
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · Fantasía
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30 Chs

Fulfilled Promises

The cheers around the crackling fire had dwindled, replaced by a comfortable silence punctuated by the clinking of mugs. Eldarion, his mismatched robes catching the firelight, leaned back with a sigh. "Alright, party animals," he winked, "time for the less exciting stuff."

Arlo and Kian exchanged tired but eager glances. Their first day as F-rank adventurers had been a whirlwind of initiation tests and adrenaline, but the night's celebration had painted everything with a warm, fuzzy glow. Now, reality was calling.

"The guild provides decent barracks for its fledglings," Eldarion explained, "not luxurious, but enough for a cot and a roof over your heads. Maya and I are already settled, but you two need to get yourselves situated."

Arlo and Kian exchanged glances, excitement bubbling beneath the exhaustion. A barracks! It sounded official, grown-up, a world away from their humble village hut. "Where is it?" Kian asked, his voice barely containing his eagerness.

Eldarion chuckled. "Not far actually. Just across the river, in the old part of town. It's seen better days, but it's got character, you know? Creaky floorboards, flickering lamps, the occasional snoring contest."

Arlo raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Sounds charming," he muttered, his voice dry.

Eldarion grinned. "You'll get used to it. Come on, let's get you both settled before it's too late otherwise the guild official won't be able to allow you entry for the first time.

The walk to the barracks was a sensory assault. The docks bustled with activity, the metallic clang of hammers echoing from workshops like rhythmic percussion, and the air thick with a potent blend of smoke, spices, and something else...something they couldn't quite place.

Arlo and Kian, wide-eyed like children lost in a bustling marketplace, felt their senses overwhelmed by the city's vibrant energy. Yet, beneath the surface, there was a disquieting undercurrent.

A tension that hadn't been there during their hurried rush to the guild. Most people on the street seemed on edge, their faces etched with worry that had apparently deepened once the sun dipped below the horizon.

The excitement that had bubbled within Arlo and Kian began to simmer with a prickling unease. What was wrong? What had they missed in their haste?

The air, thick with the scent of something strange and the unspoken worry of the city's inhabitants, hung heavy in the night air

"Eldarion," Kian finally blurted out, his voice barely a whisper, "Why does everyone seem so… tense?"

Eldarion nonchalantly shrugged. "Oh, you noticed that, huh?"

Arlo, picking up on the underlying tension, pressed further. "You mentioned something happened… did it?"

Eldarion winked with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just wait until we get back to the guild hall. You can ask all your questions then."

The barracks itself was a ramshackle building, its weathered wooden facade reflecting the city's gruff charm. Inside, the air hung heavy with the scent of old sweat and dust, a testament to the countless adventurers who had passed through its doors.

Narrow bunks lined the walls, each equipped with a straw mattress and a rickety nightstand. It wasn't luxurious, but it was theirs – a small piece of Emberton they could call home.

But first things first. They needed to find the official in charge of quarters. After a brief search, they found him hunched over a dusty ledger, his gruff demeanor mirroring the barracks' atmosphere.

"Finally," he grumbled, his voice rough like sandpaper. "Thought you two got lost in the river."

Eldarion flashed his signature grin. "Sorry, sir! They were just a little excited about passing their initiation, and Maya and I wanted to treat them since they helped us out of a jam a few days back."

The official snorted. "Should've known you were involved. Whatever. Let me just get through the official stuff. In these barracks, E and F rank adventurers stay together. F ranks have to finish two quests a week to keep their bed or pay a fee. First week's free. Any questions?"

Arlo and Kian exchanged surprised glances. Two quests a week? That seemed… daunting. But the official's gruff demeanor made asking questions seem unwise. They simply nodded, the weight of their new reality settling in.

The barracks might not have been a palace, but it was their starting point. A rickety platform from which to launch themselves into the Emberton adventure. A mix of excitement and trepidation bubbled in their chests. They still had no clue what their first quest would be, or what was causing the city to hold its breath beneath the twilight cloak.

As they unpacked their meager belongings, a sense of camaraderie bloomed. Eldarion regaled them with tales of his own barracks days, filled with pranks and forged friendships. Maya, ever the quiet observer, offered practical tips for navigating the city's labyrinthine streets and avoiding tourist traps.

By the time Arlo and Kian had finished arranging their belongings, a sense of belonging had begun to bloom. They were no longer just village boys, but F-rank adventurers with a roof over their heads and a bond forged in the heart of a bustling city.

Their adventure had just begun, and the possibilities, like the city itself, stretched before them, vast and unknown.

But with adventure came responsibility, and a nagging pang of guilt twisted in Arlo's stomach. He'd promised his mother he'd continue his needlework, a promise buried under the whirlwind of initiation tests, adrenaline, and laughter.

Glancing across the room, he found Kian already settling into his rickety bed, a contented smile on his face.

"Hey," Arlo started, unsure how to voice the nagging thought. "Maybe we should write to our families back home?"

Kian's eyes shot open, a smile breaking across his face like the sun through clouds. "Brilliant idea! I can tell them I'm getting stronger, learning tons... even mention how awesome I was during initiation." He puffed out his chest with mock seriousness.

Arlo chuckled. "And I can finally explain that the needlework is taking a bit longer than expected," he admitted, sheepishly. "Maybe… maybe we shouldn't mention everything… especially Eldred, the Shadowstalker, or the whole Riverstone Wardens incident."

Kian's smile faltered slightly. They had packed a lot into a few weeks. Eldred the corrupted forest guardian, the panther-like Shadowstalker, and their recent encounter with the Riverstone Wardens – their parents would probably faint from worry if they heard it all.

"Right," Kian agreed, a thoughtful glint in his eyes. "Just the good stuff for now. Let them know we're safe, making friends, and living the adventurer life."

With a determined nod, Kian approached Eldarion, requesting parchment, a quill, and most importantly, information on sending letters back to Oakhaven.

Eldarion's booming laugh filled the room. "No problem at all! We have carrier birds that deliver mail to most villages, and Oakhaven isn't too far. Won't cost much either."

"Money, huh?" Kian rubbed the back of his neck. "My father gave me some, but we should be careful."

Eldarion waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry about that, kid. Consider it a welcome gift until you get settled on your feet."

A wave of gratitude washed over Kian. "Thanks a bunch, Eldarion! I appreciate it more than you know."

Eldarion, slightly flustered by the uncharacteristic gratitude (he was more used to nicknames like "Sparky-fingers"), mumbled, "No worries. Tomorrow morning, I can take you both to drop off the letters."

Returning to Arlo, Kian relayed the good news. Together, they set about weaving their adventures into words, carefully omitting the threads that would unravel their families' peace of mind. Their journey had just begun, and keeping their loved ones safe and reassured was another quest they wouldn't hesitate to undertake.

The next morning, true to his word, Eldarion led them to the bustling bird-mail station. Maya, preferring solitude to errands, stayed behind at the barracks. As they reached the location, they were relieved to find that sending the letter to Oakhaven only cost a few silver coins.

With a mix of excitement and trepidation, they dropped their letters into the waiting cage, watching as a magnificent hawk swooped down, the letters secured to its leg. The bird soared into the sky, carrying their words and a piece of their hearts back to Oakhaven.

With the burden of unspoken truths lifted, Arlo turned to Eldarion, a newfound resolve in his eyes.

"Alright, we're ready to hear it," he said, his voice firm. "Please, take us to the guildhall."

Eldarion, his usual jovial demeanor replaced by an uncharacteristic seriousness, met their gaze. "Yes," he said, his voice low and grave. "You need to hear it."

The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the cheerful chirping of the birds.

Arlo and Kian exchanged a silent glance, a knot of unease tightening in their stomachs. Their adventure in Emberton had just begun, and already, a shadow of uncertainty loomed over them.

What happened that can even bother Eldarion?

I appreciate it if you've made it here! I'm going to take a week off writing to deal with some vehicle issues that's going to eat up a lot of my time.

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