
The Black Summoner

Additional Tags:- Anti-hero, High-IQ, Killer, Unprincipled, Adventure, Romance, Conquer, Evolution, Level-Up, Slice-of-Life, Dark, Magic, Superpowers, Urban, Extremely Slow-Paced... --~Some Notes~-- 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty much neutral, but there might be some situations when he might do something outright evil or borderline evil. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters might have a slightly different personality as I will be slightly tweaking their backgrounds to fit my story. 4th:- There will be two parts of the Harem… Primary Harem:- Currently, I have planned that the Primary Harem will consist of 14 women. The Members of the Primary Harem will have a lot of plot dedicated to them and they will have their own roles. In other words, they won't be simply MC's bed warmers. Secondary Harem:- This fic will take place in an Apocalyptic World. A lot of women would happily sleep with the MC to get a stable life or something. It won't be one time or NTR or anything but the members of the Secondary Harem wouldn't be playing any major roles in the fic nor I will invest much plot for them but they will still be a part of MC's Harem and they will only belong to MC. 5th:- There will be a system involved in the fic but won't be any Quests or Missions. The system would be simply there to trace the progress of everyone. Instead of System, you might call it Status Window or something. I simply ask you to give this fic a try before dismissing it by comparing it to any other normal system fics. I will explain all the mechanics of this system in detail as the plot progresses. 6th:- Until I finish my 'The Epic of Leviathan' Fanfic, the Fanfic will be released Weekly on Sunday... I need a month at most to finish my Leviathan Fanfic... Please be patient until then... --~Synopsis~-- The life of Yozora Daichi was never normal. Daichi himself knew that his life was never going to be normal with his complicated family background. Yes, his family background was slightly complicated compared to anyone else around his age. But Daichi wasn't bothered by it, in fact, he was quite glad that his life wasn't normal. His family wasn't overly large from the beginning… with only three members. Yozora Daichi (Himself), Yozora Kemono (Adoptive Mother), and finally Roberta (His Maid)... But how would he deal with everything when his already complicated life in a somewhat normal world is turned upside down along with society?? Mana finally awakens on Earth and turns everyone's world upside down. Animals turned into terrifying beasts, some plants gained self-awareness, and the humans who managed to withstand the wave of Mana awakened the ability to acquire skills by defeating enemies. While the humans who couldn't withstand the wave of Mana turned into undead. The entire planet entered a new era where the old laws didn't hold any value. Let's follow the journey of Yozora Daichi as he creates a whole new world born from the ashes of an Apocalyptic World… --~World Setting~-- The Apocalyptic World will be an X-Over between the following Worlds... 1) Highschool of the Dead 2) Resident Evil 3) Triage X 4) Solo Leveling 5) Tomb Raider King --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/vQ6rPaqVYs

InGlorious · Cómic
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99 Chs

Man of Culture...

[Inside the Yellow Hummer] 

"The fuck was that?" All of a sudden a black-haired boy sitting in the front passenger seat jerked up as he looked around with a questioning look on his face. 

The boy's hair was a complete mess and his eyes were also black, but there was a silvery tint to his eyes. The boy's skin complexion was slightly pale but it wasn't anything out of the normal and the boy was quite fit and it was pretty clear that the boy exercised regularly. 

The woman sitting behind the driving seat cleared her throat. The woman was dressed in a uniform. She was a pale-skinned young woman with waist-length dark purple hair that was currently tied in low pigtail braids with square bangs hanging over her eyebrows. She had dull blue eyes. 

(Image Here) 

The woman was also wearing thick and overly round glasses and she also had a cross necklace hanging down her neck. Her cross necklace was always placed outside her maid's uniform. The young woman had a stoic look on her face. 

"It was nothing, Daichi-sama," the woman said with a straight look on her face. 

The boy didn't believe her as he kept giving her a doubtful glare. "Are you sure about that Roberta-Chan?" The boy questioned with narrowed eyes. 

"Of course, Daichi-sama. I wouldn't dare lie to you" The woman answered with a straight face, but internally she was cursing herself. 

'I can't tell Daichi-sama that I crushed a human. He would simply worry needlessly' the woman concluded in a determined manner as she decided to convince herself that it was okay to lie, at least, regarding this matter. After all, it was for the Greater Good of her master. 

"Hah…" the boy released a sigh as he leaned back in his seat. "I was having a nice dream, you know" the boy muttered with a longing smile on his face. 

"...May I ask what your dream was about?" Roberta questioned in a respectful tone and the boy simply nodded his head with a smile. 

"It wasn't anything special, you know. I was dreaming about going on a vacation… have you ever dreamt of going on a vacation, Roberta-Chan?" The boy questioned and Roberta shook her head in denial. 

"My dreams are pretty simple. I only want to keep serving you" Roberta said with a faint smile on her face and the boy simply released a massive sigh. 

"You know, I am not going to leave you behind, right?" The boy questioned in a defeated tone, but Roberta didn't humour the boy with an answer. The boy released another sigh as he rapped his finger on the dashboard. 

"Roberta-Chan, you need to learn how to relax on duty" the boy said and once again, Roberta decided to keep her silence, but a faint smile made its way to her face. 

The rest of the ride was spent in complete silence. The yellow hummer finally arrived in front of a small mansion in the middle of a forest and found a modified Mercedes Benz G Wagon was already parked in front of the mansion. 

"Aha… looks like you don't have to cook tonight, Roberta-Chan" the boy said in a cheerful tone. 

"I love cooking for you, Daichi-Sama" Roberta answered with a straight look on her face, but it was a well-known fact that Roberta wasn't that good at cooking. Yes, her food wasn't inedible or anything, but her food was simply not that good. 

Roberta slowly parked the Hummer beside the G Wagon. The boy opened the door and jumped down from the car. The boy was dressed like any other teenage boy, ankle-high boots, a pair of ripped jeans along with a tucked black shirt under a black blazer.

(Image Here) 

The boy's name was Yozora Daichi, quite a unique name just like his family. In fact, he was completely fine with his name… the boy was quite tall if compared to any other Japanese men, that is why more than quite a few females checked him out without bothering to mask their intent. 

Daichi was more than okay with the attention he got from the opposite gender. He was never shy while interacting with the opposite gender due to the eccentricity of his family members. His family was quite small, his family consisted of only his mother and Roberta. Yes, no matter what Roberta said, Daichi considered the woman as her family. 

Daichi gave another look towards the Hummer as Roberta locked the car even though they didn't need it. They were literally in the middle of a forest, Daichi didn't think that anyone could steal their cars from here… especially when you can't start the car without a code. 

"She could have at least told us that she was coming" Daichi said while looking towards the Mercedes Benz G Wagon. 

It was his mother's car… Well, technically she was his adoptive mother. She was rarely home due to her job… her job was kind of complicated. She worked for the Government, that is all Daichi knew. It was related to some sort of super-secret mumbo jumbo. 

His mother would have probably given him all the details if he ever asked, but Daichi never wanted to create any sort of problems for his mother. His mother was rarely home, but the two of them were still quite close as the woman was there for him when Daichi was small. She only resumed her duty when Daichi was finally 10 years old. 

"Kemono-sama is always like that" Roberta pointed out as both of them started to approach the door. 

Yozora Kemono was Daichi's adoptive Mother. The door was unlocked, so Daichi and Roberta entered the house and Roberta finally locked the door after entering the house. They could hear loud music coming from the kitchen and that is probably where Daichi's mother was. 

Daichi and Roberta made their way towards the kitchen and found a woman with long wavy vermilion coloured hair wrapped in a towel making some food while dancing with the beat. On one hand, she had a spatula while in her other hand, the woman had a beer bottle. 

"Mom! I am home!!" Daichi loudly exclaimed as the music was pretty loud. 

The woman turned around. "Ah… Daichi" the woman almost growled with a grin on her face. The woman looked pretty wild from the front, especially with her sharp canines which were revealed as the woman was grinning. 

The woman had blue eyes and there were red markings around her eyes. It made her look quite feral and menacing with her whole persona. Any lesser men would have cowered by now, but Daichi wasn't any other man. He was her son, he had spent most of his life with the woman. The woman grinned savagely as she approached Daichi.

(Image Here) 

The woman was slightly shorter than Daichi, so she grabbed Daichi's shirt and pulled him down and smashed her lips on Daichi's lips. Daichi grinned as he kissed her back, both of their tongues fought for dominance as their tongues intertwined. Roberta kept watching the scene from the side with a stoic look on her face but her eyes were filled with interest. 

Daichi wrapped his arms around the woman's waist and pulled the woman closer. Their kiss intensified as they kept exploring each other's mouths like no tomorrow. Both of them finally separated after a few minutes of making out. Yozora Kemono grinned as she separated from her son. 

"How have you been, Mother?" Daichi asked with a soft smile on his face. 

Daichi was quite close to his mother, after all, both of them had a special bond in between them. Neither Daichi nor Kemono ever said that their relationship was normal. If anyone asked, their exact words were 'We have a special bond'. Technically they weren't lying, so it was fine. 

"I am fine… I kind of missed you though" Kemono said in a disappointed tone. 

Yozora Kemono was known for her hostile attitude and short temper. She is a loud and aggressive woman who believes actions show more than words. She was also more than slightly unhinged but Daichi still loved the woman in more than one way.

Even with all those negative points, Yozora Kemono was a pretty understanding woman, she had a deep understanding of how to motivate someone. She also respected anyone who is willing to get strong and never liked judging anyone based on their upbringing or lineage. 

Kemono also hated politics and city life… that is why she lived in a forest with her son who was also her lover. Daichi was the only man she had ever slept with… before that, she had never been in a relationship because other men were pussies who cowered in fear as soon as she glared at them. 

"So, how was your first day in college?" Kemono asked as she made her way back towards the oven. 

"It is pretty good… college is much different than school though" Daichi said as he made his way towards the freezer. 

"Did any professor catch your eyes?" Kemono asked in a teasing tone and Daichi took out a soda bottle from the freezer. 

"Nah… all of them are geezers" Daichi said with a shrug as he plopped down in a chair. 

"Pity! I thought you would be banging a teacher in the college too" Kemono said with a grin and Daichi quickly gulped down the contents of the soda bottle. 

"Mom, it was the first day, you know. A professor from another department might catch my eyes" Daichi pointed out and Kemono hummed in agreement. Kemono wasn't like any other moms. Since she was more than slightly unhinged, she was never bothered by the fact that her son was sleeping with other women. 

In fact, she practically urged him to sleep with other women. She felt proud whenever her son conquered a new woman. But Daichi never liked sleeping around with various women like a playboy. Daichi never understood why, but Onee-sans were always interested in him. 

Roberta wasn't an exception, so she also ended up in Daichi's bed. Daichi's relationship with the said woman is slightly odd as Daichi obviously loved the woman and he also considered her to be one of his lovers just like Kemono, but Roberta simply wanted to please Daichi with her body. 

He kind of ended up banging his homeroom teacher back in his high school. Even though Kemono wanted him to sleep with more women, Daichi had only slept with three women until now and all three of them were pretty important to him. Two of them were already family, Kemono and Roberta. Besides these two and his homeroom teacher, he never slept with anyone else. 

"I see… you do seem to have a point" Kemono said with a contemplative look on her face. 

"By the way? Why don't you go and take a shower? You had a long day" Kemono asked and for a moment Daichi did seem to think about the offer. He finally gave a curt nod as he got up from his chair. He simply threw the soda bottle in his hand without even bothering to look and it simply landed into the trash can. 

Daichi walked out of the kitchen as he made his way towards his bath. He quickly entered his room and stripped out of his clothes. His room was pretty clean and organized unlike the rooms of any other teenage boy. The bed was also quite large as sometimes he ended up with two women in his bed. 

Daichi shook his head as he released a sigh. He shoved all of his clothes inside the washing machine and entered the shower after powering up the machine. Daichi released a content sigh as the warm water of the shower hit his body… 

Meanwhile, Kemono was having a serious conversation with Roberta in the kitchen. The atmosphere was quite tense as Kemono was staring at Roberta with a serious look on her face...

"Kemono-sama, I crushed a boy inside the forest with the Hummer" Roberta said and Kemono nodded her head. 

"He was probably a sexual predator. You don't need to worry about it, I will take care of it" Kemono said, completely dismissing the topic. 

"Did you notice any hussies around my son?" Kemono growled out like an angry lioness. 

"No, Kemono-sama. Just like Daichi-sama had said, all of his professors are old geezers and a lot of his classmates are interested in him but we know Daichi-sama's preferences, so it is highly unlikely that Daichi—sama would make a move on them" Roberta answered with a straight face. 

"Kakaka!! You know what to do if some hussy tries to get in my son's pants, don't you?" Kemono questioned and a vicious grin made its way to her face revealing her large canines. 

"I will dispose of them" Roberta said in a chilling tone. 

"Bwahaha! Good Good… what about his homeroom teacher?" Kemono questioned as she went back to her cooking. 

"She is still faithful to Daichi-sama" Roberta answered and Kemono slowly raised her hand and her eyes started to glow menacingly. 

"Good for her… or I would have snapped her neck with my bare hands" Kemono said as she clenched her fist tightly as she grinned viciously. 

Daichi's homeroom teacher was still alive until now only because she was faithful to Daichi. Even though Kemono wanted her son to conquer women, she would never allow a hussy to come anywhere near her son. Yozora Kemono had already killed a couple of unfaithful women who were trying to seduce her son. 

If you are faithful then you are free to sleep with him. That is why Daichi's homeroom teacher was still breathing… Daichi didn't know any of this, and neither Kemono nor Roberta were planning to tell him any of this. 'I am his mother, it is my duty to protect him from bad women' Kemono thought as she continued cooking… 

Daichi finally finished his shower and walked into his room after drying his body. He quickly got dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He decided to leave his hair as it was as his hair was completely untameable. He didn't bother to take out the clothes as Roberta would take care of the clothes inside the washing machine. Daichi finally arrived in the kitchen and rubbed his hands excitedly. 

"The food smells marvellous!" Daichi exclaimed as he plopped down on his seat. 

"I am glad that you like it… I decided to cook something good since today was your first day in college" Kemono said and she placed the plates on the table. Roberta made her way towards the freezer and pulled out two beer bottles and placed them on the table after getting rid of their caps. 

"How long are you going to stay?" Daichi asked as Kemono finally sat down. 

"I will be here for at least three weeks… maybe a month if nothing pops up" Kemono said as she started to eat her food. Daichi nodded his head with a satisfied smile on his face. Roberta also sat down at the table as she knew that Daichi would keep nagging her until she did. 

"Son, we need to talk" all of a sudden Kemono spoke up. For a moment, Daichi froze up and his eyes went down towards his mother's belly. 

"Are you pregnant?" Daichi questioned in a surprised tone. For a moment, the woman didn't say anything. 

"Bwahaha!!" Kemono started to laugh boisterously. After a few seconds, the woman finally calmed down. "I wish I was pregnant with your baby, but it is not about that" Kemono said as she leaned back in her chair and placed her right leg across her left leg. 

Kemono wasn't wearing anything underneath her towel, not that she cared as there wasn't anything Daichi hadn't seen or touched… Kemono never bothered about modesty in front of Daichi… sometimes she walked around the house completely naked. 

"I wanted to talk about my job" Kemono said in a serious tone. 

"Mom, you don't need to tell me anything, you know. I know that your job is pretty confidential… I simply don't want to cause any trouble for you" Daichi argued back and Kemono started to chuckle humorously after hearing Daichi's words. 

"I am glad that you care about your mom, but I need to do this… from how things are going, the world is going to change pretty soon" Kemono said with a serious look on her face. For a moment, Daichi froze after hearing her words. 

"What are you talking about, mom?" Daichi asked in a slightly worried tone. His mother was rarely serious like this. 

"Let's go down to the basement, I will show you everything" Kemono said and Daichi could only nod his head. Daichi knew that his mother kept guns and various types of weapons in the basement… he also knew that his mom had a small office in the basement too but he had never entered her office, no matter how much he wanted to. 

They quickly finished their dinner and Kemono led Daichi and Roberta towards the basement… Roberta also didn't know the exact details of Kemono's job but she knew what it entailed. Kemono pressed her palm on a pad and moments later, the metal door opened with a swish revealing a massive armoury filled with various types of guns and military-grade armours. 

Daichi already knew about the weapons as he played around with them from time to time. Kemono had taught him how to handle a gun and how to use a gun. Daichi's skills weren't anywhere close to spec-ops or anything but he could handle himself if he ever needed to. 

Kemono finally arrived in front of her office and placed her palm on a similar type of pad outside the armoury. A small compartment opened above the pad and a retina scanner came out of the compartment. Kemono placed her eye on the scanner and moments later, the door of her office opened with several clangs. 

'You must be kidding me??!! That's an office! Not a fucking safe!' Daichi raged inside his mind and he really started to wonder what kind of confidential stuff his mom dealt with. The inside of the office was pretty normal… 

"Daichi… what I am going to tell you will blow your mind, so why don't you take a seat?" Kemono offered and Daichi dumbly nodded his head and sat down, Roberta dutifully stood behind Daichi's seat. 

Kemono pulled out a somewhat thick book and placed it on the table with a smug. She had a smug grin on her face. Daichi looked down at the book and read the title… "Mana…" Daichi whispered in a confused tone… 


A/N: I wouldn't have released this chapter today, but some readers didn't understand the first chapter. Neither Feng Bingwen or the reincarnators were the MC.

That is why I named the first chapter 'Fanfics Gone Wrong' since both Feng Bingwen and the reincarnator are dead...


3227 words in this chapter.

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