
The Box Office King of Hollywood

Knock! Dang! Knock--   A sharp knock on the door suddenly rang in his ears, followed by a man's urgent voice coming through the door, "Matthew, why did you kick the makeup artist out? The director and the female lead are already in place, the entire crew is waiting for you, the male lead, you still have fifteen minutes!" ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

INIT · Famosos
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292 Chs

Chapter 22: Fragile Friendships

After a day of shooting, Matthew removed his makeup, changed back into his clothes, and joined the other extras at the food trucks to pick up his dinner.

Because Michael Sheen had last-minute tried to get to know Helen Herman better, Matthew picked up his meal alone and sat at an empty table on the outer edge of the dining area, ready to eat.

Though their wages and status weren't high, the extras' meals were quite good. The crew of "Gladiator" provided a rich menu including grilled beef, chicken, fish, hamburgers, hot dogs, vegetable and fruit salads, rice, pasta, French bread, various drinks, pastries, and ice cream, all self-served with tables and chairs available.

He had also heard that if there were night shoots, snacks and beverages would be available as well.

For someone like Matthew, living day-to-day on such a generous set was bliss—good food, drink, and sleep, plus a paycheck.

Unfortunately, once this job was over, he didn't know when he'd find another gig like this.

Big-budget productions like "Gladiator" were rare in Hollywood.

After enjoying a piece of tender grilled beef and just as he was about to drink some water, his phone, which he had turned off for makeup, suddenly rang.

He checked it and saw an unfamiliar number but answered anyway, "Hello?"

"It's me, Helen," a familiar female voice came through. "Matthew, where are you?"

Matthew didn't know why she was looking for him, "I'm at the easternmost part of the extras' dining area."

"Okay, wait for me."

After she hung up, Matthew hurried to finish his meal. Shortly after wiping his mouth, he saw Helen Herman approaching in a business suit.

"Over here, Helen," Matthew waved casually as if they were old acquaintances. When Helen reached him, he asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet." Helen adjusted her glasses and got straight to the point, "I have a role that might suit you."

She had thought of Matthew immediately after speaking with Ridley Scott, remembering his role with lines in "Soul Transfer," which he should handle without a problem.

Matthew perked up, "What role?" But then he hesitated, "I was in the morning shoot..."

"That's okay." Helen sat down opposite him, "This morning's shots were long distance; they won't recognize your face. Tomorrow's role is the barbarian chief, with several action scenes."

"Barbarian chief?" Matthew felt a rush of excitement.

Helen nodded, "There will be full-body close-ups of you, and you'll appear in multiple shots."

"I'll take it!" Matthew didn't hesitate, "Helen, when do we sign the contract?"

"Wait a minute…" As an agent, Helen had to clarify, "There's some risk with the action scenes! I reviewed the script with Ridley Scott this afternoon, and it's not too dangerous."

"Aren't there safety measures?" Matthew inquired.

Helen crossed her arms on the table, "There will be thorough safety measures. The chance of you getting injured is less than one percent. Plus, I'll negotiate a new contract with the crew to ensure they purchase insurance for you."

"And the payment?" Matthew asked about what concerned him most, "Will the payment increase?"

"Yes!" Helen confirmed directly, "Excluding other compensation, you'll receive $8,000 for this role."

Hearing about the $8,000 payment, Matthew urged, "Helen, choose me!"

He needed the money for acting school fees and a looming penalty fee.

"Alright." Helen stood up, "I'll talk to the crew. Don't go back yet; wait for my call. There might be an audition soon."

She reminded him as she was leaving, "Keep your phone on!"


Matthew nodded vigorously. He had always tried to make a good impression on Helen, not to pursue her romantically, but so that she would think of him first in situations like this.

His efforts over time had not been in vain.

As Helen walked away, a tall young man approached her with a flattering smile, "Hello, Miss Herman."

"Hello!" Helen recognized him as one of the extras from Angel Agency.

Feeling hungry and indifferent to the young man's ingratiating smile, she walked away.

Michael Sheen watched her leave, frowning as if she seemed a bit dismissive of him.

He then turned to Matthew, puzzled as to why she would seek Matthew out directly after he had tried so hard to get her attention.

Michael felt uncomfortable but didn't show it. Instead, he sat down across from Matthew as usual and asked, "Why did she come looking for you? Was it to ask you out...?"

"You're overthinking it," Matthew cut him off. "She has a role that she thinks fits me well and came to let me know."

"What role?" Michael's eyes


Matthew casually mentioned, "The chief of the Germanic barbarians."

It wasn't a secret, especially since the role would be filmed the next day.

"Why did she think of you and not me?" Michael's eyes grew even larger.

"Oh…" Realizing he might have said too much, he quickly added with a laugh, "I just think making acquaintances really works."

Matthew laughed as well, "Seems like it does."

After all, with so many extras from Angel Agency on set, Helen Herman couldn't possibly remember everyone or have a good impression of all. Making acquaintances was never a bad idea.

Michael shook his head, regretting not having thought of this earlier. If he had been the one regularly greeting her, maybe he would have gotten the opportunity.

He had been an extra for three years and never had such a great chance!

This was a unique role with definite close-ups, which could potentially leave an impression on the audience or other directors and producers.

Michael stared intently at Matthew, the opportunity so close yet slipping by.

Matthew, uncomfortable under his stare, waved his hand in front of Michael, "Hey, Mike! What are you thinking?"

"That..." Realizing he couldn't match Matthew in social savvy, Michael hesitated but then asked, "Matthew, are we friends?"

Matthew felt strange but nodded, "Of course."

Though both were purpose-driven, they got along well, and Matthew considered him a friend.

"I'm just envious of you," Michael sighed heavily, seeming a bit depressed. "Your first role had lines, and you acted with big stars like Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie…"

Matthew sensed something off in his words.

Michael's expression turned gloomy, "And then there's me. I've been in LA for three years, played so many roles, but never a single line."

He shook his head, "Sometimes, I feel the world is just so unfair."

The world was indeed unfair, Matthew thought but didn't say it aloud.

Michael continued, "For this shoot, I quit my job. If nothing changes after we wrap, I don't even know what I'll do next."

Matthew began to understand him but responded, "Don't worry, finding a temp job isn't that hard."

"Doesn't he understand?" Michael frowned deeper, paused, then decided to be direct, "Matthew, can you help me?" His eyes were hopeful as he stared at Matthew, "Help your friend in his time of need!"

Now that it was laid out, Matthew understood Michael's intent, but this rare opportunity was just as precious for him as it was for Michael.

This was a job paying $8,000, and with so many upcoming expenses, where else could he find such a well-paying opportunity in such short order?

"Mike, it's not up to me," Matthew gently refused with a smile. "I'm just a small actor; Helen Herman gave me this opportunity, and I have no say in it."

Michael shook his head repeatedly, "No, that's not it! Matthew, among all the actors from Angel Agency, you know Helen Herman best. If you recommend me, I'm sure she'll consider it! She definitely will!"

Matthew was silent, looking across the table, considering whether to let go of an $8,000 job. But even if he wanted to, Helen Herman might not agree to use Michael, and this wishful thinking could lead to disappointment on both sides.

Sitting there, Matthew sighed softly and said, "Sorry, I can't help you."

After all, this wasn't something he could help with even if he wanted to.

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