
Family Secrets...

"You mean Magic is real?!" Daichi questioned incredulously and Kemono shook her head. 

"No. I never said Magic… I said Mana, or it is at least what we have decided to call it," Kemono said as she revealed the existence of Mana in their world. Roberta was also quite surprised. She knew that Kemono worked in some super-secret department, but she didn't expect it to be something related to fantasy. 

"In simple terms… I am an investigator. There are various places around the world where Mana starts to gather, creating some sort of anomaly. Like there was one place where everything started to levitate in the air, and I remember another place where a waterfall started to flow backwards" Kemono explained as shoved various reports into Daichi's hands. 

Daichi quickly looked through the documents and then he handed them over to Roberta. "Don't tell me there are Dungeons and shit like that?" Daichi practically whined and Kemono started to giggle. 

"Nah… nothing like that yet, but I can't say anything for sure. We don't have anything to compare it with," Kemono said and Daichi nodded his head in understanding. Roberta simply decided to keep her silence as she didn't want to interfere in their talk. It's not like the existence of Mana would change anything for her. 

She would keep protecting Daichi even if the World turns upside down… 

"Ah… okay," Daichi said, not knowing how to react to something big like this. He knew that his mother was probably involved with some pretty messed up stuff, but he never imagined something like this.

"But I wanted to reveal this because the numbers of anomalies are increasing drastically. Some scientists are saying that we are reaching a threshold or something. So something is about to happen. I want you to be prepared for anything" Kemono said and Daichi slowly nodded his head as he understood where his mom was coming from. 

"Kemono-sama, what should I know about these anomalies? I need to know everything about them so I could keep protecting Daichi-sama!" All of a sudden Roberta blurted out in a determined tone. Daichi gave the woman a blank look. 

"Bwahaha!! Good Good… but there isn't anything to teach you. We simply investigate the places and close them off… there is nothing we can do to fix those places. We simply don't know enough about Mana," Kemono said while shaking her head. Roberta looked slightly disappointed as her shoulders sagged. 

"But why did you name this energy Mana? I mean you could have named it anything else, right?" Daichi questioned. It wasn't anything important, but he was really curious. 

"Who knows?? They told me it is called Mana and that is what we call it," Kemono said and shrugged dismissively. 

"I also wanted to tell you something else…" Kemono said slowly as she sat down on the table. Daichi simply urged the woman to continue. 

"Yozora Kemono isn't my real name… My real name is Mereoleona Vermillion. I decided to change my name after I decided to adopt you. I have a lot of enemies due to my job, and I didn't want to paint a target on your back," Kemono said in an apologetic tone and Daichi simply placed his hand over his mom's hand and gently squeezed it. 

He knew his mom was on a roll today, revealing secrets after secrets. He thought about his mother's name, and to his surprise, he found that he wasn't bothered that his mom never told him her real name. In fact, he was happy that his mom changed her name to protect him from her enemies. 

"...To be honest, I don't care if your name is either Yozora Kemono or Mereoleona Vermillion, you are still my mom and that isn't going to change. I love you" Daichi said in a determined tone and Kemono's eyes grew wide after hearing her son's declaration. 

Moments later, a feral grin appeared on her face as she slowly stood up and practically ripped the towel off her body. "Then why don't you show your mom how much you love her?" Kemono growled out like a wild beast. 

"I would love to," Daichi said, and lifted his mom by her waist and tossed her on the table. 'This is wrong on so many levels, but I can't stop myself from getting hard!' Daichi thought as he initiated the battle of tongues with the woman. Roberta simply started to strip out of her clothes as she also wanted to join in on the fun. 

[A Few Hours Later] 

Daichi and Roberta were asleep with each other in their arms, and Kemono was leaning on the bedrest with a glass of whiskey in her hand, gently caressing her son's hair. Daichi and Roberta were covered by a sheet, and Kemono was also covered up to her hips with the same sheet.

She was reminiscing about the time she had found Daichi. She was only 20 years old when she found him and he was only six. She had found him near an Anomaly, so they looked for his identity and found nothing. It wasn't something uncommon during that time. Daichi didn't remember his name or anything else for that matter. 

Her higher-ups decided to send him to an orphanage, but Kemono stepped in and decided to adopt the six year old. The boy reminded Kemono of her own childhood. She also grew up in the orphanage, and she didn't want the boy to grow up in a place like that. So, she adopted him after she changed her name to protect the boy from her enemies. 

Daichi still can't remember anything before they found him. He says that he simply remembers some flashes and some glimpses, but all of them were kind of blurry. The doctors said that the Anomaly might be responsible for that, so they couldn't help him as they didn't know how to deal with Mana. 

Yozora Kemono looked down at her son's sleeping face with a soft smile on her face. Only her son was worthy enough to receive her soft smiles. After all, she belonged to her son. Kemono knew that she was old. She was currently 32 to be exact. She always wanted to be with her son, but it was quite impossible. 

You can't stop time… Kemono knew that after a few years, she couldn't be with her son any longer, but before that could happen, she was going to bear his child. But she would still keep protecting her son from hussies. Kemono knew that she wouldn't be getting any "Mother of the Year" awards because she loved her son in more than one way. 

Kemono tipped the glass and gulped down all the contents. She slowly snuggled closer to her son as she snaked her arms around him. She pecked her son on the lips and placed her head over his chest. Daichi subconsciously wrapped his arm around his mom's waist and pulled her closer. Kemono internally cheered as she slowly fell asleep… 

<<Timeskip One Month>>

Nearly one month has passed since Daichi started college. Nothing major happened in the last month except for Daichi getting settled into his new life. College life was a lot more different than high school, and he was finally getting used to the pressure. 

Daichi was pursuing a degree in Law from the University of Tokyo. He was good with other subjects too but Social Science subjects were always appealing to him. Kemono obviously supported him. After all, she was a good mother, and Roberta didn't even bother to give her input. She simply wanted to serve and protect Daichi. 

No matter how much Daichi tried, he couldn't dissuade Roberta... so, he decided to give up. 

Their house was almost in the middle of the Forest between Tokyo, and a small city named Tokonosu City. After graduating from Fujimi Highschool, he decided to study Law at the University of Tokyo. The entrance exam was difficult, but Daichi was really good at his studies, so getting into the University of Tokyo wasn't that hard. 

"Do you really need to go?" Daichi asked in a saddened tone. 

"Can't do anything, son. I need to go… the higher-ups are banging their heads on their tables while bitching about everything!" Kemono grumbled. 

"Looks like they can't get anything without you, mom," Daichi said and Kemono nodded her head with a grin on her face. 

"You are right about that… I am going to miss you, son," Kemono softly said and she pulled Daichi into her arms. 

"I will miss you too, mom," Daichi said as he hugged her back. The two of them separated and Daichi placed his lips on Kemono's. The woman happily returned the kiss. After a minute, the two of them finally parted their lips. 

"Don't forget to tell me if you end up banging someone," Kemono said as she stroked her son's cheek. 

"Right now, I don't have any plans to bang anyone…" Daichi answered dryly. 

"Oh… I thought you had a date with your homeroom teacher today?" Kemono asked in a confused tone.

"Yes, but we are meeting in a cafe… I won't start banging her right there, you know" Daichi argued back and Kemono started to cackle. Teasing her son was really fun. 

"But you can always bang her after the date… maybe bring her here to show her around?" Kemono questioned and Daichi simply rolled his eyes. 

"She has school today… I am a college student. I can always skip a day or two without any notice but she doesn't have that leisure," Daichi reminded his mother. 

"Pity… Well, whatever. Take care, son. I need to leave now or I will miss my flight!" Kemono said and pecked her son on the lips before she turned around and climbed into her car. Moments later, she drove off while waving her hand outside the window. 

(Cars Images Here)

Daichi turned around and found Roberta dutifully standing there in her usual maid uniform. "It is still early morning… why don't you join me in bed?" Daichi questioned, and Roberta simply shook her head. 

"I can't Daichi-sama, I am already on duty," Roberta said with a straight face. 

"Can't you… I mean, take a day off, or something like that?" Daichi questioned dramatically. 

"I can't Daichi-sama, I have my duties," Roberta answered. Daichi slowly approached Roberta and snaked his arms around the purple-haired woman's waist, and pulled her closer. 

"You know, I don't care about all that, right?" Daichi asked Roberta, and the bespectacled woman simply blushed as she meekly nodded her head. She really wanted to accept Daichi's proposal… she would love spending time with her lover, but Roberta had a secret… 

She had a mistress kink. She simply wanted to be Daichi's bed warmer. Just thinking about how he would just use her for his pleasures and then leave her made her really excited. 

Daichi slowly lowered his head and placed his lips on Roberta's. The purple-haired maid moaned in pleasure as she simply allowed Daichi to explore her mouth. Daichi slowly lowered his hands behind her back until his hands were firmly resting on the woman's firm and perky ass. He gave a tight squeeze and the woman moaned again. 

After a few minutes, the two of them finally separated. Roberta's face was slightly flushed and her eyes were slightly dilated due to the lust. "I love you, Roberta-Chan," Daichi said as he hugged the woman tightly. 

Roberta simply snuggled into his chest like a meek rabbit. "Hn" the woman meekly nodded her head. After a few minutes, the two of them finally returned to the house. Roberta started to prepare breakfast and Daichi simply plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. 

"Daichi-sama, are you going to take the Hummer?" Roberta asked from the kitchen. 

"Nah… parking a Hummer in a busy street is a pain in the ass. I will take my bike," Daichi answered, and Roberta didn't say anything else.

All of a sudden Daichi's phone started to ring. A smile appeared on Daichi's face as his gaze landed on the caller id. Daichi lowered the volume of the TV and accepted the call. 

"Don't tell me you are changing the plans… if so, I would be very displeased," Daichi said in a mock-serious tone. 

"N-No… No-nothing like that!! I just called you to confirm our date. Are you sure that you aren't going to have any problems due to skipping your college?" A feminine answered with a stutter from the other side. 

"You don't have to worry about my classes," Daichi answered. 

"Daichi-kun, as a teacher I am really offended, but as a lover, I am really happy. I will be waiting for you at our usual spot," The feminine voice said and Daichi hummed. 

"Yeah… that will be fine. I will meet you in an hour," Daichi said, and this time the feminine voice seemed to hum after hearing Daichi's words. 

"See you in an hour! Love you, Daichi-kun," the woman said and disconnected the call. Daichi got up and turned off the TV. He placed his phone on the kitchen table and made his way to his room. 

<POV Daichi>

I walked out of the bath after taking a nice and warm shower. Rummaging through my wardrobe, I finally grabbed a pair of blue faded jeans, a black t-shirt, and a denim jacket to go along with the rest of my getup. I practically flew down the stairs as I was pretty excited about the date. 

I was going to meet her after a whole month, which is a long time. I entered the kitchen and pecked Roberta on her lips. "Are you leaving, Daichi-sama?" Roberta asked while preparing the sandwiches.

"In a few minutes, let me have a sandwich before that," I said and grabbed a sandwich. 

"Of course, Daichi-sama," Roberta said, but I was already at the table. With my other hand, I grabbed my phone as I started to browse through the Internet. I quickly gulped down the sandwich. 

"Roberta-Chan, I will be leaving," I said as I got up from the table and grabbed a couple of napkins. I quickly wiped my hands and threw them towards the trash can without even looking. The ball of crumpled napkins landed inside the trash can. 

"Stay safe, Daichi-sama," Roberta said from the back and I simply waved my hand as I entered the garage. 

I quickly grabbed my helmet and as soon as my eyes landed on my bike, my eyes lit up in excitement. It has been some time since I have taken it out. My mom bought it for me when I turned sixteen. Like any other teenage boy, I dreamed of having a bike and it was finally fulfilled on my sixteenth birthday. 

(Image Here) 

I pressed the door button and the garage slowly opened. I slowly pushed the bike outside the garage, and turned around to close the garage door but found that Roberta was already there. So, I simply gave her another wave and climbed on the bike and put the key in the ignition. 

I put on my helmet and twisted the throttle after pressing the ignition button. The bike roared to life. I quickly put it in gear and moments later, I was riding towards Tokonosu City. It would take me around 20 minutes to arrive at the spot where I usually met with her. 

I had enough time, but you shouldn't keep a lady waiting, so I decided to speed up. It took me only 15 minutes to arrive at our usual meeting spot. I looked around and she wasn't here yet, so I decided to wait. I pulled out my phone and took off my helmet. 

Only after a few minutes, did I see a woman approaching with a bright smile on her face. The woman had reddish-brown hair, which was kept in a loose ponytail with long strands hanging down in front of each ear. The woman had light-brown eyes and she also wore a pair of frameless glasses. The woman had a full figure with large breasts and a round and perky ass. 

(Image Here) 

The woman's name was Kyoko Hayashi. She was my homeroom teacher when I was studying at Fujimi Highschool. Kyoko Hayashi taught Economics. When I met her, she was a woman who was pretty unsatisfied with her life. Obviously, that changed, and yours truly was responsible for that change. 

After our relationship kicked off, her life became much more fun and colourful. Her words, not mine. Having a forbidden relationship with her student, seemed to spice up her bland life. Even though she became happy after that, she still maintained her strictness inside the class. 

"Daichi-kun, I have missed you so much!" Kyoko said as she placed her lips on mine. 

I happily returned the kiss with equal excitement. Our tongues intertwined as we explored each other's mouths. We finally separated after a few seconds. 

"I thought that you would forget about me now that you are in college…" Kyoko said softly and I simply shook my head. "You must have a lot of younger women gunning after you, don't you?" Kyoko questioned in a teasing tone and I simply grinned. 

"I do… but none of them are you. You already know that I like mature women" I said with a grin. Kyoko smacked my shoulder, but a soft smile appeared on her face. 

"You still have your way with words" Kyoko said and I simply shrugged. 

"What can I say… when I am with you, compliments come out of my mouth on their own" I said with a teasing grin. 

"Flattering will get you anywhere… but you don't need to lie, you know. I know I will never have you for myself, but that is fine. I will enjoy whatever I get," Kyoko said with a grin and pecked me on my cheek. She then put on her own helmet she brought with her. 

I didn't bother to correct her as it was the truth. I didn't want to give her fake hope, and she has already accepted the fact. She simply wanted to enjoy her life with me as long as she could. Kyoko slowly climbed on the back seat and she snaked her arms around my waist. She pressed her large breasts on my back as she placed her chin over my shoulder. 

"Let's go to that cafe near my school… I won't be late that way," Kyoko said, and I nodded my head and gave her my phone to hold. I put on my helmet as I slowly made my way towards the cafe with a lovely woman sitting behind me… 


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