
The Book Of Creation

A book That Creates reality or a whole Universe! A College student Named "Jay" His hands got on that book and now He can do what ever he wants! What ever means WHATEVER . And also he becomes The god of all the universes that he made! {See the story to see more~ and also stick with us to recieve the letest update first }

Rahul_kumar_roy · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Mission deafet Abilene (3)

Jay stood alone, his fear slowly melting away as thoughts of Zara filled his mind. He could feel the weight of the trident in his hand, its power humming with potential. Determined to save Zara, he began to mumble to himself.

Jay: (mumbling) I have to save her. I don't know where she is. I don't have enough time. I have to be quick.

He raised his head, eyes blazing with newfound resolve, and faced Abilene.

Jay: I challenge you, Abilene. Let's end this, one-on-one.

Abilene: (smirking) What are you waiting for, then?

Without hesitation, Jay charged forward, trident crackling with energy. He summoned a thunderbolt, striking the ground with immense force. The resulting explosion sent debris flying, but Abilene deftly dodged the brunt of the attack, sustaining only minor damage.

Abilene: (mocking) Is that the best you can do?

Her hands grew larger, swinging towards Jay with a force that could crush bones. Jay dodged swiftly, retaliating with a shockwave that dispersed the sleeping gas she had released. He combined his speed with the power of the trident, launching a series of attacks, but Abilene matched his agility.

Jay: (frustrated) This isn't working...

He summoned a blade wave, a powerful energy slash that cut through everything in its path. It struck Abilene, but she transformed into a cloud, reshaping herself and multiplying. First, there were two, then ten, then a hundred Abilenes surrounding him.

Jay: (thinking quickly) I need more power...

He multiplied his arms, twelve in total, each wielding a trident. Chanting a spell, he recharged them all with thunderous energy.

Jay: (shouting) Thunder Rain: Full Destruction!

He hurled the tridents into the air. They multiplied, raining down upon the clones, causing massive explosions. The ground shook, and dust filled the air. Jay created an airwave to clear the dust, revealing a bloodied Abilene standing, glaring at him.

Abilene: (returning to her human form, floating) Impressive, but not enough. Let's finish this.

She cast a spell: "REVERSE MIRROR WORLD." A blinding flash followed. When Jay opened his eyes, he saw the town upside down, a reflection hanging in the sky. Abilene had transformed into a colossal titan, her head touching the mirrored town above.

Jay: (thinking) She's too big... it must be an illusion.

He multiplied his trident and enlarged it, charging it with thunderbolt energy. He fired a massive lightning beam at Abilene, but it passed through her, causing only environmental damage.

Jay: (realizing) She's just a gas clone. This is all an illusion.

Jay created a massive shield and placed his trident on the ground. He focused, sending a lightning beacon towards the mirrored town, attempting to break the illusion. He hovered in the air, meditating with full concentration.

Outside the shield, Abilene attacked furiously.

Abilene: (shouting) No, you can't! You can't!

Jay's focus never wavered. He connected the lightning beacon to his mind, pushing against the illusion. With a final surge of energy, he opened his eyes.

He stood in a vast, reflective expanse, reminiscent of Salar de Uyuni. Zara stood before him.

Jay: (relieved) Zara? ZARA! Are you okay?

Zara: (crying) Yes, I'm okay, mister.

Jay: (hugging her) Thank goodness...

But something felt off. He pulled back, a question forming.

Jay: Wait, did you just call me Mister?

Zara's face twisted into a wicked grin.

Abilene: (mockingly) Boo! Did I scare you, mister?

Jay pushed himself away, realizing the truth.

Jay: ABILENE! How?

Abilene: (smirking) Did you really think you could break my illusion that easily?

Jay: You dirty b*tch!

Abilene: (menacingly) Be polite, Mr. Now, I want you to wake up. WAKE UP!

Jay's eyes snapped open. He was chained up, his arms bound. Abilene stood before him, Zara beside her. Jay looked Zara up and down.

Jay: (worried) Zara, are you okay?

Zara said nothing. Jay repeated the question, but still no response. He summoned his strength, breaking the chains with a roar. In a flash, he appeared before Abilene, reaching for her neck.

Abilene: (smirking) Oh, you're too fast. But it's too late. Look at Zara.

Jay turned to see Zara holding an axe above her head, laughing maniacally.

Jay: (horrified) Wait, no! Why are you doing this, Zara?

Abilene: (laughing) She's under my control. Back off, or... (smiling evilly) go back to where you belong, kneeling and chained.

Jay glared at Abilene with pure rage.

Abilene: (gleeful) What an entertaining day!

She used her magic, binding Jay with mystical chains.

Abilene: (to Zara) Hmm, sister, let me have some fun with you in front of your beloved.

Jay: (shocked) Huh? Sister? What?

To be continued...

Guy's tell me how was it! I need feedback!

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