

“I need to awaken the Hunter, That’s our only chance of survival.” In a world ravaged by the escalating conflict between vampires and werewolves, humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction. The collateral damage from the battles between these supernatural beings has left cities in ruins and countless lives lost. Amidst the despair, hope emerges in the form of a legendary figure known as the "HUNTER," a dormant warrior believed to possess the power to end the bloodshed.

Happy_Uwaifo · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Ch 7

After spending hours, researching from one city to another about the sleeping hunter and everything there is about him.

Leon, the vampire that was sent to find the family who are guardian to the mysterious hunter finally found a lead. 

He arrived in a black jeep which was shaded on all sides to prevent sun from penetrating in. 

There are four vampires along with him as their car pulled right in front of the Richmond's house which was Kate's house.

They covered themselves with a big black cloak chiding them away from the sun and they use their vamp-speed to run to the front of the house.

They found the door locked and with one kick, Leon kicked hardly on the door and it gave way to them and they entered.

"Spread out. Look for anything that can help us locates them" Leon said immediately they entered and they spread out.

Two went upstairs while another two were looking around some other sides in the house for anything that can help find them.

Leon stayed back at the living room also looking around for information. 

He moved closer to the shelf and found a family picture which consist of two parents and two children.

He figured they must be the occupant of the house which means they are the family he's been looking for.

He brought out his phone and took the picture of the family. He forwarded it to every other vampire out there to begin the search for them.

Just when he was done sending the picture, the other vampires in the house came out holding clothes in their hands."

"We found something" One of them said as they came down to show him the cloth they found.

"Let me have it" Leon said then he collected the clothes and sniffed it to study the scent.

"I perceive three different scents which mean two different people. Two were faint while one is still strong around this house"

"We can follow it which will lead us to one of the occupant of this house" he concluded.

"What about the other two people?" One of the vampires asked.

"You don't have to worry about them, I already sent out their picture to every vampire out there"

"I made it their number one priority and their order is to kill them immediately" Leon concluded.

"Nothing can prevent the family from dying today because their death has been signed.

"C'mon guys, let's get this done as quickly as possible"

Kate's POV


My friends rained questions on me the drive to the location where our experiment will be taking place.

"Are you out of your mind? How could you say that to them?"

"You know how dangerous these guys are?"

"Remember Evan is not here with us and you're not fighting two people this time around" my friends said to me and I could see fear written all over their faces.

"It's alright guys. this is not your battle, I'll handle it" I replied smiling at them.

"I'd suggest we go apologize before things got worse" Emily said and I turned to her immediately.

"We will do no such thing. If anyone's going to apologize it's them, not us because we did nothing wrong" I replied.

"Wait Kate, do you have any superpower that you're not telling us?" Abby asked and I smiled.

"Don't be silly Abby, what powers?" I replied.

"I'm serious Kate because this your sudden attitude is alarming and I'm scared" Abby said. 

"Girls, there's nothing to be afraid of. Someone just have to stood up against these guys and let them know we can't be messed with" I replied.

"ALRIGHT EVERYBODY, WE ARE HERE." The professor announced and we started alighting the bus one after the other.

As we got off the bus Kira and her crew keep giving me a dagger stare and an evil grin. I knew they are stronger and faster than me but to defeat them I need to be smarter.

The professor started leading us to where our experiment will be taking place. I looked around and realized the building was surrounded with trees.

I can't draw my friends into this fight because they have no idea what they are up against. So I have no choice but to draw them away from my friends.

"I have to get away from here for a minute, I'll be back" I whispered drawing closer to them.

"What! Where are you going?" Abby asked.

"You know of the situation we are in. You can't leave at this moment" Emily added.

"It's alright girls. I know what I'm doing" I replied.

"But no matter what happened stay close to the professor. They won't try anything as long as you're close to him" I added.

"Do you really have to leave?" Abby asked.

"Yes, I do" I replied.

"Alright then, please be careful" she added then I move away from the group. 

As I moved away from them I could see Aaron and Kira and the rest of their crew watching me as I move away and heading towards the woods.


Aaron and his friends watched as Kate went into the woods and they grinned widely at each other.

"This girl really loved trouble and her bravery is inspiring" One of their friend's said.

"That's not bravery, that's stupidity" Kira said.

"What should we do about her?" Aaron asked.

"Let's teach her some lesson. She lacks manners" Kira replied.

"Remember guy, we can't reveal who we are and we must be at the ceremony tonight before the full moon" she added.

"Well then, let's not waste any more minute" Aaron said and they head toward the woods towards Kate.


They all got to the woods and looked around for Kate, after looking around for a while they found her standing at ease obviously waiting for them.

"There you are. We've been looking all around for you" Aaron said as they faced her.

"I thought you tried to make a run for it which is smart and understandable" he added smiling and Kate chuckled.

"Don't be silly. I'm not someone who runs away from a fight, especially when it is up against you morons" Kate replied.

"I've had enough of this rubbish" one of their friends said then he charged towards her.

As he got to her, Kate started throwing punches at him which he dodged skillfully then quickly gave her a punch on the face.

She fell to the ground groaning in pain. Kira and others were laughing when they saw what just happened.

"Adrian, take it easy on her" Kira said amidst laughter.

Adrian moved closer to Kate on the ground and grabbed her by the neck; he lifted her up on the ground till her feet no longer touch the ground.

"You don't just talk anyhow to people. Learn how to control your big fat mouth because you don't know who we are and what we are capable" Adrian said as he tighten his fist around her neck.

"Actually, I do" Kate managed to say then she pulled out a syringe and stab him on the neck.

Adrian released her immediately and realized something strange is happening to him. He started screaming and groaning in pain.

This took the others by surprise as they saw him rolling on the ground and groaning in pain.

They quickly moved towards him to find out what happened.

"Hey man, what's wrong?" Aaron asked then they noticed him purging out foamy substance.

"Wolfsbane?" Kira said in shock then they look up at Kate who was taking a few steps backward.

"She knows?" Aaron said then his surprise look now turned to that of anger.

"You just made your biggest mistake" Aaron added then he started to transform and the others joined as well as they turned.

"C'mon doggy, don't keep me waiting" Kate replied then she started running away.