
1. Summoning

{So where the f*ck are we?} I thought as I looked around the place I was. It looked like a shrine with giant windows. There was this mural on a wall. You could see on it a figure of, what I think is a god, in the background there were dozens of humans, animals and trees.

You possibly couldn't think that some days ago I was just a normal student at a middle school.

I'm Dave Joseph, I'm 15. I have a good build and around 189 centimeters height. I would say I'm just a normal teenager living my life at school, but things aren't as simple as they seem. When I was around 12 years old I got into a fight with some thugs and I accidentally killed one and seriously injured the other two. I would say I was extremely lucky, no one from my school knows that it was me. Police blocked the leak and the media till this day doesn't know who did that. But why and most importantly how I did something like that, when I was just 12? Because of my grandfather I'm trained at martial arts.

Not some Kung Fu or Taekwondo. My old geezer made his own martial arts and taught me it. But the worst and the best thing about it is that the martial art is supposed to be one versus many centered type. So from the age of 5 I had gone through hellish training of my devil grandfather. Because of it I have some scars on my body... Okay, not some but a good amount. The most are from training. The biggest I have is on the chest it goes from the left upper rib to the right middle rib and was made by those thugs that I fought with. I often get bullied at school because of the scars on my body and my cold personality.

I have around average grades, I would say they are a little bit higher, but the best grades I have are the PE ones. I don't have any friends at school, the only people I know are my parents and grandparents, also I am an only child so I don't have any siblings. I really love spending my free time on the internet, also I play some games on-line.

It was Monday, a day that most people hate and so do I. The school comes back and you're again in this shit for another 5 days.

I got into class and I felt some cold gazes centred around me. It's probably Victor, Mathias and Andrew. They seem to like to make fun of me by using my scars.

"I feel a surge of power inside my right hand. Argh! Quickly I need to restrain it!"

There goes Victor. There are a few scars on my hands and when they discovered it they thought it was me that made them. Of course they weren't worried they made fun of me. I don't know what they find so funny about the scars on my hands, but I simply ignore them and go to my usual place near the window.

They seemed displeased as I didn't respond to their taunt, but they couldn't do anything as the bell rang and the lesson started. I didn't focus on it, because it wouldn't matter, I just simply went through it and when the teacher asked me I would answer. When the second break started it was finally time to eat something. I got my lunch box out and started eating what I had in it. Then suddenly some weird light and something like runes appeared on the floor, walls and even ceiling. At the same time some voices could be heard from outside of the classroom.

[Ey! What is going on there!]

[Quickly go for the Principal!]

The light quickly covered all of the room and the students inside it. It was too bright to even have your eyes opened and everyone was forced to close them. This event was later called "The mystery of a classroom", and it quickly became a big problem.

So back to the words I said in my head. {Where the f*ck are we?} I had no idea where we were, but I quickly remembered that something like magic circles appeared on the floor before we vanished. I connected facts and came up with us being summoned to a parallel world to become something like heroes and fight off the demons or demon king, and boy ofcourse I was right on the spot. We were on a pedestal that had ornaments made from gold, around it were priests and priestesses that were still praying or chanting. As all of my classmates were still confused, some older priests came close to us, and one person from them was standing out. He was an old priest I would say in his late 80's or even 90's, he looked like some very important figure among the other priests.

[Welcome, O great heroes who came here on wish of our great God]

I wasn't even surprised to hear all of that, there could be two outcomes of them summoning us here:

First one is quite normal, just us fighting with the demons while, the kingdom or whoever summoned us will provide us with equipment and training

Second one which is wicked, is enslaving us and making us do things we don't want to do.

It looked like the first option would be the one we were in.

[Humanity is in a pinch, because of the sudden appearance of Demon King, we are being pushed back, please almighty heroes from another world! Help us and defeat the Demon King!]

As the oldest priest said those words, my classmates started to whisper among themselves and hesitated.

While my class started to shout among themselves I was deep into my thoughts. Firstly I tried saying in my mind "status", and "status - open", and I wasn't surprised to see that the later one worked. So my status looked like this:

Name: Dave Joseph Age: 15

Sex: male

Level: 3

Class: Martial artist

Title: Only Disciple of "Old Geezer's Martial Arts", Summoned, Otherworlder, Cold one

Strength: 90

Agility: 70

Dexterity: 75

Physical resistance: 200

Mental resistance: 250

Magical resistance: 60

Magic: 60


"Old Geezer's Martial Arts" martial arts - 10(MAX)

Language comprehension - 10(MAX)

Mental solidity - 7

Light/Earth/Wind/Fire magic affinity - 1

Darkness/Water(ice type) magic special affinity - 3

Hide presence - 5

Appraisal - 2

Available SP: 20

As I don't have any other status to compare I guess I'm kinda powerful. Oh wait, I have an appraisal so I can check my classmates!

After 5 minutes of checking all of them in the midst of chaos that my class were in the average summed up stats were around 200-230 and as for skills they usually had from 2 to 5 skills with levels 1 to 3, and everybody's Language comprehension was MAX lvl, I guess it's the only skill we should have on MAX level at first. Also there's a guy with a Hero title, so I guess he is a hero?

While I was taking my time checking my status my class was in an uproar. There a obvious things as that we can't return until we defeat the demon king, also they told us about the status and asked if we can show them our statuses, also the average of normal person stats who doesn't fight is around 60 or even 50, when the soldiers have stats around 100-150 and the strongest person in a Kingdom have around 500 stats points when summed. Also, almost nobody has MAX level skills, it was so rare that even Language comprehension with MAX level was considered a great skill. So to compare the strongest person in the Kingdom we are in, I have 805 total stats points, and my Physical resistance and Mental resistance is top-notch, also I'm level 3 while he is level 60.

As obviously I had the greatest status from all of my classmates I choose to use "Hide presence" so that I won't be found out and for now I'll follow them around and I get to know everything I want to. I will leave this place and go explore the world! Yes, this has always been my dream, to go and see more of this world that I am in.

[Also, we will have you join the Adventurer's Guild, which will help you grow and gain fame]

{Oh, so there's also Adventurer's Guild, this will be interesting} I thought, as a creepy smile came on my face.

Let me know if chapters are supposed to be longer, and if you like it add it to library.


Ba_Achcreators' thoughts