

"How rich are you?" Eve asked her eyes looking at Charlie with pure curiousity.

Charlie chuckled at the sudden question from Eve.

"Why do you ask?" Charlie asked.

"Because of this!" Eve said using her hands to let Charlie know what she is talking about. She knew Charlie was rich but didn't know the extent of his wealth.

"Oh, well rich enough to talk care of you for the rest of your life and even the next seven generations to come; did that answer your question dear?" Charlie asked.

Eve was loss of words to say that she was only able to nod her head in affirmation that his answer answers her question perfectly.

Charlie laughs because of the look Eve has on her face before the door to the mini living room is opened and the lady who took their order came in with other ladies who were carrying a tray each and a guy carrying a wine and two glass cups. Charlie immediately goes back to his poker face expression.

The air hostess ordered the rest to arrange the dishes and wine on the table in front of Charlie and Eve and Charlie and when they were done arranging, Charlie gestures them to leave.