


When Eve got to the office, she saw Charlie sitting on his chair behind the desk. Charlie looks up at Eve. After a while he told Eve that his friends wants to meet her and therefore requested they have dinner together.

Eve hesitates for a few seconds before she answers "okay".

Few more hours passed and the work hours is over and Charlie and Eve heads to the restaurant to meet Charlie's friends.


The car stopped in front of the restaurant and immediately Eve stared to feel nervous while staring at the restaurant. Charlie noticed her nervousness and wants to assure her that there is nothing to be scared as about.

"Don't be nervous, my friends don't bite and if they try to i am here to protect you" Charlie said reassuringly.

"Okay" Eve said nodding her head. Eve breaths in and out then said "let's go then" she said.

"Mmm" Charlie said and they both got down from the car and walks into the restaurant.

As they entered the restaurant, Eve saw a man and two other ladies running towards their direction. She can tell that the ladies were waitresses but she can't tell the man's position because of the way he is dressed but she found out later that the man is the manager of the restaurant.

The man was smiling while talking "your special room is ready and your guests are already waiting for you? The restaurant manager said after he looked at Eve and thinks that Eve must be very special to him for the boss to bring her to the restaurant because as long as he had known the boss he had never brought any woman with him to this restaurant except this lady and he should try not to anger the boss by disrespecting this lady. But truly the young lady is quite pretty.

"Okay" Charlie said and the manager is brought out of his reverie when he heard Charlie's voice.

"Enjoy your dinner Mr Charles and Miss..." The manager said looking at Eve who understands what he meant and she introduces herself;

"Eve" Eve said.

"Oh Miss Eve, welcome" the restaurant manager said.

"Thanks" Eve said smiling then she and Charlie goes to the special room.


Inside the room...

Charlie's friends ( Michael, Ginger, Victor and Racheal ) were talking and speculating what the woman his is dating has done to win his heart when they all heard the door open, they left whatever they were doing and faces the direction of the door. They saw Charlie entering the room and waited to see Charlie's girlfriend but saw no one and Michael asked "where is your girlfriend?" 

Charlie is surprised they are asking" can't they see Eve at his back" as he thought this he turns back to see no one, he steps out and pulls Eve inside the room.

Amazed by Eve's beauty, they now understand why Charlie is attracted to Eve but if Charlie is moved by beauty, there were many pretty girls.