

“I need to awaken the Hunter, That’s our only chance of survival.” In a world ravaged by the escalating conflict between vampires and werewolves, humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction. The collateral damage from the battles between these supernatural beings has left cities in ruins and countless lives lost. Amidst the despair, hope emerges in the form of a legendary figure known as the "HUNTER," a dormant warrior believed to possess the power to end the bloodshed.

Happy_Uwaifo · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Ch 8

Kate's POV


When I saw that they started to transform to the monster they truly are, I knew i can't wait around any longer.

I started running as fast as I could without looking back. 

I knew the situation will be very different this time around because they now know that I know about them.

They will do everything in their power to kill me and I can't let that happen.

After running around for some minutes in the woods I could heard them howled which means they are getting closer.

I turned back and could see them running after me and I knew it's only a matter of time before they got to me.

I knew it's time to take another one out, so I took another direction and like the moron they are, they followed after me.

One of them who was getting very close to me unknowingly tripped a wire which I planted on the ground as trap.

Out of nowhere a big tree came out and hit it very hard which sent him to the ground and rendered it unconscious. 

'Gotcha' I jubilated.

It turned back into human form and turned out it's another of their crew.

'I really which that to be Aaron or Kira' I thought then continue running.

The rest of them stopped when they saw what just happened and they took another direction trying to avoid the traps.

Unknowingly for them, they are playing right into my hand.

I keep on running leading them to another direction, two of the wolves were running after me and just before they got to me. I pulled out a small bag filled with wolfsbane powder and poured it on them.

The two of them fell on the ground and started rolling on the ground groaning in pain. I pulled out a silver dagger to stab them.

Wolfsbane is a poison strong enough to kill them while a silver dagger to the heart will kill them instantly.

Just as I was about to stab them another one suddenly jumped on me. It scratched my leg as we rolled on the ground.

I grabbed the silver dagger and plunged it in it's heart and it howled out loud till it died and changed back to It's human form.

I turned back and see there's only one left who growling at me and from the look of it, it's definitely Kira.

"I know you can hear me Kira. You can turn back and leave now or share the same fate with rest of your pack" I said glaring at her.

"Owwooo" she howled out then she ran off.


John received a message from Ben that he found the family in contact with the Hunter and he sent him the address.

John and the other three arrived at the location and met with Ben who has been waiting a few blocks away from the house for hours.

"Hey Ben" John said as they got to him.

"Good, you're here. We really need to hurry up" Ben replied.

"If that's the case you should have go into the house to see what you can find before we get here instead of waiting for us to get here before making your move" John replied.

"That's what I'm trying to explain. I couldn't do anything because when I got here, the vampires are already inside" Ben replied.

"What? In broad daylight?" One of the guys said.

"Yes, they covered themselves up with cloak" Ben replied.

"This is very serious then. To make the vampires came out during the day. We can't take any chances" John said.

"Are they still inside?" He asked.

"No, they are gone but I don't know what or who is inside, so I thought I should wait for you guys" Ben replied.

"C'mon let's go" John said and they all walked to the front of the house. The got to the door and found it broken.

They sniffed around and realized no one is inside so they entered and saw everywhere scattered.

"Let's look around for anything useful" John said and they spread out.

"That won't be necessary" Ben replied looking at frame on the wall. "These are the people we are looking for" he added pointing to the picture.

John and the others draw closer to see the picture and when John saw them, he recognizes someone from the picture.

"NO! It can't be" he said out in disbelief.

"Wait what?...why? Do you know them?" Ben asked.

"This girl here is one my son's friend. They go to the same school together" John explained.

"I just don't understand, how come?, How is her family all tied to all of these?" He added.

"Well I'm sorry to say this John. We can't let the vampires have her. I hope you understand that?" Ben said.

"I do but, we have to make sure it's going to be our last resort" John said.

"We'll try our best but right now we need to find her before the vampires do" Ben replied.

"Do you have any idea where she could be?" He added.

"My son told me about an experiment away from the school. That's where she's going to be" John replied.

"Good" Ben replied then he took the picture of the family and sent it all to every werewolves in and outside the city.

"Let's go and let's hope the vampires don't have them first" he said and they all went out and entered their car and drove off.


Chris and Linda Williams (Kate's parent) are a few miles away from the place where the Hunter was buried when Mr. Williams noticed they are low on gasoline.

"Oh shit, we need to refill" he announced to his sleeping wife who woke up immediately.

"Oh...we are almost there" she said yawning.

"Yeah, let's see if we can find a gas station around here" he replied then started looking around.

"Wait. Let me check the map" his wife said as she check the car for the map. She brought out the map and found one nearest to their position.

"Take a turn over there. There's one around that side" she said pointing at the road.

They followed the map and found the gas station just around the corner. As Chris came out of the car to get his car refilled, he noticed two people looking at him.

The two men were holding out their phones and giving him a weird look. He noticed something is not right, so immediately his car is filled he went back inside the car.

"Is everything alright?" Linda asked immediately she noticed his thinking expression.

"I don't know but two men at the filling station were staring weirdly at me" he replied.

"Who are they?" Linda asked looking towards the place could found no one.

"They are gone. We need to get out of here immediately" Chris replied then ignited the engine and drove off.

They keep on driving along the road until they noticed a car broke down in the middle of the road and two ladies waving at them to stop.

"What are they doing around here" Chris muttered as he slowed down his car and pulled over.

"How can I help you ladies?" Chris said as he and his wife get out of their car.

"Thank you so much sir. We don't know what happened, our car just broke down in the middle of nowhere" One of the ladies replied.

"I'm sorry ladies, but we really have a very important place to be" Linda replied apologetically.

"Please help us sir. We've been here for quite a while now" the other lady added.

"Alright, I'm not promising but I'll see what I can do" Chris replied then opened the car bonnet and started working on it.

Just as Chris was working on the bonnet, Linda noticed a fast movement around the trees and knew immediately something isn't right.

"Honey, we need to leave right now" she said going back to their car.

"But why? Please let him help us" one of the ladies pleaded.

"NOW" she shouted angrily and Chris left the car immediately.

One of the ladies attacked him immediately grabbing him by the neck in other to snap it, Chris used the screwdriver in his hand to stab her in the eyes.

"AHHH" she screamed out in pain.

The other lady charged at Linda but she was fast enough to bring out a crossbow from the car and shot her in the eye.

Chris and his wife moved closer to each of the ladies and they pull out their silver knife then stab them both and they died instantly.

"Why are the werewolves after us?" Linda asked.

"I don't know" Chris replied then they heard the werewolves howling.

"We need to go right now, there's more coming" Linda replied as they both entered the car and drove off.