
The Box Office King of Hollywood

Knock! Dang! Knock--   A sharp knock on the door suddenly rang in his ears, followed by a man's urgent voice coming through the door, "Matthew, why did you kick the makeup artist out? The director and the female lead are already in place, the entire crew is waiting for you, the male lead, you still have fifteen minutes!" ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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292 Chs

Chapter 83: First Role Premiere

Due to the long vacancy of his apartment, Matthew decided to book a nice hotel nearby. He checked in early and sent the detailed address to Brittany.

Brittany must have been really busy, as she didn't arrive until after 8:30 PM. The moment the couple met, they embraced and kissed passionately, a natural culmination for a couple reunited after a long separation.

"Stop moving..." Brittany seemed exhausted, "Let me rest for a while."

She leaned on Matthew, catching her breath, "I've been so tired lately, with a packed schedule every day. The agent and the record company keep pushing, and you're not in Los Angeles. I have no one to complain to."

Matthew sat up and held Brittany in his arms, "You're a big star now, all this effort is worth it."

"Right," Brittany nodded, "There was a scheduling and venue conflict with my concert in Chicago and Christina Aguilera's meet and greet, but my agent said her record company backed down because they were worried about my popularity."

Seeing Brittany's smug expression, Matthew pinched her nose, "So, Bubu, you don't need to bother with a lesser star. Look further ahead."

Standing from different perspectives might yield different thoughts, he continued, "You should aim to surpass those ahead of you, like Madonna."

Brittany scratched her cheek, "That's tough."

"That's a long-term goal." Matthew felt that if Brittany focused on her career, she might avoid many potential messes. He whispered in her ear, "People need goals to strive for."

Brittany blinked and asked, "What about short-term goals?"

Matthew couldn't help shaking his head. In some ways, Brittany was naively clueless, possibly because all her talent and energy were channeled into singing. After all, the world rarely sees a genius who excels at everything.

"Of course, there are." Matthew spoke seriously, "Your short-term goal should be to make next year's world tour a success."

"That won't be hard." Brittany seemed confident, "I'm working hard."

Matthew thought for a moment and added, "Bubu, in our line of work, once you achieve success, you face many temptations. Having a goal will make most temptations seem trivial."

Brittany frowned, "There's a temptation I can't and don't want to resist."

"Uh?" Matthew worried she might be referring to drugs.

According to Michael Fassbender, among Hollywood stars, singers had a higher drug use rate than actors, especially rock stars. It wasn't that everyone used drugs, but finding someone who didn't was challenging.

"You!" Brittany stared straight at him and said, "You are my biggest temptation."

Matthew couldn't help but laugh, and Brittany added, "Really, I'm not joking!"

The sound of a phone interrupted them. Matthew retrieved Brittany's phone from beneath the pillow, handed it to her without checking the screen.

Brittany silenced the ringtone, "It's my alarm."

"What's up?" Matthew didn't quite get it.

"I have to go." Brittany looked reluctant but struggled to stand, "Dad's at home, I can't stay out all night or return too late."

Matthew couldn't ask her to stay, so he offered, "Let me walk you down."

Brittany picked up her clothes from the floor, grumbling as she dressed, "I have no freedom at all, dad is so strict about my evenings."

"It shows he cares about you," Matthew didn't think much of it, "He's worried about you getting into trouble at night."

Once dressed and out the door, Brittany continued to mutter complaints, and Matthew consoled her, "When I've made enough money, I'll buy a house, and then we can live together."

"Okay!" Brittany smiled again, "Hurry up, then."

Wearing a hat, they took the elevator down to the hotel lobby. Brittany added, "Tomorrow afternoon, I need to visit a venue in Seattle, then off to Nashville. I probably won't be back before Christmas."

Matthew knew her career was crucial at this stage and gently patted her back, "No worries, I'll be heading back to the UK soon myself. The series is about to start filming, and I'll visit you next break."

"Alright." Brittany checked the time and hurriedly left the hotel to catch her ride.

Standing at the hotel entrance, Matthew watched her car drive away before heading back inside. He stayed at the hotel until morning, then checked out and went to Burbank to meet with Helen Herman at Angel Management Agency.

"Long time no see, Helen," Matthew sat on a single sofa in the office, "You're as beautiful as ever."

Helen Herman put down her work, "You're still so charming." She looked up at him, "I heard you had a conflict with an assistant producer?"

"It wasn

't a conflict!" Matthew wasn't surprised that Helen was well-informed, clarifying, "She hit me with her car and threatened to run me over. I remembered your advice and let it go."

"How did she end up leaving the production?" Helen Herman clearly didn't believe him.

Matthew spread his hands helplessly, "She had an affair that went sour, you can't blame that on me, right?"

Helen tilted her head, "Are you sure it has nothing to do with you?"

"Really!" Matthew looked wronged, "What do I have to say to make you believe me? Should I swear?"

"No need," Helen shook her head, then added, "Just keep a low profile on set, and stay professional."

"I'll do my best," Matthew assured earnestly.

Helen didn't dwell on the past issues, focusing instead on business, "I've handled the breach of contract fee you entrusted me with. The first payment of ten thousand dollars has been transferred to the production company via the court; it's almost the end of the year, and you need to settle the fees for the Wilson law firm. Go to the finance department to sign off; 'Band of Brothers' is about to start filming, and your second payment has arrived. I'll deduct the agent fees and transfer the rest to your account."

"The second payment is here?" Matthew's eyes widened, "Finally, I can breathe a bit easier."

Even though it meant deducting Helen's ten percent agent fee and making another installment payment to the production company, it would allow him to relax financially.

After nearly a year here, he had been careful with every expenditure except for necessary costs.

Helen Herman read concern in Matthew's expression and advised, "After this project, no one knows when you'll get another well-paying role. It's best to save some money as a reserve, rather than spend it all."

"Don't worry!" By nature, Matthew wasn't prone to spend in advance, "I'll save most of it."

He still planned to buy a car, possibly a used one, but there was no rush. He would be in the UK for a long time and wouldn't need a car.

Helen's gaze returned to her laptop, "A heads-up, 'The Soul Transfer' has premiered."

"Already?" Matthew had been out of the loop in the UK, "I need to check it out."

Regardless, it featured his first role.

"It's a limited release," Helen checked her notebook, "Only three theaters in Los Angeles are showing it." She listed the addresses, "The film has good reviews. If you're going, better buy your tickets early."

"Thanks." Matthew stood, "If there's nothing else, I'll head out."

"Goodbye," Helen didn't look up.

Matthew waved at her before leaving the office. After signing some documents in the finance department, he left Angel Management Agency and headed to one of the three cinemas Helen mentioned in Burbank to see his debut film, 'The Soul Transfer'.

Arriving at the art cinema, Matthew bought tickets for the next showing and waited in the lobby before entering the auditorium. As Helen had mentioned, the film's good reviews had attracted a high turnout for its limited screening. He was early, yet the auditorium was already half full.

Among the audience, some wore media badges, clearly journalists or critics.

Sitting down, Matthew awaited the start of the film, reflecting on the time he had filmed 'The Soul Transfer'. He couldn't help but laugh at how green he had been, stumbling into the industry and luckily encountering stars like Angelina Jolie and Winona Ryder.

It was a pity, he thought, that probably neither wanted to see him again.

As the film began, Matthew focused more on the performances. Winona Ryder was excellent, her presence even more striking on screen than live. However, perhaps due to the character's design, once Angelina Jolie appeared, she nearly stole the show.

Exaggeration aside, the supporting actress upstaged the lead.

But that wasn't Matthew's focus. As the film progressed, he anxiously awaited his own scenes.


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