


Inside the room...

Charlie's friends ( Michael, Ginger, Victor and Racheal ) were talking and speculating what the woman his is dating has done to win his heart when they all heard the door open, they left whatever they were doing and faces the direction of the door. They saw Charlie entering the room and waited to see Charlie's girlfriend but saw no one and Michael asked "where is your girlfriend?" 

Charlie is surprised they are asking" can't they see Eve at his back" as he thought this he turns back to see no one, he steps out and pulls Eve inside the room.

They are amazed by Eve's beauty. They are are still wondering why Charlie like this woman because she's obviously pretty but if Charlie likes women that are beautiful, there are many beautiful girls who are willing to become his woman and they are positive that it's not her beauty that attracted Charlie and they are eager to find out the reason why Charlie cares for this woman.

"Hello Miss" Racheal and Ginger were the first to say anything in the room. They stood up and approach Eve where she is standing beside Charlie. Racheal and Ginger were the ones that spoke up first because they were excited to see a new face who is a woman like them because they are tired of being with the guys who always talk about business or other boring and uninteresting topics.

Charlie wanted to say something but Eve was dragged by Racheal and Ginger even before he could say anything. Charlie looks at the trio's chatting happily as they head to where they will sit, he chuckled and walks to where his friends are sitting.

"Hey dude!" Victor said.

The two women took Eve to a corner in the room to gossip about their men because if they are with the guys, it would be very boring because all they talk about is business ! Business !! Business !!! Geez!

When the Racheal, Ginger and Eve were settled down, Racheal asks Eve her name.

"What's your name sister?" Racheal asked.

Eve is surprised that they called her sister but she answers them "Eve" she said.

"Nice name" Ginger said.

"Thanks" Eve said smiling.

Racheal and Ginger asked her how she and Charlie meet telling her not to skip a single part. Eve told them of course excluding the part they were intimate with each other.

Eve saw how Racheal and Ginger where talking and asking questions about her and Charlie and chuckled because they were excited and they were really adorable too!

Eve felt comfortable with the both them unlike her uncle and her family who is always looking for ways to kill her. She found out that Racheal and Ginger like to gossip (don't get me wrong, they gossip the good gossip not the bad ones) and their booming with happiness.

I hope you like my story. Please rate my book 5 star and don't forget to comment about my book.

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