With righteous anger in his eyes, Jamie floated past me like a miniature version of Dracula on an unholy mission. Except, unlike the mythical monster in ancient lore, this bloodthirsty creature doesn't care for or need an invite.
'I almost pity those fools.'
Not wanting to prioritise my own vengeance, I chose to postpone my entrance and give the small guy some alone time to vent during this "family reunion". However, don't think for a moment that I would miss this confrontation for even the best pussy in Hollywood.
Well, it also depends on the pussy. Some of the actors from my old world are in this one, which could be fun for both my lives. I know Maggie Smith was a delight in the 60s, and from my Ambroise memories, she has aged like fine wine.
'Wait, what? What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I thirsting over a granny, and why isn't it disgusting to me the more I think of it? '
Shaking my head to rid myself of my slightly disturbing thoughts, I concentrated on the plan I had concocted. Without considering the possible intrusion, I accessed the bond between Jamie and me and made him aware of my idea.
I could see the moment he received my mental command, as it comically stopped him in his warpath just before he entered the scientist's abode.
After a moment of confusion and contemplation on his end, I received a mental nod of agreement and decided to begin. Tentatively and with a complete lack of trust in the origin of its creation, I focused on the connection we shared. I then proceeded to do something every porn-obsessed nerd wished they could do; I attempted to see from his point of view.
With no warning, I felt my vision go dark and momentarily got scared that I had fucked up and permanently blinded myself. And then it happened; before the panic could even set in, I could see again, and I wasn't looking at Jamie. No, I was looking at a fucking stud, me.
The admiration of my body quickly disappeared when I noticed my fucking golden eyes. They were near replicas of the ones I had seen earlier on Jamie and Dawn. The only difference was that mine glowed so intensely that it almost hurt to look into them.
'What the fuck is wrong with my eyes?'
I decided to ignore it for now and see if the rest of my body had any abnormalities. Fortunately, everything else seemed to be in perfect condition.
'Damn, I look good.´
~ Indeed, Sir, ~ Jamie surprisingly interrupted whilst chuckling at my narcissism.
'What the fuck, how can you hear my thoughts?'
~ My apologies, Master Ben. I did not realise that you had no intentions of sharing your thoughts with me, ~ Jamie said apologetically, ~ I do hope you may forgive me for intruding on your private pondering, Sir. ~
'Don't worry about it, Jamie. I was just surprised. Entering your mind probably removed all the protective barriers I had in place. It should take me only a moment to fix the issue. Otherwise, after today you will be the one owed an apology. Trust me; my mind can be a filthy fucking place. I don't wish even my worst enemies the pleasure of bathing in its waters.'
~ Again, my sincerest apologies for the intrusion, Sir, ~ Jamie once again apologised before adopting a serious tone, ~ I am not one to question your judgment, Master Ben. But is it wise to put your body in danger whilst your mind is with me? I would be thrilled to have you physically beside me as we enact our vengeance. ~
'You more than earned first bite, and I can't promise that if I came along, I wouldn't jump the gun and obliterate the fucker.'
~ I am more than willin..~ Jamie began to plead before I coldly interrupted him.
'Enough, Jamie. Do not test my patience. Go and have fun; those fuckers have been enjoying their stress-free lives for too long.'
~ Understood, Sir,~ Jamie responded reverently, ~ I shall endeavour to make this a very entertaining experience. ~
'I don't doubt it.'
~ How could I have dared to question his eminence? ~ Jamie whispered, accidentally having shared his inner thought.
Whilst slightly confused at his use of such a title, I ignored his words and decided to remove one of his fears in return for my previous outburst.
'I appreciate the concern, Jamie. However, don't worry about my body. It is still under my control, and I wouldn't leave Dawn unprotected.'
To cement my point, my body flipped, landed on one hand's pinky and flipped once more to return to its exact position, all whilst the other hand securely held Dawn.
With my safety assured via an odd display of acrobatic talent, Jamie moved his eyes away from my lovely figure and crossed the threshold of the cottage's now-demolished front door. He turned to give me one last look of concern before entering deeper into the belly of the beast.
During this, I quickly formed some rudimentary barriers that should stop all my thoughts from flooding out and then, with a figurative bowl of popcorn, I sat back to enjoy the show.
'This should be fun.'
Jamie's POV
As I entered what had once been my personal hell, I was surprised at the lack of changes towards the home's interior. Whilst aged, it was as if I had only left yesterday. However, despite the unsettling memories that arose, I was, unsurprisingly, no longer nervous. With Master Ben's divine spirit protecting me in this confrontation with my former family, I have nothing to fear.
'He is so selfless to have pushed aside his own wrath for my mortal desires.'
The truth behind my reverence towards Master Ben can not be conceptualised as simple servitude towards a good man. However, it is something to contemplate further on another day. For now, I have some demons to cleanse.
"Jamie, is that you?" A man's voice stuttered, interrupting my internal thoughts as I floated into the living room.
Turning towards the voice, I was reunited with my adoptive father, Victor Novikov. Whilst almost sixty, his face had barely changed and had only grown seemingly wiser with wrinkles around the eyes and salt and peppered hair that reminded me of snow on a moonlit night. Most strikingly, his signature laugh lines had become even more pronounced over time. They were so large you would be hard-pressed to find such a visage on a creature born in nature.
'It seems life has blessed him with happiness. It would be a shame to deny death the opportunity to bestow its own blessing.'
Filled with determination, I began to respond. When suddenly, my confidence and voice were ripped away from me by the menacing tunes of the devil.
"Daddy? I thought Jamie had died. Does this mean I get to play with him again? I've missed our play time so much, Daddy," a voice that had inhabited my nightmares for years questioned in excitement.
With trepidation, I looked towards the winding staircase at the back of the living room, and I saw what to others would be a cute 13-year-old child standing at the top of the stairs. Her features were stunning, almost doll-like. She had eyes so bright and innocent that provoked a desire to protect and hair so beautiful and silky that it seemed almost perfect for forming one's nest.
However, for me, all I saw was evil incarnate. Those eyes hid intentions so sickening that even the most moral man would strike her down. Even her hair was an illusion of beauty that would sooner choke you than house you.
"Anastasia!! Leave through the backdoor now!!" Father screamed in a trembling voice.
"No!!! You took him last time, and I want to play!!" My nemesis yelled in response.
She continued to scream and shout about how unfair it was. However, all I could focus on were the memories of my torture. They began to overwhelm me and almost caused me to break.
~ It's ok. She can't hurt you now. Focus on the father and then take your time with the monster, ~ Master Ben suddenly said, both comfort and command emanating from his voice.
'With Master Ben, I have nothing to fear.'
Pushing my weakness aside, I ignored the babbling words of my adoptive sister and once again turned towards my father.
~ Well, hello, father, do me a favour and tell that devolved mutt to shut up ~
"H-H-How are y-y-you talking in m-m-my head?" Father's voice stuttered, interrupting the girl's temper tantrum."Y-Y-You don't h-h-have t-t-that ability-y-y?"
~ Now, why would I tell a heretic like you about the path to redemption, be a good boy and do as I say, ~ I replied impatiently.
"L-L-Listen Jamie, we can f-f-figure something out. Yours w-w-was a sacrifice required f-f-for the greater g-g-good, p-p-please understand," Father stuttered even worse in fear, "Y-Y-You should thank-k-k me, y-y-you have l-l-lived way beyond the l-l-life expectancy o-o-of your species, you have powers and have g-g-gained sentience. All because o-o-of me."
~ Thank you? The only person I have to thank is Master Ben. He delivered me from evil and brought me away from pain and towards freedom. He brought me you, ~ I replied with a bloodthirsty smile.
"Daddy, it's just stupid, Jamie. Why are you scared?" Ana squeaked obnoxiously, "Come here, Jamie. Time to play with Pixie and me."
'Don't worry. We will play soon enough.'
"Shut up, Anna!!" Father screamed before dropping before me, "Please leave h-h-her out of t-t-this. She's j-j-just a child."
~ Forget what I said. This is why I hate teenagers. Shut her up, please. She's become a complete fucking nuisance, ~ Master Ben once again interrupted, both annoyance and command emanating from his voice.
~ I do concur, Master Ben, ~ I replied before closing my eyes to harness my new psychic abilities.
Whilst I was still a novice in what I could achieve. Against baseline humans, there was nothing they could do, and with a twist of my right paw, I accessed the mind of Anastasia. Immediately I almost vomited at the images that assailed me as I dived into the cesspool that was her thoughts. Gritting my teeth to focus on my goal, I found exactly what I needed, her brain's motor pathways.
Having achieved control over my torture tool of choice. Silence fell upon the home. The ever-present yapping had stopped, and I opened my eyes to witness the paralysed form of Anna at my mercy.
'Well, isn't this a lovely change of events?'
With another flick of my paw, I made her body move down the stairs. However, this was just the appetiser, and with my precise control, I was careful to ensure that no harm befell the monster on my leash.
'I can not have her leaving without the main course and desert. It would simply be rude.'
Once she had reached the bottom step, I forced her to walk and sit beside Father. I watched with delight as her eyes bulged in fear due to her body no longer listening to her commands.
Father, on the other hand, looked at her in confusion and dread. He seemed to have realised that there was no way out.
~ Hello, little Anna, you wanted to play? So let's play, ~ I whispered into her mind and began to laugh as even more fear appeared in her eyes.
Authors note
So here is the chapter for the week. I will publish another one in a few hours as it's almost finished. I feel like I've spent too much time writing about them in Russia, and I will try and get them to leave in the following 2-3 chapters.
I hope you enjoyed it, and I look forward to hearing your feedback.
Fun fact: The amount of blood the show used for each episode was staggeringly high. Laz Alonso, the actor who plays Mother’s Milk in the series, says that the entire process where the blood is applied to their bodies took at least two hours. And the blood would remain on their bodies for weeks.