
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Cómic
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100 Chs

Chapter 55 – 56

Chapter 55 – We could climb the World Tree!

"Ugghh… I can't hold it any longer…"

I was fighting against the rising urge to vomit.

Just then, Ril and Mel hopped up onto my shoulders and looked at me worriedly.

"Sorry, you two. I feel better now."

I couldn't be worried over by some babies…

And so I forced a smile on my face and patted them gently on their heads.

"Now… Oh, yes. Let's go to the World Tree."

I had seen everything that was new on this side of the island's surface.

And so it was time to go to the side with the World Tree.

Besides, there was a mysterious power that healed you near its roots.

Perhaps I could rest there and it would help with my nausea.

"Uggpphh… Okay. Let's go then."

And so we all headed towards the World Tree.

The World Tree was on some reclaimed ground, which had once been a rocky hill that was separate from Sheorl Island.

But there was now a straight path that connected the two.

It was beautifully paved with Stone Blocks and illuminated with Shining Stones.

Once we had crossed it, lush greenery spread out before us.

"The air…it really is like being in a forest."

Aside from the leaves that fell from the World Tree, there was a fruit garden below that really enhanced that feeling.

And it had grown so much.

The fruit garden and fields had originally been on the other side of the island.

But little by little, they had been moved over here.

There were now dozens of trees.




Thanks to the Sun Stones that accelerated growth…no, it wasn't just that. The World Tree itself seemed to be helping them.

The potato fields were also doing quite well.

Radishes could be harvested much earlier, and so I had already tasted some. They were delicious.

And there was that sound of running water…

It was the hot spring that was being drawn from underground.

The hot water was being poured into this bath that had been made under the World Tree.

A section of the bath was partitioned just for me.

I had asked Baris to do this.

I found it embarrassing to be naked in front of everyone… While it may have been selfish, it was a serious issue for me, and so I was grateful.

So, I guess I've seen everything now? …Hmm?

I saw that a path made of planks had been made alongside the trunk of the World Tree.

"Does this mean… That you can reach the top?"

From what I could see, it went pretty far up.

The World Tree had always looked like a mountain, so it was no wonder they had made a path to climb it.

"Well, since we're here, why don't we go up?"

I asked, and Ril and Mel nodded in agreement.

And like that, we started to walk up the path.




Chapter 56 – There was a forest!?

When we approached the base of the tree, we saw that there was an area with several tables.

And on these tables, were clean white pieces of cloth.

Anyone who got too close to the tree would start to feel light-headed.

Baris said this was likely because of the golden powder that leaked from the World Tree.

Hearing this made it sound quite dangerous, but it was also thanks to this powder that the plants were growing at an accelerated rate.

When the powder rained down over the soil, the plants grew strong.

What if the Satan Shellfish was also eating this powder?

All of the monsters were very thin when they first arrived here.

However, they seemed to be quite muscular now.

Perhaps it really was good for your health… Besides, it felt so good…

No, that was a dangerous way to think…

Previously, an immense amount of the golden powder had rained down because of the hole that Mappa had gotten stuck in.

It was Baris's view, that since the hole was gone, that there was no need to worry now.

However, who knew what would happen near the top?

These white cloths were likely supposed to be used as masks, so you did not breathe in the powder.

However, I decided that instead of using the masks, I would create a Shield around us so that we wouldn't breathe it in.

And like that, we started to climb up the spiraling path that went along the side of the World Tree.

While I was walking slowly, Ril and Mel rushed on ahead as if they were having a race.

This path was made from wooden boards that were hung by ropes that were tied to the tree branches.

And it was wide enough for three people to walk side by side.

The ropes were made of spider webs, and there was even something like a hand railing.

So even though it swayed a little, I didn't have to worry about Ril and Mel falling off.

While they may not look like much, the webs of Cave Spiders were very strong.

On the way, I heard the sounds of heavy footsteps coming from behind me. And when I turned around, I saw the Mithril Golem. Number 15.

Did it have business with me?

No, that's not it. It was carrying a sack in its hands.

So it was transporting it for someone.

Well, I wished that it wouldn't run like that…

We rose higher and higher…the planks swayed… I had only just started to feel better, but the feeling in my throat was coming back…

And so I cast healing magic on myself as we continued to climb.

And then, I saw two familiar kobolds.

The kobold brothers, Ashton and Haines.

Ril and Mel had reached them first, and were being patted gently on the head.

When I approached them, they also noticed me.

Ashton let go of Ril and bowed his head.

"Ah, Lord Heal. It's quite rare for you to come here."

"Yes. I only ever visit the World Tree at night. So I had no idea that all of this had been built. When did it happen?"

"Officially, it wasn't finished until yesterday. As it offers a better view than the tower, we decided to station some watchers up here. But um… Since you came all of the way here, it would be better to see it for yourself."

"Oh? Is it that exciting?"

Ashton looked very pleased as he nodded.

Haines continued.

"By the way, Princess Rienna is also up there. She said that the thing that she's been working on is nearly finished!"

"Oh. Well, maybe I should come back another day?"

"No, she said that she was just waiting for Number 15 to bring something. And since it just passed us, I think she should be finished now."

"I see. Well, I'll go and take a look then."

"I would recommend it. Well, please excuse us now."

Haines and Ash both bowed and then waved at Ril and Mel before continuing on their way down.

"So, there's something up there. We better go and look."

And so, along with Ril and Mel, we started to climb once again.

While it took some time, it was not very steep, so we didn't get tired.

Had it been more than ten minutes now…? I wondered as I looked to the side. The vast sea spread out before us.

This really was perfect for keeping watch… Though, it was harsh for someone who didn't like heights…

"Just a little more… I can do this. Ah…"

As I started to feel nauseous again, Shiel the slime came over to where I was standing.

Apparently, it was going to help me climb.

"Shiel… Thank you."

Without saying anything, Shiel carried me while I was still standing.

About three minutes later, I was able to see the end of the path.

This was where the branches of the World Tree split and spread out.

The top of the thick trunk.

And it was here that I gasped.

"This place… It's a forest?"

They were branches, but in the World Tree, they were as high and thick as trees you would see on the surface.

There were many of them. The sight of them stretching upwards was the exact image of a forest.

And near the base of these branches, grew flowers and grass.

"When did these grow?"




Perhaps the seeds had been brought over by migrating birds. In fact, I saw quite a few birds resting their wings in the trees.

Though, I did find it a little worrisome that there was a Killer Bird near the top…

I also saw butterflies and insects.

However, it wasn't shadowy and dark here.

Perhaps it was because the sunlight shined on the golden powder, but it was bright and mystical.

Ril and Mel had never been in such a place before.

They chased after bugs and jumped up and down.

"It's so pretty… By the way, where is Rienna?"

As I looked around and tried to look for her, Number 15 came running in my direction.

It then fell onto one knee in an exaggerated fashion, and asked me to follow it.

"Is Rienna calling? Can you take me to her?"

Number 15 nodded and led the way.

As we walked, I saw that there were monsters gathering leaves and twigs from the World Tree.

It seemed like you could gather more here than on the ground.

There were even some who were gathering a golden liquid that seeped out of the branches into pots.

Was it sap…?

As we continued to walk, the horizon appeared from between the trees.

Apparently, this was where the forest ended.

As we got closer, I noticed that a woman with long black hair was standing there.

She…Rienna, turned and smiled happily at me.

"Lord Heal! That was very quick."

"Yeah, I just bumped into Number 15 right over there. Still…"

What appeared before my eyes, was a field of flowers of various colors.

Nearby, there was a tree branch that had what I thought was sap, coming out like a small waterfall. The sound was very pleasant to listen to.

And when I turned my head, I saw the vast sea that stretched out…

This was like a paradise from legend… And there was even a woman who might as well have been a goddess.

She smiled at me again.

"Oh, yes! It was so pretty that I had to plant some flowers! I just planted the seeds that Number 15 brought for me. And look, they are already growing! What do you think?"

"Ah. It's so beautiful that I don't know what to say…"

Her face was… Wait, was the golden power affecting my head once again?

"Thank you, Lord Heal! In fact, I am planning to build you a mansion in this area!"

"A mansion? Uh, I'm fine. It would be a terrible waste for me to monopolize such a beautiful space…"

"But Lord Heal. You are the king of this island! It is not right for you to continue sleeping in those stone rooms like the rest of us…"

I suppose it was about setting an example… It made sense in a way. But I didn't like to act all grand or like a king…

"I really am fine being with the rest of you."

"Lord Heal…"

Rienna did not look in the least bit satisfied, but she quickly nodded with a smile.

"You really are kind."

I felt a little light headed.

She was so cute… Oh.

While I smiled stupidly, Ril and Mel climbed up to my chest.

They had been playing so much that now they were tired.

I patted them gently and they quickly began to doze off.

"They both look so serene."

"We had a busy day. They're tired."

"They are still babies, after all."

Rienna said as she picked up a bag that was nearby.

"You must be tired too, Lord Heal. I brought some food with me. Would you like to eat?"

"Ah, I was just starting to get hungry."

"Good! I have some fish that was steamed in the leaves of the World Tree, and some lemonade!"

"That sounds delicious… Alright, let's eat lunch!"


Thanks to the beautiful scenery, all feelings of nausea were blown away.

And so I sat down with Rienna and Shiel, and we took in the view while enjoying our food.