
The Boys: Reborn as Soldier Boy

A 30 year old man is given a second chance at life when an attempt to save a child, a mystic order and a glowing gem would cause him to suddenly appear in season 3 episode 4 of The Boys tv show. Not as himself, but in the body of one Benjamin Gillman, aka “Soldier Boy”. Weirdest part, the child is still with him. Watch as he learns to handle the power, love and hate of the man he has become. All whilst trying to figure out what exactly he has brought with him into this world. “The universe is a machine for the making of Gods” - Henri Bergson (French philosopher) ——————————————————————————— This is my first attempt at writing, so please give me all the constructive criticism you can regarding grammar, writing and plot. I look forward to improving as the chapters start flowing and will update with any improvements you can provide. My upload schedule will be inconsistent. However, if I don't upload one week, the next week, I'll release two chapters so that you technically don't miss out. Due to a tie for the vote on a system, I will keep a character information chapter and update their stats there accordingly. (No levels, just to monitor progression) Expect to see the use of profanity and descriptive violence in this fanfic. There will be no sex scenes or harem I use the handle M.M Inferyes and Melancholic Melody on multiple sites.

MM_Inferyes · TV
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27 Chs

Chewy delight


One-time warning. Hi all, I just wanted to make you once again aware that this fanfic will have some gruesome scenes regarding graphic violence the further we go along in the story. I actually spent an extra two days toning down the violence in this chapter, as a friend of mine said I had gone way too descriptive, and it made him feel physically ill. After my changes, it shouldn't be too bad now. However, I will still warn anyone who may be squeamish. This will be my final and only warning towards graphic violence in the book, so no complaints Lol.


Jamie's POV continued

I watched whilst amused, as the realisation of her predicament set in and despair replaced the fear. For the first time, I was overwhelmed with a euphoric sense of achievement. All she could do was scream inside that head of hers, and it was precisely the cathartic melody I had desired to witness for years.

Taking a moment to breathe in the silence that encased the home, I smiled in delight and relished every second of mental trauma I could inflict upon my captured torturer. Sometimes the fear of what is to come is worse than the act itself. However, with what I have planned, it will only get sweeter.

'She should know. After all, she is the one who taught me.'

Looking at the pair of psychopaths before me, my smile grew wider. I decided it was time to move on to the event's main course.

~ Have you learned your lesson on when to speak, sister? ~ I suddenly questioned Ana's frozen and frightened figure. ~ If so, I will remove part of my psychic binding as I have no desire to converse with you in that filth you call a mind. ~

I peered into her pale blue eyes to see her response and smiled in a feral manner when I noticed her resignation. Thus, having confirmed that the mutt would be docile, I clapped my paws together and commanded her face to be once again under her control.

Unfortunately, it seems the little shit has the impression I can be reasoned with, as her subsequent attempt to sway me made me instantly regret my removing her psychic muzzle.

"Jamie, why are you doing this? I'm sorry for hurting you in the past, I just wanted to play, and I didn't know what I was doing. I was so young, please forgive me and come home. I've missed you so much and cried for days when I thought you died," She whispered with watering eyes and an innocent look on her face, "Please don't hurt us."

A dramatic pause accompanied her words before she broke down into a sobbing mess.

It was convincing, even to me, and I know what a monster she truly is. Tired of the charade, I flicked my paw to refreeze her face.

~ Apologies, I heard a mongrel yapping and thus was not paying attention. Do you have anything to say? No final words before we begin? ~ I questioned Ana cheekily, revelling in her inability to respond. ~ I am taking notes and suggestions, so feel free to speak. ~

I waited in an exaggerated pose with one paw cupping an ear in her direction. After only a few seconds of blissful silence, I shrugged my small shoulders.

~ Happy to know you are satisfied with the service provided, ~ I stated smugly before flying towards her paralysed form.

Once I reached her side, I circled the petite creature that had tormented me for years and began to chitter in laughter.

~ Looking at you now, I don't know how I ever feared you,~ I said in a relaxed tone as I approached her face and looked into her still watering eyes.

~ You don't fool me, Ana, ~ I menacingly whispered into her mind, ~ This innocent little act may work on others, but I've seen your true colours.~

Slowly and with purpose, I extended one of my claws and lightly dragged it down the side of her face. Her eyes were petrified and trembling throughout the process, causing a seed of doubt to sprout within my mind.

She would never have shown fear in the past. Has she truly changed? Am I acting as judge, jury and executioner towards a child that may not have understood the horrors she inflicted?

I looked at her in contemplation and hesitation before closing my eyes, breathing deeply and coldly opening them once more.

'No!! No monster like her could ever be redeemed. She has made her bed, and it is time for me to make her coffin.'

~ Your time has come. Accept it, ~ I said as I stared with purpose into her eyes, ~ Don't worry, this will be very familiar. I will start with your favourite. ~

I placed my claws under her left eye just as she had done towards me many years ago with a spoon. Throwing aside my hesitation, I began to pierce into the skin with determination when I was suddenly halted in my path.

"Stop this, Jamie," Father interrupted, the stutter having disappeared and been replaced with a confident and clear voice. "An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. Don't you think you have terrorised us enough? She has changed and no longer harms creatures. What do you want? Money? Freedom? Tell me, and I'll give it to you."

'He thinks he can buy my inaction? Does he see this as a trivial pursuit?'

I turned away from Ana and faced the man who had enabled the monster beside me and then used me himself once I showed I could survive.

~ An eye for an eye making the whole world blind is a beautiful sentiment for the weak who do not have the strength to take back what is theirs by right, ~ I boomed into his mind, my anger rising; what I had done to them so far could not equate to even a minute of the pain I had experienced. ~ An eye taken is simply an eye stolen, and I see nothing but justice here, Father. Do you want to know what I want? I want your heads on a platter and in my gullet before the sun rises. ~

As I spoke, I flew towards his prone figure and hovered above him.

"She is only a child; you deluded monster!! You are just a fucking hamster!!" Father yelled in anger whilst standing to reduce the distance between us, "I kill thousands of hamsters a year during research!! I saved your life, you ungrateful bastard!!"

This was not the interaction I had imagined, and the more he spoke, the angrier I grew. How dare he? I am not the villain here. They were the ones who used me for their sick perversions.

'Worst of all, he tortured Master Ben, and that is unforgivable.'

~ Why don't you experience what your precious daughter did, and then you can call me deluded, ~ I stated icily whilst smiling, ~ You shouldn't have come so close. ~

I took a moment to enjoy the confusion on his face before I rapidly launched forwards and gouged out his left eye using my claws.

I watched with great pleasure whilst holding onto the eye as blood began to pour from the hole and stream into his wailing mouth.

Quickly devouring the chewy delight, I licked my paws and stared at the remaining right eye.

'Delicious, however, I shan't be greedy. I shall leave his other eye alone for Master Ben to snack upon.'

"Ahhh!! You fucking rodent, I should've euthanised you like I did all your siblings," Father screamed in pain and anger.

'He did what!'

Hearing those words, my hold on my anger broke, and with a vision blinded by rage, I unleashed all my pent-up frustration upon the man before me.

I took my time slashing and biting in areas that would make his death both slow and painful. After what could have been minutes or hours, I awoke from my fury and looked down upon the whimpering form of my Father.

He was unrecognisable, his face and body riddled with lacerations, his hair ripped from his scalp, his ears both chewed beyond redemption, his hands missing multiple digits, and his nose entirely non-existent.

~ This is your true form, Victor, ~ I whispered into his mind, ~ The sins of the soul are now visible upon your flesh, and soon your daughter shall follow. ~

~ Very cool line there, bud. However, next time, warn me when you eat someone, ~ Master Ben said in a sickly tone, ~ I didn't expect to share all five fucking senses. ~

~ My apologies, Master Ben, ~ I hastily responded, ~ If you wish to berate or punish me, I understand. Will you be joining me now, Sir? I left you the good eye. ~

~ No Fucking way!! Never give me eyes, do you understand? ~ Master Ben quickly responded before sounds of gagging oddly appeared. ~ Let's end the mind transfer, and I'll join you in dealing with Victor and looting the place. ~

'That is so considerate of Master Ben to give me the eyes of our foes. However, I will not be a selfish servant. I know he must love eyes as well. They are so tasty.'

~ Understood, Sir, ~ I responded knowingly.

End of Jamie's POV




My vision snapped back to my body, and I breathed in a huge gulp of air as if I had been sucker punched. A sudden rush of nausea from the experience made me rapidly sprint towards the bushes by the broken entrance and vomit all the bile I had in my stomach.

After resting on the floor for a few minutes to allow the nausea to settle, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and smeared some mint I found beside the bush on my tongue to get rid of the taste of the bile and human flesh.

'Fucking hell, that took an unexpected turn.'

Clearing my mind off the first meal I had in years, I cracked my back and hands with a satisfying stretch.

Once I felt partially refreshed, I casually strolled into the building and followed the same path the little hamster had taken.

As I headed down the hallway towards the living room, I stopped to admire the rich brown wooden flooring.

'I'll need to go through my properties when I return to America. I like this wood; carpet is hell to keep clean but was the fucking standard in the 80s and is in most of my homes.'

Seeing a rack of coats by the door, I stopped my idle thoughts and wrapped one around my waist and another over Dawn.

'No need to bless the fuckers with my body.'

Turning the corner, I witnessed the sight Jamie had already shared with me whilst I was a mental hitchhiker, and what a sight it was.

From his POV, I knew it would be brutal. However, looking at the situation before me, even I was slightly taken aback. Jamie was floating in the air like a spirit of vengeance. His tiny but formidable form, caked in blood, looked down upon a prostrating body that could barely be described as human anymore.

'The fucker even shat and pissed himself, have some decency when getting tortured.'

It took me a moment, but even disfigured and soiled, I easily recognised him through all the blood as Victor, one of the more enthusiastic of the monstrous bastards that tortured me. Looking at him now, It was hard to coincide that monster with this pathetic creature crying and shaking on the floor.

'What a fucking pussy.'


Authors note

So here's the additional chapter that I promised. I hope you all read the warning beforehand and are prepared for the violence to come in the book. I am, as always, open to any criticism or suggestions, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Fun fact: Former US President Barack Obama is a big fan of the show and, in an interview stated, “They turn superhero conventions on their heads to lay bare issues of race, capitalism, and the distorting effects of corporate power and mass media."

MM_Inferyescreators' thoughts