
The Beginning of The End/MLP (Horror)

This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" (MLP) that you can listen to on youtube. I take no credit for this script, I am just rewriting it. I highly suggest you go listen to it. It is very good. Credit goes to the Author. Princess Celestia starts to write a journal, documenting the strange letters that she has received from her student, Twilight Sparkle. Who died a year ago. Things go from bad to worse as she struggles to understand if somepony is playing a prank on her or Twilight really is becoming more and more powerful in the afterlife.

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Chapter One:

AN: This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" that you can listen to on youtube by Scribbler Productions.

Journal Entry One: December, 15, XXXX

This is my first...Entry to this journal. When I was younger I wrote one in the castle of the two sisters. But that was centuries ago. I never found myself needing to go back and recount my life choices. But the most recent events have caused me to reconsider that notion.

I am writing this down as a timeline. The events I am about to describe might not seen significant. It may seem that I am losing my sanity by worrying about this. Maybe I am. But everything seems to be going wrong.

Today started out as usual. I made breakfast for Luna and I. We sat down, having a normal conversation for once when suddenly I received a note from Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Sparkle is supposed to be dead. She died in a terrible accident a year ago and ponies have still been grieving. Especially her friends. Not only did Twilight send me a letter but the fire that it came in, it would usually be a usual light green because of Spike but this...this was a black fire. Something I have never seen before.

Luna and I stopped what we were doing immediately. Both of us staring at the scroll on the table with anxiety. I thought this was some joke. No pony else but Twilight and Spike know how to send me letters like that. There could be no pony else. But I refused to believe that. It had to be a sick joke.

I carefully unscrolled the letter. It went as follows:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I hope you receive this letter. I believe I am dead. So if that is the case, this must be quite a surprise I imagine. I am not quite sure I am dead. I don't even know where I am. I feel cold. Lifeless. It is a new feeling. I am sitting in a dark void with nothing. I have only managed to conjure up this scroll and quill so far.

The last thing I remember was a tree falling on top of me during a storm, then I awoke here. I am rather lonely so this is helping quite a bit. Wait... I am starting to feel something. My magic is...growing?

Yes, this seems strange. As I read this back I notice that this must not make any sense. I must continue my research. I will be sure to update you as I further try to explore my new world.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle."

I will admit. I am terrified. This must be a sick joke. I will try to get some sleep. Although I don't think it will come easily. Maybe I should discuss it with Luna. I dismissed the matter with her rather rudely this morning and haven't spoken to her since.

This has helped calm my nerves. I am sure I will find out how I received this letter tomorrow.

-Princess Celestia