
The Book Of Creation

A book That Creates reality or a whole Universe! A College student Named "Jay" His hands got on that book and now He can do what ever he wants! What ever means WHATEVER . And also he becomes The god of all the universes that he made! {See the story to see more~ and also stick with us to recieve the letest update first }

Rahul_kumar_roy · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Mission deafet Abilene (2)

Jay and Zara stood ready, their hearts pounding as they faced the two monstrous creatures that blocked their path. The beasts, with their grotesque forms and razor-sharp teeth, roared menacingly.

Jay: (gripping his weapon tightly) Let's take them down!

Zara: (nodding) Together.

The battle began with a flurry of movement. Zara leapt into action, her agility allowing her to dodge the creatures' attacks while striking back with precision. Jay used his powers to summon weapons and shields, creating a dynamic and coordinated assault.

Jay: (swinging a summoned sword) Watch out for their claws!

Zara: (ducking and slashing at a creature's leg) Got it!

The creatures were relentless, but Jay and Zara fought with determination and skill. They dodged and parried, their movements synchronized. Finally, with a powerful combined attack, they brought the first creature to its knees.

Jay: (panting) One down, one to go!

The second creature roared in anger and charged at them. Zara leapt onto its back, using her strength to drive her blade into its neck. Jay focused his energy, creating a massive hammer that he used to crush the creature's skull.

Zara: (jumping off the fallen creature) That should do it.

Jay: (breathing heavily) Let's keep moving.

They approached the entrance to Abilene's mansion. The massive doors creaked open, revealing a dark, foreboding interior. The mansion's decor was straight out of a horror movie: cobwebs clung to the corners, the furniture was draped in tattered cloth, and the air was thick with an eerie silence.

Jay: (whispering) This place gives me the creeps.

Zara: (firmly) Stay close. We don't know what traps she has in here.

As they stepped further into the mansion, a voice echoed through the hall, chilling them to the bone.

Abilene: (voice echoing, sinister) Welcome to my cave, Mr. Jay. Congratulations, you've passed the first level. Now, it's time to show you my talent.

Zara: (shouting) Show yourself, you coward!

Suddenly, a black and gray smoke began to fill the room, swirling around them with a life of its own. The temperature dropped, and an oppressive feeling of dread settled over them. From within the smoke, a figure began to emerge, growing larger and more defined with each passing second.

Abilene materialized before them, a monstrous and terrifying presence. Her form was massive, towering over them like a nightmare brought to life. Her eyes were a piercing black with eerie yellow rings, three in total, each one gleaming with malevolent intelligence. Her mouth was filled with sharp, jagged teeth, stretching into a grotesque smile.

Jay: (whispering, terrified) What... what is that?

Abilene: (in a mocking tone) Now that you've called me, I'm here. Come with me... he he he heee...

Before they could react, Abilene lunged forward. She moved with a supernatural speed, grabbing Zara with her clawed hand. Zara struggled, but Abilene's grip was unyielding. She pulled Zara into the swirling dark smoke, her laughter echoing ominously.

Jay: (screaming) Zara! No!

Jay felt a wave of helplessness wash over him. His mind raced with fear and doubt. How was he supposed to defeat this creature? He had faced many challenges, but this was unlike anything he had ever encountered.

Jay: (desperately) I have to save her... I have to save Zara.

His determination began to harden, pushing through the fear. Jay tightened his grip on his weapon and steeled himself for what lay ahead. He took a deep breath and plunged into the dark smoke after them, ready to face whatever horrors awaited him.

Jay stood alone in the darkness, the oppressive silence pressing in around him. As he strained his eyes, the swirling dark smoke began to shift and morph, taking on a new form. He watched in awe and trepidation as the smoke twisted itself into a long, dark tunnel.

Jay: (nervously) What is this place?

The tunnel stretched out before him, its walls made of the same dark, swirling smoke. A faint light glimmered at the far end, like a beacon of hope, calling him forward.

Jay: (determined) That light... it must be a way out. Or at least, a way to Zara.

He began to walk down the tunnel, each step filled with uncertainty and fear. The light grew brighter as he approached, and after what felt like an eternity, he finally reached the end. He stepped through the light, emerging into a scene that took his breath away.

Jay: (amazed) This place... it's beautiful.

Before him lay a town transformed into a vision of natural beauty. Lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and crystal-clear streams created a paradise-like setting. The townspeople moved about, smiling and happy, their faces reflecting the tranquility and joy of their surroundings.

Jay: (whispering) Is this real?

But as quickly as the scene appeared, it began to change. Dark smoke started to creep in from the edges, engulfing the town in a suffocating shroud. The once beautiful town began to deteriorate, buildings crumbling and plants wilting under the oppressive gloom. The townspeople's smiles turned to expressions of fear and despair.

Jay: (distressed) No... what's happening?

The smoke closed in, and Jay felt a sudden, overwhelming surge of emotions. He was bombarded by the collective feelings of the townspeople. At first, he felt their happiness, their love, and their peace. But as the town turned dark, those positive emotions were replaced by sheer terror, pain, and suffering. The negative energy attacked Jay's mind, filling it with screams, cries of anguish, and the weight of their despair.

Jay: (clutching his head) I can't... I can't take it...

The intensity of the emotions threatened to overwhelm him. It felt as if his head would burst from the sheer force of the suffering he was experiencing. Every scream, every cry for help echoed in his mind, driving him to the brink of madness.

Jay: (sobbing) Make it stop! Please, make it stop!

He fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face as the emotional onslaught continued. The pain and sorrow of the townspeople coursed through him, leaving him feeling traumatized and broken.

Jay: (whispering) I can't... I can't go on like this...

But amidst the chaos, a faint memory flickered in Jay's mind. Zara's face, her strength, and her love. He held onto that image, using it as an anchor to pull himself back from the edge.

Jay: (breathing heavily) Zara... I have to save Zara.

With every ounce of strength he had left, Jay pushed back against the negative energy, forcing himself to stand. His body shook with the effort, but he refused to give in. He wiped the tears from his eyes, steeling himself for what lay ahead.

Jay: (determined) I won't let you win, Abilene. I will save Zara, and I will free this town from your evil.

With renewed resolve, Jay took a step forward, ready to face whatever horrors awaited him next.

Jay stood alone, his resolve hardening with every passing second. As the smoke around him began to clear, revealing the decayed and twisted town once more, his attention was caught by a sudden, sinister presence. He glanced towards one of the dilapidated rooftops and froze.

Jay: (terrified) Those eyes... it's her...

Abilene stood on the rooftop, her monstrous form towering over the scene. Her eyes, a horrifying mix of black with yellow circles, bore into Jay with a malevolent glee. Her smile was a grotesque distortion, a harbinger of the nightmare she embodied.

Jay: (whispering, panic rising) What do I do?

The smoke that had been transforming the town suddenly halted, leaving Jay in an eerie silence. His heart pounded in his chest, every sense on high alert. The stillness was broken by a cracking sound behind him. Jay turned slowly, his dread mounting.

Abilene: (smirking, voice dripping with malice) Hello, Jay. Are you ready to play?

She was right behind him, her face inches from his. The terror in her eyes and the sinister smile on her face sent a chill down his spine. Her jaw unhinged grotesquely, and she let out a low, chilling laugh.

Jay: (screaming internally) I have to run!

Abilene: (voice echoing) Run, little prey. Let the hunt begin.

Abilene lunged at him, her sharp teeth gleaming in the dim light. Jay turned on his heel and bolted, his heart racing as he sprinted through the twisted streets of the town. The sounds of her footsteps echoed behind him, a constant reminder of the relentless predator on his heels.

Jay: (panting, thinking) I have to find a way out of here... I have to survive...

He weaved through the debris, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Abilene's laughter echoed through the air, chilling him to the bone. She was relentless, her every move a calculated step closer to capturing him.

Jay: (desperately) There has to be a way out...

He spotted an alleyway up ahead and darted into it, hoping to lose her in the maze of narrow passages. The walls seemed to close in on him as he ran, his fear pushing him forward.

Abilene: (tauntingly) You can't hide, Jay. I'll find you...

Jay's mind raced as he tried to think of a plan. The memories of his training, the lessons from Samira, and the strength he had drawn from Zara flashed through his mind. He had to be smart, had to use everything he had learned to outsmart her.

Jay: (thinking) I can't keep running forever. I need to find a way to fight back...

He rounded a corner and found himself in a small, abandoned courtyard. There was no way out, the walls too high to climb. He was trapped. He turned to face the entrance, his heart pounding.

Abilene appeared in the entrance, her eyes gleaming with malevolent glee. She moved slowly, deliberately, savoring the fear that radiated from Jay.

Abilene: (mockingly) Nowhere left to run, little Jay. What's your plan now?

Jay: (taking a deep breath, steeling himself) I won't let you win.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the glowing orb that Samira had given him. It pulsed with a soft light, a beacon of hope in the darkness. He held it up, ready to use its power against her.

Abilene: (laughing) Do you really think that little trinket can stop me?

Jay: (determined) It's worth a shot.

He threw the orb at her, and it exploded in a brilliant flash of light. Abilene screamed, recoiling from the intense brightness. Jay took the opportunity to make a break for it, sprinting past her and back into the twisted streets.

Jay: (thinking) I need to find Zara... I need to end this...

The chase continued, Abilene's screams of rage echoing behind him. Jay ran with everything he had, determined to save Zara and put an end to Abilene's reign of terror.

As Jay and Abilene raced through the twisted streets, their footsteps echoing in the silence, Jay's mind raced with fear and determination. He knew he had to find a way to defeat Abilene and save Zara, no matter the cost.

Jay: (thinking) I can't let fear paralyze me. I have to use my powers to my advantage.

With a surge of adrenaline, Jay tapped into the power of the book, enhancing his speed and agility. He began to run faster, leaping over obstacles and dodging debris with lightning reflexes. Abilene matched his pace, her laughter echoing through the empty streets.

Abilene: (tauntingly) Oh, this is going to be fun!

They raced through the town, from streets to rooftops, leaving destruction in their wake. Abilene reveled in the chaos, breaking everything in her path with gleeful abandon. Jay's heart pounded in his chest as he ran, his fear driving him forward.

Jay: (panicked) I have to keep going... I have to find Zara...

As they ran, Jay felt a familiar weight in his hand. He looked down to see the trident Zara had given him, glowing with a faint blue light. A surge of determination washed over him as he realized that he had the power to defeat Abilene, to save Zara and end her reign of terror.

Jay: (clenching the trident) It's time to face my fear.

He spotted a clear field ahead and made a decision. With a burst of speed, he raced towards it, his mind focused on the task ahead. Abilene followed close behind, her laughter growing louder with each passing moment.

Abilene: (smirking) Ah, my prey is running towards me now. How delightful!

Jay skidded to a stop in the center of the field, his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath, steadying himself for the battle to come. Abilene approached, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Abilene: (amused) Well, well, what do we have here? My little prey standing its ground?

Jay: (firmly) You may think you're powerful, Abilene, but you're nothing compared to me. I'm not afraid of you.

Abilene: (chuckling) Oh, I like your spirit, Jay. Let's see if it holds up in battle!

With a fierce cry, Abilene lunged at Jay, her sharp teeth bared and her claws extended. Jay stood his ground, his grip tight on the trident. The two clashed, their powers colliding in a spectacular display of light and shadow.

To Be Continued...

Guy I have to think all those lines so I need time. Tell me how was it!

Rahul_kumar_roycreators' thoughts