
The Box Office King of Hollywood

Knock! Dang! Knock--   A sharp knock on the door suddenly rang in his ears, followed by a man's urgent voice coming through the door, "Matthew, why did you kick the makeup artist out? The director and the female lead are already in place, the entire crew is waiting for you, the male lead, you still have fifteen minutes!" ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Famosos
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292 Chs

Chapter 94: Presence

The black Cadillac entered the Hollywood Walk of Fame, approaching the location of the Hollywood Chinese Theatre. Matthew slightly lowered the window and could clearly hear the shouts from the crowd. As the car slowed down, it stopped in the waiting area where a production crew member coordinated the entry sequence.

In such red carpet ceremonies, major stars are typically featured at the beginning and end. Matthew was scheduled to enter somewhere in the middle.

With some time before his entrance, Matthew sat in the car, waiting calmly.

Suddenly, there was a loud cheer from the direction of the Hollywood Chinese Theatre, indicating a major star had arrived on the red carpet.

Matthew wondered if his own appearance on the red carpet would go unnoticed, considering few in the audience would recognize him. To date, his only public appearances were in Britney's music video and a minor role in "The Soul Transfer Maiden". The former had a limited audience, and in the latter, he was just a background character.

Regardless, this was his first red carpet experience, and he was filled with anticipation.

After waiting for a while, the Cadillac moved forward under the guidance of the staff, drawing nearer to the fans and flashing cameras. Matthew quickly rolled up the window.

He checked the time, guessing it was already the latter part of the middle segment. 

The really big names would be following him, making it a less than ideal time for lesser-known actors like him.

However, Matthew had no complaints; his scheduled time matched his current status in Hollywood.

He knew Hollywood was a place of hierarchy, where actors and stars are distinctly ranked. If not for his role as a barbarian leader, even with Helen Herman's connections, it would have been difficult for him to walk the premiere's red carpet.

Finally, the black Cadillac stopped in the parking area at the end of the red carpet. Through the window, Matthew saw the media with their cameras ready. He adjusted his bow tie, opened the car door, and stepped out. The flashbulbs went off blindingly as he blinked and flashed the charming smile he had practiced countless times in the mirror, stepping onto the somewhat plush red carpet.

Thanks to rigorous military training, Matthew had corrected his previously casual walk. His suit fit perfectly, enhancing his formidable presence.

"Who is that?"

At the end of the red carpet, there was a designated photo area. Fatous, a journalist from the entertainment section of the "Los Angeles Times", followed Matthew with his camera, intrigued by how photogenic he was. He asked a colleague next to him, "Do you know him? Is he a model from Europe?"

"Definitely not a model from Europe!"

Before the questioned journalist could reply, a female journalist to Fatous's right interjected, "Those European male models are almost all GAY!"

She pointed at Matthew, "They don't have his kind of rugged, masculine aura!"

This female journalist seemed to admire Matthew, murmuring, "Tall, broad-shouldered, with a commanding posture, sharp features, a stern expression, and an extraordinary demeanor... He's just like the ideal man in my dreams..."

While she mumbled, her hands didn't stop snapping pictures.

"I know this guy," said the journalist from "Entertainment Weekly" to Fatous's left. He remembered a recent promotional article for "Band of Brothers" that featured Matthew. "His name is Matthew Horner, not a model. He's a budding actor, rumored to have dated Britney, participated in 'Band of Brothers' produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg, and seems to have a role in 'Gladiator'..."

"Sounds like a solid resume," Fatous remarked, raising his camera again towards Matthew, "He seems like a promising young actor."

Surrounded by journalists snapping photos, Matthew, benefiting from his military training and naturally good looks, exuded confidence on the red carpet.

However, the fans' reaction was lukewarm. Hollywood was never short of handsome men and beautiful women, and their enthusiasm for stars was solely based on fame.

Compared to others before him, Matthew was relatively unknown.

Nevertheless, Matthew walked slowly on the red carpet, like the actor before him. Opportunities like this were rare for them, and naturally, they wanted to stay in the limelight longer, attract more attention from fans, and have more photos taken...

While he didn't move inch by inch, Matthew's pace was slower than a leisurely stroll. Regardless of the fans' reaction, he occasionally waved to both sides, and whenever he noticed a flash, he would instantly flash a warm, natural smile.

Crying and smiling are basic skills for an actor.

As he reached the first third of the red carpet, Matthew suddenly noticed fans on the left holding up posters of the barbarian leader. Remembering Helen Herman's instructions from the day before, he quickly approached them.

There were seven or eight young fans, three or four of whom were holding different posters.

They looked somewhat confused as Matthew approached, clearly not recognizing him.


, cheers erupted at the end of the red carpet; something exciting was happening there. Despite their initial confusion, the group's attention quickly shifted as a well-known figure appeared on the red carpet.

As Matthew approached, one quick-thinking girl handed him a pen, smoothly avoiding any awkwardness for Matthew.

A boy next to her handed over his notebook, and Matthew unscrewed the pen to sign it, pointing at the barbarian leader poster, "That's me."

"Oh..." the girl replied nonchalantly.

Though the others were unclear about who he was, they handed over their autograph books in succession.

The fan holding the barbarian leader poster passed it forward, and Matthew signed his name on it in succession. His handwriting wasn't great, and his scribbled signature looked quite messy, but since celebrity signatures often resemble hieroglyphs, it appeared distinctive at first glance.

Matthew returned the pen to the girl, nodded with a smile, and returned to the red carpet.

"Who is he?" the fan with the barbarian poster asked the girl.

"I don't know who he is either," the girl replied, shaking her head as she put away her autograph book.

The group quickly dismissed Matthew from their thoughts, turning their attention to the other side of the red carpet, where they started shouting for an actor approaching, "Joaquin! Joaquin! Joaquin…"

As the shouts for Joaquin Phoenix grew louder behind him, Matthew also turned to look. He had seen Phoenix on the set of "Gladiator," a star only slightly less famous than Russell Crowe.

Matthew continued his slow pace on the red carpet, simply wishing to maximize his time in front of the fans and media to boost his visibility.

After moving forward another ten meters or so, a staff member tasked with keeping order among the fans quietly approached him.

Leaning in, the staff member whispered, "Sir, please move a bit faster."

Matthew, thick-skinned, kept his sunny smile and showed no sign of embarrassment. He acted as if he hadn't heard the staff member's request and continued forward, just quickening his step slightly.

Being hurried along was unpleasant enough once.

Soon, he entered the interview area, but the reporters there showed little interest in him; most were waiting for Joaquin Phoenix to arrive.

"Matthew Horner!"

Suddenly, a woman's loud voice called out from among the reporters, "Over here! Look here!"

Matthew almost reflexively smiled and looked towards the source of the voice. Flashbulbs lit up as a very tall woman squeezed her way through the reporters.

It was Ileana Boyar.

As Boyar approached, a few reporters gathered around, though most were still positioned at the entrance of the interview area, clearly waiting for Phoenix.

Although Matthew felt a twinge of envy, he wasn't upset. Phoenix was in a completely different league in every aspect.

"How does it feel to walk the premiere red carpet for the first time?" Boyar held a small recorder to Matthew.

With other reporters listening, Matthew had to answer earnestly, "It's exciting! Very special! Really thrilling!"

Because he had been so slow on the red carpet earlier, Phoenix had now entered the interview area. The reporters immediately abandoned Matthew and ran over to Phoenix.

Not just them, Boyar shrugged at Matthew, "I have to go catch the hot news."

Matthew nodded, "Go ahead."

Boyar then joined the reporters interviewing Phoenix.

Glancing over there, Matthew did not linger any longer and walked into the Hollywood Chinese Theatre. Due to his minor role and limited fame, the production had not invited him to participate in the routine group photo on the red carpet. Instead, he was led directly into the theater's auditorium by a staff member.

His seat was in the third row, where half of the seats were occupied by actors of minor significance in the production and the other half by invited guests.

Like Matthew, those actors hadn't participated in the photo session and sat waiting for the film to start.

The guest side was already quite full, some with familiar faces. Unfortunately, separated by many people, Matthew couldn't easily mingle. After checking the surroundings and not recognizing any actors, he went to the restroom and then simply sat in his seat, waiting for the film to start.

This was his second film, and unlike his brief appearance as an extra in the first, he had some presence in this one.


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