
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · Fantasía
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30 Chs

Beyond the Village Walls

The rest of the day crawled by, each minute a tick of the invisible clock counting down to their clandestine escape. Arlo finished his deliveries with a newfound urgency, his nimble hands weaving through fabric, his mind weaving through escape routes.

Back home, a white lie slipped past his parents' concerned eyes - helping Kian with a late-night chore.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues, Arlo found himself back in his room, the familiar space suddenly feeling like a cage. He packed nothing, fearing suspicion. His staff, usually a silent companion, felt like a shield against the unknown.


Under the velvet sky, the moon, a celestial sentry, bathed the village in an ethereal glow as the first watch changed. Cloaked in darkness, Arlo and Kian weaved through silent streets, breaths echoing in the stillness.

Reaching the designated house, they scaled the slick, moonlit tiles, each creak, each rustle, a drumbeat in the quiet night.

Landing on the deserted street, their hearts hammered like trapped birds. The village walls, once a comforting embrace, now loomed like a barrier separating them from the unknown.

With a silent nod, they turned their backs on familiarity, stepping into the moonlit wilderness. The night, with its hidden claws and whispered secrets, awaited, ready to test the mettle of two boys who dared to defy the shadows and chase the uncertain dawn.

Once Arlo had ventured a short distance from the village, the oppressive prickling sensation that had haunted him for days vanished inexplicably. Though bewildered by this sudden relief, Arlo knew there was no time to dwell on it.

Finn's demise was a stark reminder of the imminent danger, and he was determined to prevent Mara, the baker's apprentice, and old man Tolliver from facing a similar fate.

Upon scrutinizing Kian for the first time since their encounter, Arlo noticed that Kian carried a shield and a proper sword—not the usual practice blades or wooden sticks they were accustomed to.

Deciding to also set aside the matter for the moment, Kian and Arlo commenced their search for tracks near where Finn's body had been discovered, a short distance into the forest.

Despite the moon's progress, the air held the clinging heat of midsummer. With the faint moonlight guiding their way, Kian and Arlo navigated through the woods until they came across faint tracks on the ground. Kian, with his greater experience in tracking, was the one to spot them.

Following the tracks led them deeper into a part of the forest known for its dense foliage, a place typically avoided by watch members and other cautious adults aware of its dangers.

Poor visibility meant no warnings against potential monster attacks. Despite the risk, Kian and Arlo persisted, tracing the tracks until they stumbled upon an eerie clearing.

Before entering, Kian and Arlo exchanged whispers, expressing disbelief at the existence of such a clearing. Peeking through the foliage, they witnessed a scene out of place: stones arranged in cryptic circles, casting long, ominous shadows. And among them, one figure struck Kian still.

It looked like the missing apprentice! A gasp escaped him, swiftly smothered but not before drawing the shadows' attention. They stirred, restless shapes on the outside of the circles.

Arlo shot Kian a glare, but it was too late. They were exposed. Recognizing the danger, Arlo urged Kian to abandon the tree line. Remaining meant leaving their backs open.

Kian, grimly aware, nodded, and together they stepped into the clearing. The moon, their reluctant accomplice, illuminated figures rising from their hunched poses, growing more distinct with each cautious step.

The creatures exhibit eyes glowing with an eerie, mysterious red light, their forms resembling mundane yet once dangerous animals—wolves, a wild boar, and even a hulking bear.

However, they appear twisted and distorted by some kind of dark magic, requiring a closer look to discern their original nature.

Now a significant distance from the clearing's edge, the shadow-bound beasts slowly edge closer to Arlo and Kian, as if savoring the anticipation of a fresh meal. Arlo realizes that he may need to tap into his inner radiant power to ensure their survival, but he aims to do so discreetly.

He whispers to Kian a plan: when they are surrounded, they'll stand back-to-back to prevent the creatures from attacking them from behind. Though increasingly nervous, Kian agrees, determined to save the missing villagers despite his growing unease.

The initial bite came swiftly—three wolves charging; two targeted Kian, who used his sword and shield to combat them, while the third lunged at Arlo. A decisive swing felled the closest wolf, but Kian's blade met bone and stuck fast.

The second wolf circled, fangs bared. "Careful!" Arlo hissed, watching Kian dance back just in time. Meanwhile, Arlo focuses on his own fight, striking the shadow wolf with his trusty staff, albeit without much effect. He feels frustration simmering within as he longs to unleash his power and swiftly handle the looming threats.

Glancing at Kian, Arlo notes that Kian is faring better against his opponent but remains absorbed in the battle. Realizing the need to abandon the previous strategy and embrace this new opportunity, Arlo considers using his radiant halberd discreetly.

Keeping a safe distance from his wolf adversary, Arlo also keeps an eye on the shadow bear and boar, which seem to be guarding the figures within the circles.

He concentrates on channeling his aura through his arm into the staff, hoping to trigger its transformation into the golden halberd as before. Slowly, the staff begins to illuminate with sudden light, momentarily stunning the wolf and allowing Arlo to stabilize his power. Infusing his legs with the same energy, he darted forward, dispatching the wolf with a swift blow.

Arlo then turned his attention to the most formidable opponent, the shadow bear. With a decisive leap toward the bear that should have been impossible, he also delivers a heavy strike, defeating the dark creature.

Observing Kian's nearing victory against his wolf, Arlo dismissed his golden halberd, eyes scanning the clearing, the hunt far from over. Seeing that the battle with Kian's wolf is near conclusion, Arlo readies to fight the final beast.

Kian fought in a blur, his sword flashing against snarling teeth. Flashes of light from Arlo's direction caught his eye, but the wolf at his throat left no room for curiosity.

With a well-timed swing, he severed the beast's head, adrenaline coursing through his veins, he scans the area and sees that Arlo has somehow defeated his own shadow wolf and the shadow bear. What's more astounding is that Arlo is a good 40 paces away.

Only the boar remained. Kian barked a plan, his voice rough, and Arlo harassed the beast, creating openings for Kian's strikes. The boar fell at last, and exhaustion sat heavily on their shoulders. Exhausted yet determined, they prioritize the two figures still within the circle of rocks.

To their dismay, Mara and Old Man Tolliver appear deathly pale, drained of energy, and unconscious. Even their calls to awaken them and even the act of moving them outside the ominous circles yielded no response.

Relieved that the abducted villagers are alive, if only for the moment, Arlo and Kian release a heavy sigh of relief. Intrigued by the situation, Kian presses Arlo for details about what occurred, especially about Arlo's swift victory over the bear.

He voices concerns about the sequence of events, noting the difference in injuries – slashes versus blunt attacks: Arlo had managed to vanquish his wolf, confront the bear, and conquer it while Kian was occupied with his own wolf. Sensing an impending sense of doom, Arlo is unsure how to answer.

In the sky, the usually serene ley lines display an unusual flickering pattern, a phenomenon Arlo hasn't witnessed before, seemingly concentrated over the village area. Puzzled by this development, he turned to Kian, his voice urgent. "Something's happening back home. We need to get back, now."

Arlo's unease settled on Kian like a premonition. They hefted the unconscious villagers, a grim burden, setting a desperate pace towards home.

As they climbed a rise, the sight that greeted them stole their breath. Their village, once familiar and warm, was encased in a swirling, opaque dome, pulsating with an unnatural light.

With trembling hands, they set down their cargo and approached the barrier. Shoves and desperate blows met only with icy, unyielding resistance. Arlo, a gnawing fear solidifying, recalled the prickling he'd felt within the village walls.

Might this… this monstrosity be the source? An unsettling hope flared in his eyes. Could his aura, imbued with powerful light, pierce this evil magic?

Instructing Kian to stand back, Arlo attempts once more to channel his aura through his arm and project it against the barrier. Light blazed where his aura met the barrier, searing its way through.

A hole pulsed open, just large enough. Their hearts pounding, they left the villagers behind, the unknown terrors within the dome too great a risk. In a single, desperate leap, they plunged through.

The barrier sealed behind them, swallowing their escape route. They stood in an empty silence, so thick it almost suffocated. Despite the late hour, the usual sounds of sentries talking, or insects chirping are absent, only the hum of that unnatural dome.

Why was their village under siege? Were any alive? Arlo and Kian, two shadows in a haunted town, turned to face the unfolding nightmare.

What happened to the town? Arlo is starting to experiment a little more with his aura.

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