
A Visitor from far away

Once I removed every piece of the code, that could enable Eson to remotely connect to the Ship, and even a few parts that would have enabled him to track it himself, I had the AI transfer itself to Madonna's ship, after asking for everything the ship contains.

No, I'm not a programmer. Yet. But, one of the many benefits of being a Celestial, is Technopathy. I 'understand' what each line in a code does, and what all of it does altogether. Then it was simply a task of removing the tracking algorithms from the AI Source Code, and there were a lot.

Unfortunately, the Ship wasn't that important to Eson, meaning it did not contain much in the way of treasures.

I only got access to the Apocalypse armours, which were supposed to be worn by the Champion of Celestials, and the Rejuvenation Serum, which would heal any wound, and even bring anyone back from the brink of death. The two armours weren't of any use to me, but I kept them anyway, in case I needed to gift them to someone.

But since I was a Celestial, the AI wasn't against my usage either. It agreed with almost everything I told it to do, and carried out the tasks loyally.

After Sonny moved to Mother's ship, I flew Eson's ship through a portal, and took it to a black hole, taking great care while nearing it. At first, the cosmic energy within it did not allow the black hole to pull it towards itself.

So.. I gave it a push. And damn, is spaghettification scary. It didn't even happen to me, and I almost crapped my Celestial pants. My own Cosmic Energy allowed me to survive vacuum, as well as to shrug off the Gravitational force of the Black Hole.

And so ended the ship of Eson. Sonny will miss you, even if I won't. And Apocalypse won't ever find you, so that's a plus.

The next few years went by on Donna, with me learning everything the AI, whom I named Sonny after a robot movie character I remember, could teach me. We began with the basics, and slowly, moved on to the higher studies.

Not being modest, but I was not a genius. I wasn't what one might categorise as 'smart' either. But, Sonny is an excellent teacher, and could definitely teach any kind of student until they become geniuses themselves. Sonny taught me everything patiently, with the help of lot of Videos and images from his records.

I wasn't an expert (By Celestial standards) in any subject but Maths, for now, but I know that it's only a matter of time, which I have in plenty.

Since I didn't actually need any knowledge for now, I mostly focused on Technological Studies, so I can repair Madonna's ship if it breaks down. Also because I want to create a gun.

Hey, I love axes just as much as the next guy, and I love my axes more than that. But.. some people just need to be shot at, not cut. So, yeah. I was hoping to make a gun, but not just any gun. A Cosmic Gun!

Just imagine, a Gun that fires highly concentrated bullets of Cosmic Energy, even more destructive than my Cosmic Blasts! Sigh, it's too far away for now. My understanding of Celestial Mechanics is not up to par yet.

Soon, though.

Turning off the monitor after today's lesson, I go inside, towards the room I'd taken as my own, and say, "Thanks for the lesson, Sonny."

"You're welcome, Sir. Have a good night." Sonny says, waving a tentacle goodbye.

No, he doesn't have a body, and I wasn't planning on giving him one yet. Since he controls the entire ship, he can use the Research Lab's tentacles, which he uses as hands.

Not feeling up to it, I go to sleep without food. It wasn't common for me to do this, as I like eating food. But sometimes, I just don't feel like eating. So, downing a cup of wine, I go to sleep.


In the vast blackness of space, there exists a planet, that is visible to very few beings. The Cosmic Abstracts, the Watchers, the Celestials, and the Proemial Gods are the only ones that can see the planet unconditionally.

The rest, be it Mortal, Divine, or Demonic, none even know of the planet's existence.

Which is why, there was no one around to see, when a portal opened up right on top of it, and an injured and unconscious being got trapped in the planet's gravitational field. Slowly, over a few hours time, the still unconscious being gets pulled towards the planet, and towards the barrier that hides it.

However, when the being reaches the barrier, the barrier recognizes it's own, and lets the being through. So, the being catches fire, entering the atmosphere, and starts falling towards the planet.

As it crashes down on the ground, a small black tendril rises up from under it, and looks at it. A head forms from the tendril, with white skin, white hair, and yellow teeth.

It looks at the being, grins evilly, and says, "Hoh? Now this is a surprise! I wonder what these wounds are from?"

But, not caring to find out, the floating head summons another black tendril from the ground, and touches the being on the head. The black tendril then spreads from the beings head, covering it completely, and then moves on to the rest of the body.

When the being's entire body is covered in black, it glows with a black light for a second, which recedes and then the being opens it's completely white eyes, covered entirely in black. Standing up, it clenches it's fists, and looks over it's new all black body.

The head gains the now healed being's attention, and orders, "Go! Go out there, and bring me that Infinity Stone!"

The giant being kneels down in front of the small head, and drones out, "As you command, Lord Knull!"

And then, it floats up into the sky, flying without the need of any wings, nor propulsion. Even this time, while the barrier seems a bit more solid than before, it still does not stop the being from leaving the planet.

It flies away from the planet, and into the deeper space, to look for the Infinity Stone that trapped his Lord within the planet. He flies away, in search of the Stone, that will help him free his Lord.


Opening my eyes, I gasp, taking a deep breath, and listen to the sounds of alarm sounding around me. Getting up from the bed, I recognize the room as the one in my Ship, and immediately run towards the Command Centre.

Sitting down, I ask, "Sonny! What's happening?"

"An Inter-Universal portal was detected in Sector 2187, 3 Minutes and 7 seconds ago, and the alarms sounded. I apologize, Sir. The sensors are not under my control yet, so I could not stop the alarm from happening."

"It's alright, Sonny. For future reference, never stop such alarms from happening. And if I'm not within the ship during these alarms, I want you to contact me yourself." I say, and think for a while.

This is not a coincidence. My Vision showed me a Celestial appearing on Knull's planet, wherever it is, and my ship detected a portal opening up? Wait a minute.

"Did you say Inter-Universal portal? Not a Dimensional portal?" I ask, looking up at the monitor, which showed a few readings that went over my head.

Sonny's voice sounds, as he shows a few diagrams on the monitor, saying, "Yes sir. The Multiversal designation for this Universe is M-20301. The further we go from this number, the more different the Universes are, and the harder it is to travel there. The portal opened matches the readings Celestial Eson recorded in Universe E-4280."

Damn. The Multiverse? So soon? I thought it would have at least taken me half a million years to tackle the Multiverse, but nope. Here's one right at my.. er.. Knull's doorstep.

By now, the possessed Celestial would have definitely left Knull's planet in search of the Power Stone, which could help free Knull before the Universe is ready. Before I'm ready.

Sleep already out of my hand, I crack my neck, and order, "Okay, Sonny. Tell me everything you know about E-4280. And start trying to track the one/s who came through the portal."


A/N: Next Arc begins! This won't be the last Celestial he faces though, but it might be the only one "on screen". I'm excited for this arc!

Ignore the parts where I talk about him learning, if it seems badly written. My imagination does not work on studies, not even imaginary studies.
