
The Blade Master

This is the first time I've written. The Blade Master tell the story of a high school boy who loved history and to read novels about murim, that is reincarnated on murim, and his journey to becoming a Blade Master. The mc is loyal only to himself and will do anything to achieve his goals.

Roby1i1 · Fantasía
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66 Chs

The journey and the songs

The next morning, I was woken up by Hai, who told me.

-Patriarch, all members of your personal guards are in front of the house, and they say that they are waiting for you to go with them on the mission. After what he said, he remained in place for a few seconds without saying anything, waiting for the answer.

-Yes, I will go with them on a mission to recruit some people for the clan, bring animals, and get some money. While I was saying this, I got up from the bed, took the blade from the bed, and started walking towards the throne room. Hai followed me, and when I reached the throne room, he said.

-I understood, then can I help you with something patriarchal? While he said this, I started to sit on the throne, and when he finished the question, I answered.

-Yes, I want you to bring me 11 horses, and I want you to bring me food for 11 people that can last for 2 weeks. As soon as I said, Come on, he said.

-Immediately,  patriarch .Then he left to carry out my order, and at the same time as he was going to carry out my order, I told my personal guards to enter the throne room and wait for Hai to return with horses and food because after us we would start the journey.

-After some time, Hai came back and told me while bowing a little.

-Patriarch, I took 11 horses, each of which has a bag on its back with food supplies for each of the people, including you, to last for 2 weeks. They are in front of the house. After he said this, I started to get up from my throne, and I went outside with my personal guard, who followed me, and I started to get on a horse. They followed my example and did the same. When I and all members of my personal guards are mounted on horses, I said

-Hai, I leave the clan in your hands while I'm gone. After I said that, he answered immediately.

I understand patriarch. After hearing Hai's answer, I started riding my horse towards the clan exit with my guards riding behind me in two rows, with Jing and Yun in front of these two rows.

On this trip, not much happened. During the day, I rode with my personal guards, and at night, we stopped to eat, train, meditate, and sleep. During this period of 2 weeks, I made the members of my guards sing while they were riding and while they were training to induce a sense of belonging in them. The songs I had them sing were these:

(Verse 1)

In the shadows, where darkness thrives,

My clan's the force that never hides,

No honor here, no mercy shown,

In this world where power's our own.


With a heart as cold as the winter's night,

I'll rise to power, take my clan to new heights,

Loyalty runs through my very veins,

For my patriarch, I'll endure the pains.


I'll make my clan the best, the strongest,

With ambition burning, we'll never be wronged,

Enemies, beware, for your fate is sealed,

In the merciless world, only the strong are revealed.

(Verse 2)

No compromise, no remorse, no fear,

I'll eliminate those who dare interfere,

They'll meet their end, in the darkness they'll lie,

For my clan's supremacy, I'll watch them die.


With a heart as cold as the winter's night,

I'll rise to power, take my clan to new heights,

Loyalty runs through my very veins,

For my patriarch, I'll endure the pains.


I'll make my clan the best, the strongest,

With ambition burning, we'll never be wronged,

Enemies, beware, for your fate is sealed,

In the merciless world, only the strong are revealed.


Through treacherous trials, I'll prove my worth,

For my clan's dominance, I'll conquer the earth,

No compassion, no mercy, in my battle cry,

For my clan, for my patriarch, I'll never say goodbye.

(Verse 3)

I'll rise above, ascend the throne,

With power and dominance, my clan's known,

In shadows we thrive, in darkness we reign,

For the ruthless, in this world, we'll remain.


With a heart as cold as the winter's night,

I'll rise to power, take my clan to new heights,

Loyalty runs through my very veins,

For my patriarch, I'll endure the pains.


I'll make my clan the best, the strongest,

With ambition burning, we'll never be wronged,

Enemies, beware, for your fate is sealed,

In the merciless world, only the strong are revealed.


In the end, my clan shall stand tall,

In the ruthless murim world, we'll conquer all,

No honor, no compassion, we'll always survive,

For my clan, I'll fight, and for power, I'll strive.


(Verse 1)

In the shadows we reside, where secrets we confide,

Gathering strength, our clan shall rise, no bounds we'll be tied,

Methods dark and ruthless, we'll employ with pride,

For our kin, we'll conquer all, in the shadows we'll hide.


We don't trust outsiders, loyalty's our creed,

A blood oath binds us, it's a pact we'll never cede,

In our hearts, no room for betrayal's deadly seed,

For the clan, we'll face death's kiss, let our enemies concede.


We're not the strongest now, but our time draws near,

With the patriarch leading, we'll conquer what we fear,

Pain and death won't deter us, for the clan, we'll persevere,

A better life, a brighter future, our goal is crystal clear.

(Verse 2)

In the cover of the night, our power takes its flight,

In the darkness, we unite, to claim our rightful right,

To those born of our blood, our loyalty's ever bright,

But to outsiders, beware, for they face a ruthless fight.


We don't trust outsiders, loyalty's our creed,

A blood oath binds us, it's a pact we'll never cede,

In our hearts, no room for betrayal's deadly seed,

For the clan, we'll face death's kiss, let our enemies concede.


We're not the strongest now, but our time draws near,

With the patriarch leading, we'll conquer what we fear,

Pain and death won't deter us, for the clan, we'll persevere,

A better life, a brighter future, our goal is crystal clear.


In unity, we stand, not by blood, but by bond,

Through trials and hardships, our resolve is strong,

Every method we'll employ, no matter how fond,

To ensure our clan's dominance, in this world we belong.

(Verse 3)

With every step we take, our clan's legacy we'll shape,

In the shadows, we'll awaken, no challenge we'll forsake,

For a better life, for our kind, we'll never break,

Bound by the blood oath, our destiny we'll partake.


We don't trust outsiders, loyalty's our creed,

A blood oath binds us, it's a pact we'll never cede,

In our hearts, no room for betrayal's deadly seed,

For the clan, we'll face death's kiss, let our enemies concede.


We're not the strongest now, but our time draws near,

With the patriarch leading, we'll conquer what we fear,

Pain and death won't deter us, for the clan, we'll persevere,

A better life, a brighter future, our goal is crystal clear.

After the two weeks in which they trained and rode while they sang, I saw that they started to work much better as a team. When I arrived in town with the piano market, I first looked for an inn because it was already night and we were tired after this trip. After I found the inn, I paid for 7 rooms; each two guards shared a room each while I was alone in the room.

When I got to the room, I went straight to sleep.