
The Boys: All for One

The Boys, a world of artificial superpowered beings all given their abilities by Compound V, a drug developed by a nazi scientist brought to the States. So how does something from a fictional world relate to me, well if you must know it's because reincarnation is real and this world was also real, aka this place is my new home. I was also born to a couple of well scumbag is too nice a word for the people who sold me out to Vought. They essentially abandoned me and Vought experimented on me, injecting me with Compound V. The only problem, there were no noticeable effects or superpowers, and even when they tried to test me, nothing happened. They thought that perhaps my powers would show themselves when I hit puberty and so they set me up with a foster family, leaving me to my own devices while they well took care of me being the operative word (who knew a cruel and monstrous company like Vought would also know equally terrible people) and for thirteen years nothing happened. Well, not until I met a super who had superspeed, well not as fast as A-train (I think) but still extremely impressive, and well I took it. I took their ability and made them completely normal and while they had some Compound V in them still they no longer had their ability and now I do. The first thing I did, was murder my foster parents and destroy their bodies using an explosion to fake their deaths. Why I did it, because Vought an insurance policy for me and them, in the event of their deaths, was enough to put me through business school (something I wanted to go to in my previous life but never had the chance to) now I'm here, with a stack in the company with all the supers at my disposal, who life can be amazing at times. (I don't own MHA or The Boys and they belong to their respective owners, same as the cover image, and this is based off Komega's web novel)

Dr_Insane001 · Cómic
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13 Chs

Nomu Failures

When I turned twenty-five I used the money I earned to create my own little laboratory and kidnapped a few supes. They screamed, of course, telling me who they were and what would happen to me, the moment I had their abilities taken they begged for mercy. The chips they had, well a few birds could solve that problem, and as for me well since I never developed any abilities I was never chipped. So overall a win for me and a loss for Vought. 

I killed a few of the supe's making too big of a fuss, keeping the others in line and so I began giving away powers, forcing them down their throat. They couldn't handle it and well exploded into a pile of guts and gore. Luckily for me, it was all underground in a place no one should ever go to, well unless I was dead and well I installed a drain for quick cleanup. Luckily I had a good armory of powers at my disposal and began to mix and match, trying to find the right combination. One or two were fine, the supes remained alive but human.

That's the problem, they were still relatively normal looking so I took the powers back and well let's just say the second time is painful. For them that is, their screams were going to haunt them and these people for years to come. So I tried to go for four, and their skin started changing becoming a dark grey and their brains became exposed and it lasted for a second before boom, an explosion of gore and guts. The initial transformation was good but it wasn't stable. 

So I continued to experiment using the same amount of abilities but with a few added drugs, mostly for the pain and to try and see what I could do to stabilize them. The most successful one was an Asian woman who was called "Red Dragon" or something like that, The point was she could fly and breathe fire so the dragon part was accurate and her costume was red. The problem was she wasn't strong and not a very big fish, she was assigned to a small town and well it was easy enough to kidnap her. 

I took her abilities and began to mix and match, using superseded, strength, her fire breath, and flight. If she wanted to be a dragon well I was always more of a fan of the western dragon, the more animalistic ones. So might as well turn her into one, if she was going to be calling herself "Red Dragon" and all that. I decided to give them to her one by one, slowly like a snail giving her body time to process each and every one. Then the drugs came in, making her essentially brain-dead and her body free of pain as I gave her more powers. 

Slowly she changed, her skin became a light grey her eyes became bugged out and her brain was exposed. An hour passed when I completed everything and I thought I had it, I thought I found the right method but then when I released her, she dropped to the floor her body unmoving I went over and checked her pulse. She was still alive but she couldn't move and I knew why, I went too far on the brain and destroyed it so that while she was alive she wasn't truly alive. A living corpse so to speak, the closest thing to success was this thing. 

I took her powers and stomped on her head, killing them instantly and I then proceeded to smash to the rest of her body. It took months to get even this far and right now I had to stop, too many supe's were going missing at once near me and sooner or later Vought was gonna wise up and see what was happening. I cleaned up and made sure to get rid of the evidence either burning or destroying the bodies. 

I then went up to the main house and started to shower and change my clothes going for the business suit this time, and make a trip to New York City which wasn't far away. grabbing my car keys, I unlocked my Ford Mustang and making sure I had enough gas made a trip to the city. My house was built near a forest, which took a few years to clear out and make room for all the stuff I needed. I also took the time to check for notification before I went and it looks like I got an invite to a party in a couple of days. 

For what I had no idea, could be about the military contract they want to get in on or more specifically to allow supe's in the military. Meaning that the official timeline of the show has begun and I was so close to completing my Nomu's. I just needed to find the golden ratio, to stabilize the Nomus and make them completely loyal (brainwashed) to me with enough of their motor functions still functioning. I might be a genius technically but I went to business school and only know a bit more about biology than the average person or even scientist. 

I still needed time, I needed more test subjects and right now I lost at least a dozen supes in the last two months at least. People usually notice that kind of thing and unfortunately for me, none of them were successes. For right now though let's just take a quick trip to the city and relax a bit, maybe come up with something new.

Entering the city proper I saw all the Vought billboards and advertisements, everything from the Deep to Homelander himself. It was all so sickening to see, I mean the blatant lies they were telling people saying that they were "gifts" from god, honestly I could expose them and show them the stuff pumping through all supe's veins. I won't though, that's not my job, no my self-given job is to create my own supervillain company, even if Stan says they were pharmaceutical and the supes were their products, they were a superhero company. 

Then looking up at it all, an idea popped into my mind what I needed to do to create the first Nomu, I needed the recipe for Compound V. Not to create my own supe's but to stabilize my little monsters. 

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