
The Bankai Magical Girl Hero (MHA x Bleach OC)

Kouki Yoshikawa was born quirkless in a quirk filled world. This caused him to receive harsh treatment from everyone he saw, even getting into fights, but he always fought back even when he knew he would lose. After a while it began to annoy him so he ditched school for the day. To apologise to his mom he went to an inconspicuous store to purchase an apology gift when he stumbled across a strange badge. After, he ran into an old “friend” of his. Not even a while later said old “friend” killed him. However, the strange badge called out to him awakening his powers as a Bankai Magical G-Girl?! Using these strange powers he finally has a chance to show the world that he is someone special. # I’ve noticed quite a boost in gender-bend fanfics recently, so I thought I’d try one. I have like 2 other possible stories that I would make (non-gender-bend) if I had the motivation, but to celebrate the return of Bleach and season 6 of MHA I thought I’d do this. If gender-bend ain’t something you like then I guess this story won’t be for you A chapter will come out whenever I feel like as I’m only doing this to relieve some boredom. I’m only just starting so don’t expect much. ‘’’…’’’ is for Zangetsu speaking in Kouki’s mind. # I don’t own MHA or Bleach, they are owned by Kohei Horikoshi and Tite Kubo respectively. Neither do I own any of the other anime mentioned here. The cover art is most certainly not mine. If the original artist wants me to remove it then I’ll be happy to. The genderbending is obviously only during the transformation and the OC in his transformation is Orihime in Ichigo’s Fullbring Shikai outfit *refer to cover art*. It’s just too drippy. P.S The new Bleach opening and the Chainsaw Man opening bang don’t they?

Vanadine · Cómic
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9 Chs

Chapter 1 - Zangetsu

A lonesome black haired teenage boy trudged his way through the bustling streets of the city. His hands tucked tightly into the pockets of his plain blue hoodie. After walking around for what seemed forever a small buzz came from the right pocket of his black jeans.

Taking it out, he gazed at his smartphone. In bright blue text "Mom" was plastered in the center of the screen. 'It's mom huh… I guess she's gonna be mad at me for ditching school today. Principal probably called her.'

Although he didn't want to, he forced himself to answer the call. Pressing the answer button he lifted the phone to his right ear.

"Hey-" He tried to speak, but she interrupted him before he could try to talk himself out of trouble.

*Why didn't you go to school today?* She spoke quietly, but with a hint of sternness and disappointment. The boy half expected the reaction, but felt betrayed. She should know why he chose to skip school.

"Why are you asking me? You know what that school is like, evil and corrupt. No sane quirkless person would want to even go there!" He immediately felt bad and wanted to apologise, but could not as his mom beat him to the punch.

*I'm sorry. Just make sure you're back home for dinner, okay sweetie?* She hung up leaving her son to feel even more guilty.

'Tch, why do I always do that?' He debated whether to head straight home to apologise, but decided it wasn't the right time. He then noticed a couple people looking on in confusion at his outburst. Only glaring at them in return.

They all moved on which gave him a chance to calm himself down with a few deep breaths. He chose to wallow in his own pity for a little while longer through the streets of musutafu. Such is the life of Kouki Yoshikawa.


'My life certainly wasn't blessed, at least not like most of the world. I was born quirkless, which means I was born in the 20% that does not have a supernatural ability. In this world, a quirk is the be all and end all. Quirkless people like me are scorned for not being like them, even people with quirks are judged by others. It's a blatant hierarchy of power that's defined by the strongest.

Of course I fall at the bottom, as a quirkless person should be. School is where this hierarchy can be seen all too well. The bullies dominate the weaker ones and then the weaker ones bully the quirkless, in rare cases it can even be quirkless vs quirkless.

In elementary school I lied and said my quirk gave me good reflexes, which was actually true, but they were only above average. As time passed and their quirks developed and gained a little more intelligence it was hard for me to avoid them any longer. They realised I had lied which made me even more of a target.

I managed to sneak by regardless, but that changed drastically in middle school. I knew I couldn't lie to any of them, they would figure me out instantly. That's not to say I didn't stand my ground. I thought back the best I could, which often landed me in the principal's office. At first I thought he would expel both me and all the bullies, but that expectation wasn't met.

Whenever a fight broke out it didn't really affect me… I got used to it. However, I recently felt bothered by it which explains today's events.'

Kouki arrived in front of a small store. It was an average store that you could find on any street corner. Entering he met eyes with the store clerk. A tall man with scruffy blond hair with a white and green striped hat. The rest of his clothes weren't something many people wore in this day and age, a black haori and a green samue.

"Can I help you young man?" The clerk looked at Kouki with a carefree, but manipulative smile. He wondered whether he might have walked into the right place. There was no one else in here besides him.

Choosing to stay he answered the mysterious man. "Uh, yeah. Do you have any kind of apology gifts? You know.. something to give to your mom after falling out."

The clerk brought his hand to his chin, humming to himself. After a few seconds his face rose, his fist hitting his hand, almost as if a light bulb just appeared above his head. "Yes I do, but I'll have to go in the back to look. Please look around while you wait!"

Now left alone in the store he felt uncomfortable, but he felt like he should at least take him up on the offer.

Looking around the store, he noticed a peculiarity. Most of the interior looked modern, however there was a corner that looked out of place. It looked like someone had just covered it with a tatami floor and wooden shelves, it was like a glitch in a video game.

The items placed upon the shelves were ancient, you would think you were in an antique shop. Old chairs, cups, clothes and accessories. 'Who would even buy this stuff?' After sifting through a box of items on display, his hand touched an object deep at the bottom. Upon contact a great shock vibrated along his body.

"Aagh!" Reaching out he pulled with him a strange pentagonal badge with a skull embedded in front of a cross with large ropes tied around the end.

'''say.. my….name..'''

In a fright he dropped the badge onto the floor, he looked around in search of the voice. Not seeing anyone he looked back towards the badge in caution. 'It didn't come from the badge, right?' To test his theory he picked up the badge again.

After standing there on alert for about half a minute the clerk came back out with a smile on his face which surprised Kouki. "Ta da! Here it is, the 'Best Mom In The World' cup! That will be 500 Yen pleas- Oh I see… you're purchasing that old thing?"

He only nodded in reply, even though he was discontent with the pricing of the cup.

"Alrighty then! I'll give you 50% off as thanks for taking that thing off my hands. Always wanted that thing gone, but no one would buy it. 250 yen please." The clerk opened his hand with impatience.

'My suspicions of that badge haven't been cleared, but that discount doesn't sound so bad.' He grabbed the money out of his pocket and placed it in his hands. The clerk's smile broadened even more in glee. He placed the items inside a brown paper bag.

"Thank you for your patronage child. I hope they serve you well."

"Yeah.. I'm sure they will." Kouki turned towards the exit without ever looking back at the clerk. Unaware of the stare he received from the sketchy man.

'I guess I'll head home now. I need to give this cup to mom and then look at this badge more thoroughly.' Before he could even have more time to himself a voice made itself known from behind him.

"OI! OI! OI! Look who we have here! My old punching bag Kouki!" He immediately recognised the voice, turning around he was met with shit-eating grin of an old 'buddy' of his. A tall lanky boy with jagged glass hair and sharp teeth, his quirk allows him to create and control glass. From the looks of it he goes to Aldera as the uniform matches.

"Oh it's you… Kira. I thought you would have grown up since that last fight in elementary, guess I was wrong." He knew that would get under his skin and that's why he said it.

"Ngh! You haven't changed either, you still haven't learnt how insignificant you are. If you were at my middle school you would wish you were dead. Isn't that right, brothers?" He turned to the two no-name lackeys behind him.

They were identical twins, but to differentiate Lackey 1 had a large blue mohawk whereas Lackey 2 had a green mullet. Also wearing the same uniform. They both happened to reply at the same time with exact same words. "Yeah Yeah! You'll die!"

"Why don't we test it out then?" In response the three stooges looked between each other and then proceeded to grin manically.

Kira grabbed hold of Kouki and directed him into a desolate alleyway with the twin henchman right behind. Pushing him against the wall, he relayed his demands

"Alright Mr. Quirkless, I know you're a big baby deep inside so I'll let you off if you give me what you have in that bag. Sounds like a deal?"

"No, you said you wanted to fight so let's go." He wasn't sure he could take him anymore, but he had to try.

"Grgh, I don't have time for this… gimme that!" Just before he could move away a large pane of glass sprouted from the ground preventing him from moving, which allowed Kira to grab ahold of the bag.

Opening it up he seemed disappointed, "Crap, just a cup and a weird badge. Should have just had that fight. I find it funny, you bought a cup for your mom, why would you buy something for someone as useless as someone like her!? Oh right… I forgot aren't you a-"


Kouki's right fist collided with Kira's chin, sending him tumbling to the ground. Kouki stood straight with anger as he stared at the confused Kira, who was touching his chin in pain. That then switched to annoyance and most importantly.. rage. "OI! Grab him!"

Following their boss' orders they grabbed his arms to prevent him from moving. "You really want to die that bad huh?" A sharp rod of glass appeared from his hand, he waved it in front of him with a sadistic smile on his face. "You remember my quirk don't you? It was always slow and brittle, but now I've trained to make it my own murder weapon."

He created 3 more and aimed them at his chest. He couldn't stop giggling, but even though Kouki looked a little worried he was prepared for the pain."Now you'll finally learn where you stand!"


The glass pierced straight through, a chilling pain attached to his body. "AARRGGHH!!" His eyes began to go bloodshot, blood poured out of his mouth, it dripped down his face. He fell to the floor in agony. All the while Kira watched in delight as he witnessed his object of hate suffer in pain.

'Nhh.. I-If only I had… the pow..er…'

Darkness grew, he couldn't see anything anymore, no more sound. It was horrible. 'Is this what death is?'

In the far distance a figure of darkness stood. Everything behind it was blank white. It spoke to him, but it was inaudible. He tried to move closer, but he was locked in place. His point of view flashed closer and closer, still he could not hear what it was saying.

He had then finally been positioned in front of the darkness. The head of the darkness was split in half, revealing only a mouth. It was now that he could hear its words.

'''Stand up and fight.'''

'''This isn't the time for you to die.'''

'''With me by your side you won't ever lose.'''

'''Shout! My name is…'''