
The Cave King Will Live a Paradise Life.

In a world where crests decide one’s fate, Prince Heale is born with Cave King—a crest just as worthless as he is. Deemed a disgrace to his family, he’s exiled to a barren, deserted island with not a plant nor soul in sight. Alone, miserable, but determined to survive, he reaches for a pickaxe to expand the cave he intends to make his new home—and discovers the true power of his crest! It turns out Cave King makes cavern mining as easy as breathing. And as Heale digs deeper into the island, he discovers one otherworldly mineral after another. Who’s worthless now? But valuable ore isn’t the only thing Heale finds on his mining adventures. He soon befriends slimes and saves goblins that wash ashore. And together as one big family, they’ll work to overcome any challenge on the road to developing the island into their own little paradise. The Cave King will live a Paradise Life -Becoming the strongest with the mining skill?- Author: Naehara Hajime Tags: Adventure. Fantasy. Light Novels. Island. Kingdom Building. Magic. Royalty .Based on a Web Novel. The story is not mine i am just posting it here so that i can read here the same with all the other story.

tutul_hasan · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

Chapter 57 – 58

Chapter 57 – We saw them off!!

Currently, all manner of precious metals and stones were being shot out of the palm of my hand.

Aside from silver and gold, there were rubies, sapphires, diamonds, emeralds… The colorful stones piled up into a mountain that was taller than me.

The residents of the island stood in a circle around the pile, and their voices rose with astonishment.

"It-it's amazing… I doubt there is anywhere else in the world that has so much treasure."

"Yes… Besides, it seems like there is more…"

Erevan and Baris were shocked.

To be honest, I was starting to feel a little scared about how my Inventory felt like it wasn't getting any closer to being empty.

Everything I had dug up until now went into the Inventory.

And so I knew how much there was. But it was quite different to see it all with your own eyes.

I was currently just taking out the materials that would go for a high price in the market. But what if I took out all of the rocks too… I couldn't imagine what would happen.

After a while, there were no more precious stones in my Inventory. And then Ril, Mel, and the monster children all crowded around.

"Hey, you! These aren't toys!"

Erevan and the other monsters tried to stop them.

However, I thought that they might as well be allowed to play. Children liked sparkly things.

"Well, I don't see why they shouldn't. Even if they managed to lose some of it, we won't be inconvenienced."

"Th-that may be, but… But this is your precious fortune, Chief! Alright, you can touch it, but don't take any of it away!"

'Okay!' The children replied cheerfully to Erevan.

After that, they dove and waded through the pile as if they were searching for treasure inside of the treasure.

Rienna watched them and muttered happily.

"You can't help but want to scoop them up in your hands when you see so much!"

"Yeah. If no one else was around, I would probably take a nap on the pile."

The feeling of being rich…

Rienna chuckled.

"I understand! Still, you could buy anything that you want with so much money!"

"Indeed. It might be more difficult to find something that you couldn't buy…"

I could probably buy anything that was sold as a product in my country.

Maybe I could even buy all of it at once.

Well, that wasn't really realistic. Besides, neither I or the monsters could even go to the royal capital if we wanted to.

Just then, Kamyu opened her mouth.

"Yes. With just the amount of jewels in a child's hands, you could buy everything that is sold at the orc port. Was it really necessary to take out so much?"

Like Kamyu said, a small bag filled with gold would have been more than enough for trading funds.

"Well, yes… But I just kind of wanted to see how much all of us had dug up."

"I see. It really is an absurd amount… As for what I am supposed to buy, let's go over it again."

I nodded.

"Yes. It would be very helpful if you could concentrate on getting seeds for crops and plants, also livestock, and books for learning skills and literature."

Seeds would help add a lot of variety to our diet.

Furthermore, it would help us be able to make medicine, dyes and fabrics.

And we also wanted livestock for milk, meat and clothing.

Books would help raise the level of skills on this island.

Thanks to Mappa, it seemed like we didn't have to buy any tools.




But I told Kamyu that if she found any rare tools that we wouldn't be able to make, that she should buy them.

"Understood. Oh, and I am to see if there are any skilled orcs that want to come back with us?"

"Yes. Well, they don't have to be skilled. If someone wants to join us, they can come."

"Very well. Though, we orcs are generally fighters. And so I wouldn't get my hopes up for any skilled crafters… Also, you want me to pay off the ransom money for any kobold or goblin prisoners? Is it really fine to just free them?"

According to Kamyu, there were lots of captive kobolds and goblins at this orc port.

The orcs would sell them off as slaves. But recently, royal ships were enforcing stronger restrictions, and there was often no one who wanted to buy them.

And so I wanted to use this money to have them released.

Kamyu was asking me if I didn't want her to bring them here, since I was using so much money.

"I would like to increase the number of residents… But only if they are troubled and have nowhere else to go. Otherwise, they should be free to go where they please."

"I understand. And I will tell them to keep any future captives without selling them until I come again."

"Yes, thank you. That's all from me. The rest of you. Tell Kamyu if there is anything that you want."

I said. And Rienna was the first to raise her hand.

"Miss Kamyu. I am sure you will be buying books on magic, but I would appreciate it if you could also buy books on cooking and dressmaking?"

"Of course, I will. Do not worry about that. I too think that we need more variety when it comes to clothing! I will buy not just books, but any items of clothing that can be used for reference."

Kamyu said with a grin.

I was worried that she would buy something questionable… Well, it was true that clothes were really important. Especially in the winter.

"Thank you! It will be a great help."

"Leave it to me. In the first place, I intend to buy every book that is available there. Orcs don't really like to read books, so I imagine there is a storage full of dusty books… And some of them might be quite rare."

Even if books on music or poetry had little practical use, they would still make life on the island more rich.

I nodded at this.

"Yes. We don't have much for entertainment here, so you should get as many books as you can. I'll make some shelves where we can put them. Does anyone else have anything they want?"

I asked. And Baris was the next to raise his hand.

"I think it would be good to buy ships, if any are for sale. While we do build ships here, it won't hurt to have more."

"Very well. If there are any extra ships of good quality, I will buy them. A few of my ships were still harboured there, so I will bring those back with me. Is there anything else?"

Kamyu asked. But no one else had any requests.

"I suppose that's it then. I know what this island is lacking, and will get what I can. And leave the rest to me."

"Yes. Art, toys…luxury items. Just buy anything that looks interesting."

"Well, we have enough money that I could buy everything and still have change. Alright, we better be going now."

"Yes. We're counting on you. Please come back safely."

I said, and Kamyu chuckled.

"Oh, we shall be fine as long as that Leviathan doesn't come out again. We've sailed through these seas many times. Hell even if it did come, I think we could get away this time. This ship is stronger and I have wind magic."

"I see. Well, I see now that there was no need to worry."

"Oh, not at all! You should think of me every night!"

Kamyu said seductively.

I might have averted my eyes before, to be honest.

But Kamyu was now beautiful with long blonde hair. Well…I might still avert my eyes, but this time out of embarrassment.

"And when I do return…I expect a reward."

I doubted it was anything reasonable… Well, they would be gone for three weeks. And so of course, I would do what I could to reward them.

"I will do what is in my power…"

Kamyu's face lit up upon hearing this.

"Wonderful! Now, let's get this job over with! My goal is to return in two weeks!"

"Yes. We'll have a feast upon your return."

"It's a promise! Alright then, I'll grab some random treasure from this pile."

So saying, Kamyu started to stuff a sack full of precious stones and metals.

And then she boarded the ship along with her orc crew.

The other supplies had already been taken into the ship, so they had enough food for a crew of 80 orcs to last for three months.

And since they also had wine, medicine made from the leaves of the World Tree, and clothes, it promised to be a comfortable journey.

And while the orcs looked sad to have to leave the island, they did not look worried or afraid.

They still feared the Leviathan, but they were willing to go out to sea now that the ship was coated in Mithril.

At least now, the ship wouldn't be torn to shreds… I suppose it could still be capsized, but Kamyu could use magic now. With wind magic, she could make the boat sail considerably faster.

Kamyu had insisted that they could outrun even the Leviathan now, and that had quieted the fears of the orcs.

And so the sails were lowered and the ship departed.

Kamyu and the orcs waved their hands from the deck.

"Goodbye!! Lord Heal!!"

We waved back and shouted until they were out of sight.




Chapter 58 – A beautiful flower bloomed!

The morning after Kamyu left for the continent.

Today, I was once again in the deepest part of the cave, along with Ril and Mel.

Go down by trolley, walk to the farthest point, and swing the pickaxe.

It was a daily routine at this point, and yet I always enjoyed it.

Ril the kobold would dig, and Mel the white pigeon would look at what she found with interest. Watching them was part of the fun.

Currently, Ril seemed to be boasting about a blue gemstone that she had dug up. Was it a sapphire?

However, in terms of what we were finding recently, I was not really satisfied.

I wanted to discover something that was new.

Well, perhaps I had no right to complain when we were still digging up plenty of silver, gold and precious stones.

Not to mention, Kamyu and the others were at sea, with all of the danger that entailed, so I had even less reason to complain.

The more I dug, the better life would be for people on the surface.

In a way, it was my responsibility as the lord of this island.

"Alright, let's do our best today!"

I said as I swung my pickaxe.


Rocks fell away… However, it seemed like they were shaking on the ground.

It wasn't just that. I could feel the ground moving weakly under my feet.

Maybe it was just me.

I thought this for a moment, but Ril and Mel were also looking around anxiously.

Apparently, the ground really was moving.

…Was this an earthquake?

It was a natural phenomenon that sometimes occurred in remote parts of the country.

I heard that if strong enough, they could even destroy houses.

…This was bad.

While the tunnels down here were reinforced with pillars, the ceiling could still collapse…

The shaking had not subsided.

It would probably be best to stop for now.




"Tell the others… Shiel, are you here?"

Shiel had been waiting close by as if to protect Ril and Mel. It now stretched out its body.

"Tell the slimes… Hmm?"

Suddenly, the shaking became so strong that the rocks loudly crashed into each other.

It turned into a roar, and I could hear that something was coming towards us.

"Wh-what!? Everyone, come close to me!"

I quickly cast Shield around us.

However, the shaking did not stop.

I could barely even stand… And then, the shaking suddenly died down.

It was hard to believe that my ears had been filled with roaring just a second ago. Everything was so quiet.

"That was a big earthquake…"

There had never been an earthquake down here before.

Were they alright up on the surface?

As I turned and looked in the direction we had come from, I felt something tugging on my trousers.

When I looked down, I saw that Ril was pointing at the wall of the cave.

"What is it, Ril? Huh?"

Something that looked like a red flower petal was sticking out of the wall.

Well, it was shaped like that, but it seemed soft…almost a meat-like texture.

And there was a groove in the center… There was something very raw about it…

"That's…not a flower petal. Woah?!"

I saw that it had twitched, and in the next instant, it began to flail around wildly.

The groove was pulsating…and I felt very uncomfortable while looking at it.

This was something that no one should ever dig up… That's what I felt.

"Wha-what the… Ah, Ril! No!"

Ril held her pickaxe and started to walk towards the wall where the thing was protruding from.

Then she swung down.

The rocks fell away, and at the same time, the thing opened wide.


The thunderous roar sounded from the big hole that had appeared. And at the same time, a furious shower of water was unleashed.