
The Boys: Vought Chronicles

Synopsis: Marcus Williams, an ordinary college student and superhero enthusiast, finds himself unexpectedly reborn into the universe of "The Boys" with a unique system that promises him the power of Superman. However, to unlock this ultimate power, he must first complete Saitama's legendary training regimen from "One Punch Man" for two years, which brings unexpected surprises as he regains some hidden memories of his predecessor.Reborn as an 26-year-old in the body of a Vought International staff member, Marcus navigates the dark, dangerous world of corrupt superheroes while secretly training to achieve unparalleled power. As the series' main storyline approaches, Marcus must decide how to use his newfound abilities to influence the world around him.

Zeus_Kratos_3545 · Película
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34 Chs

CHAPTER 29: The Evolution I

Marcus stared intently at the holographic display in front of him. The system panel was alive with shifting data and algorithms, but his attention was fixated on a single notification blinking at the center of the screen: "Evolution Imminent: To reach Superman (Advanced), exposure to direct solar radiation is required. Proceed to the required location for evolution."

Marcus could feel the shift in his body already—the buzzing energy coursing through his veins, the heightened senses, the almost unbearable need to ascend to the next level. He knew what he had to do. Turning away from the screen, he activated the intercom.

"Wang, I need you in the office now," he said, his voice calm but urgent.

Moments later, Wang Ling entered, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "What's going on, Marcus?" he asked, noticing the intensity in Marcus's demeanor.

Marcus turned to face him, his expression serious. "I have something important to take care of, Wang. It might take weeks, years, I don't know exactly when. During my absence, I'm leaving you in charge. Alfred will assist you with all necessary operations."

Wang's brow furrowed. "Where are you going? And why do you need to leave now, of all times?"

Marcus glanced back at the system panel, the flashing notification a constant reminder of what he needed to do. "I can't explain all the details right now, but trust me, it's something I have to do. It's vital for our plans and for what's coming next."

Wang nodded, though his face still showed signs of unease. "I understand. Just... be careful, Marcus. We need you."

A rare smile touched Marcus's lips. "I'll be back, Wang. Just keep everything running smoothly while I'm gone."

With that, Marcus turned and walked out of his office, the door closing behind him with a soft hiss. He moved quickly through the corridors of Neotech, his mind focused on the task ahead. He needed to get to his secret laboratory—a place hidden away from prying eyes, deep within the coldest part of the North Pole.


Moments later, Marcus soared through the sky, the cityscape of New York shrinking rapidly beneath him as he accelerated. The wind whipped around him, but he barely felt it, his thoughts focused on the evolution that awaited him. Higher and higher he flew, breaking through the clouds and into the stratosphere, his destination set for the North Pole.

As he approached the polar region, the temperature dropped drastically, but Marcus remained unaffected. He had been here many times before, but this time felt different. This time, he was on the verge of something truly transformative.

He descended toward a nondescript patch of snow, the icy landscape stretching endlessly in every direction. To the untrained eye, it was just another spot of frozen wilderness, but Marcus knew better. He touched down lightly, his feet crunching in the snow. A few steps forward, and he reached a small indentation in the ground—a hidden entrance.

Marcus pressed his hand against a concealed panel, and a robotic voice immediately filled the air. "Scan your identity."

He leaned down, scanning both his eye and his palm against the panel. A series of mechanical clicks and whirrs sounded as a large metallic door slid open, revealing a dark tunnel leading deep underground. Marcus stepped inside, the door closing silently behind him, sealing out the cold.

The tunnel descended steeply, illuminated by dim, pulsating lights embedded in the walls. As he moved deeper, the temperature began to rise, and the environment shifted from icy cold to a more temperate climate, controlled by advanced technology. The walls of the tunnel transitioned from rock and ice to sleek metal and reinforced concrete.

After what felt like an eternity, Marcus reached the end of the tunnel. A large, circular chamber opened before him, filled with a blend of cutting-edge technology and ancient Egyptian aesthetics. The walls were lined with hieroglyphics interwoven with digital screens displaying streams of data. In the center of the room stood a massive obelisk, a blend of gold and metal, pulsating with energy.

"Welcome, Sir. It's been a while since your last visit," a familiar voice greeted him as he entered the chamber.

"Hello, Alvin," Marcus replied. Alvin was an advanced AI system—an evolution of Alfred, designed specifically to manage this secret hideout.

Alvin's voice was smooth, with a slight mechanical undertone. "It's been approximately six months since your last visit. How can I assist you today?"

Marcus approached the obelisk, his eyes taking in the familiar surroundings. "Scan me, Alvin," he commanded.

A series of small, hovering drones descended from the ceiling, emitting soft, blue lights as they circled around Marcus, scanning his body from head to toe. A moment later, a large screen on the far wall lit up, displaying his biometric data, energy levels, and current condition.

"Scan complete," Alvin reported. "Sir, it appears you are ready for the next stage of your evolution. All signs indicate optimal conditions for transformation."

Marcus nodded, a sense of anticipation building within him. "That's why I'm here. Is my new suit ready?"

"Yes, Sir," Alvin replied. "Your suit has been prepared according to your specifications. It's designed to withstand the intense conditions of space and absorb the maximum amount of solar radiation needed for your evolution."

Marcus made his way to a side room where his new suit was displayed on a mannequin. The suit was a deep, midnight black, with subtle metallic accents that glinted in the low light. It was sleek, form-fitting, and exuded a sense of power and invincibility.

He walked over to the suit, running his hand over the fabric. "Reminds me of Henry Cavill's suit from the Superman movies," he muttered to himself.

"Did you say something, Sir?" Alvin inquired.

Marcus shook his head, smiling slightly. "Nothing, Alvin. Just admiring the craftsmanship." He then began to change, slipping into the suit, which clung to his body perfectly, molding to his form as if it were a second skin.

Once fully dressed, Marcus stood in front of a large, full-length mirror. The suit made him look imposing, every muscle and line of his body accentuated. He felt stronger, more powerful—ready for what lay ahead. "Damn, that's what I'm talking about," he whispered to himself.

After a moment of silent reflection, he turned back to Alvin. "I'll be gone for a while. I don't know how long this evolution will take, but I trust you'll keep everything in order here."

"Of course, Sir," Alvin responded. "All systems are functioning at optimal efficiency. Your absence will be accounted for in all operations."

Marcus nodded and then accessed his system panel. The transparent interface appeared before him, displaying all his attributes maxed out at 100%. A notification flashed repeatedly at the center of the panel: **"Evolution Ready: Proceed to Solar Exposure for Advancement to Superman (Advanced)."**

"Alright," Marcus murmured, steeling himself for what was to come. He exited the chamber, making his way back to the surface. As he emerged from the underground facility, the frigid winds of the North Pole whipped around him once more, but he hardly noticed. His mind was already miles away, focused on the next step of his journey.

Taking a deep breath, Marcus leapt into the sky, rocketing upward at incredible speed. The wind screamed past him as he ascended higher and higher, leaving the Earth's atmosphere behind. He could feel the energy building inside him, the anticipation of what was to come.

Minutes passed, and soon he was in the cold vacuum of space, the Earth a beautiful blue marble far below. He oriented himself towards the Sun, its massive, glowing sphere dominating his vision. Even from this distance, he could feel its immense power, its life-giving warmth calling to him.

With a final burst of speed, Marcus propelled himself towards the Sun, its radiant energy growing stronger with each passing moment. As he drew closer, he closed his eyes, letting the solar radiation wash over him, feeling it penetrate every cell of his body.

The transformation began almost immediately. He could feel his cells absorbing the energy, his body beginning to change, to evolve. He let out a deep breath, surrendering himself to the process, allowing the Sun's energy to flow through him, to transform him into something greater.

He had no idea how long the evolution would take, but he was ready. He was prepared to become something more—something beyond even his own understanding. As the Sun's energy continued to pour into him, Marcus felt a profound sense of peace wash over him.

Whatever came next, he was ready to face it. With determination set in his heart and the power of the Sun coursing through his veins, Marcus was prepared to become a more powerful Superman.